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Vocabulary To sproutGerminar SeedsLlavors What you need Lentils, garbanzos or chickpeas, beans… Plastic cup or glass jars Permanent marker Cotton Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary To sproutGerminar SeedsLlavors What you need Lentils, garbanzos or chickpeas, beans… Plastic cup or glass jars Permanent marker Cotton Water."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary To sproutGerminar SeedsLlavors

3 What you need Lentils, garbanzos or chickpeas, beans… Plastic cup or glass jars Permanent marker Cotton Water Whatever you need depending on your design.

4 WHAT YOU NEED-MATERIAL FrigdeStove Seeds Substratum : cotton/no cotton Tap water/no water Glass jarPlastic cup CoveredDark

5 Question? What are we going to investigate? Variables: light-shade-dark humidity-dryness temperature (cold, room temperature, hot) air-no air.

6 Shade/ShadowLightDark Wet/HumidityDry/Dryness ColdRoom Temperature Hot/Warm VARIABLES

7 Hypothesis VariablesA LOTHALF/HALF NOT VERY MUCH/ NOT AT ALL Humidityx Lightx Temperaturex Airx

8 Two treatments that you think help the seeds to sprout. Two treatments that you think prevent or are not so good for the seeds to sprout.

9 1rst week We check how many seeds have sprouted in each treatment and we measure the lenght of the sprouts. We write down the treatments in 4 different charts ad take a picture of the results. Continue the treatments that were Ok and change the ones that went wrong.

10 Treatment 1Treatment 2Treatment 3Treatment 4 3210 Number of sprouted seeds Treatment 1Treatment 2Treatment 3Treatment 4 2 cm 1 cm O,5 cm / Sprouts length

11 1rst week Good conditions What is the problem?

12 Discussion No results are results: change treatments Good results: continue treatments

13 Good conditions

14 2nd week We check again the numbrer of seeds sprouted. We mesure again the sprouts length.

15 Conclusions Germination is the process by which seeds sprout. When seeds are ready to be planted, warmth, water, and oxygen are all needed for a seed to germinate. The seed contains the plant embryo, which stores enough food to give the baby plant all the energy it needs to sprout. After the seeds sprout and use up all the stored food, they do need light to grow. The light is needed for photosynthesis, which provides the plant’s food source.

16 Questions In order to grow the seeds need (write the variables): Why don’t the seeds need light to sprout? Seeds don’t need light to sprout because they have… When does light become necessary to the plant? The plant needs light when the....

17 VARIABLES In the shade/in the light/in the dark. At room temperature/At low temperature (fridge) / With warmth (stove). With humidity/with no humidity (dry). With cotton (it absorbs and maintains humidity)/with no cotton. Covered (more humidity)/Not covered. Oxygen/ no oxygen.

18 What you have learnt-Your notes. Oral activity: outline. Written assignement: outline.

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