Supt. Conference Day January 30, 2012 Today’s Objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Supt. Conference Day January 30, 2012 Today’s Objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supt. Conference Day January 30, 2012 Today’s Objectives

2 Here’s what our day looks like… 8:00 - 9:00amBackground information 9:00 - 11:30amUnwrapping the Standards Writing standards Language standards 11:30 - 12:30Lunch on your own 12:30 - 2:30Meet back in my room - assess where we are, where we are headed, any questions Continue unwrapping the Standards Reading standards

3 Hmmm… sounds kind of ambitious for an early Monday morning…when your brain is still half asleep…well…

4 Don’t worry…be happy!

5 Common Core Standards – English Language Arts K-12 The standards are organized into three main sections Each section is divided into strands Each strand features grade-level standards that are anchored in college and career readiness standards Standards for English Language Arts —and— Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects GRADES K-5 Standards for English Language Arts GRADES 6-12 Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects GRADES 6-12 Reading Writing Speaking & Listening Language Reading Writing Speaking & Listening Language Reading Writing

6 Using the Six Instructional Shifts as a Lens for Unit Design

7 Instructional Shifts for the Common Core Six Shifts in ELA/Literacy Balancing Informational & Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-Based Answers Writing From Sources Academic Vocabulary


9 SHIFT 5: Writing from Sources

10 ELA/Literacy Shift 5: Writing from Sources What the Student Does…What the Teacher Does… Begin to generate own informational texts Expect that students will generate their own informational texts (spending much less time on personal narratives) Present opportunities to write from multiple sources about a single topic. Give opportunities to analyze, synthesize ideas across many texts to draw an opinion or conclusion. Find ways to push towards a style of writing where the voice comes from drawing on powerful, meaningful evidence. Give permission to students to start to have their own reaction and draw their own connections. 10

11 The Anchor Standards The anchor standards are the same for grades K- 12. It is the grade level expectations that vary as students progress toward becoming college and career ready.


13 Writing Standards

14 Unwrapping the Standards

15 Standards Based vs. Standards Referenced

16 Writing Standards

17 Unwrapping the Standards Know…Do… [W.6.1a]

18 Unwrapping the Standards Know… Do… Argument Claim Reasons Relevant Evidence

19 [W.6.1a] Unwrapping the Standards Know…Do… Argument Claim Reasons Relevant Evidence Write arguments Introduce claims Organize reason/evidence logically

20 Unwrapping the Standards Know…Do… Argument Claim Reasons Evidence Introduce claims Acknowledge/distinguish opposing claims Logically organize reasons/evidence Understand… Arguments use claims to state the point of view. Good arguments organize reasons and evidence logically. [W.6.1a]

21 Other Elements of Writing Standards Production/Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge

22 These two areas can be done as a cluster rather than individually. Production and Distribution of Writing and Research to Build and Present Knowledge

23 So, what are we going to do for the rest of the day? Want to individually unwrap the Writing and Language standards. For the rest of the morning, want to start with the Writing standards and if possible move onto the Language standards.

24 Be sure to unwrap the standards individually first, then with your grade level. The ultimate goal would be to unwrap the standards and make them kid-friendly. This morning’s goal is to work on unwrapping the Writing and Language standards.

25 Resources to use: Your own CCLS – copy or mark them up OR you can use: Links off of my teacher webpage – Erie2 ELA wiki spaces page and the templates – if you are somewhat tech savvy you could use the template and copy and paste the standards onto the template for a typed copy!

26 Welcome back!

27 Hope you had a good lunch! Let’s assess where we are, where we are headed, and hopefully answer any questions you might have. The plan for the rest of the day: continue unwrapping the Standards – the Reading standards this afternoon. Meet back in my room at 2:30 to wrap things up.

28 What have you learned? As you unwrapped the writing standards, what did you notice? What questions does this examination of the standards raise? Which writing standards might you focus on in the development of your unit?

29 Thank you and I hope you found this day to be productive and beneficial.

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