1 AIDS EPIDEMIC IN COTE DIVOIRE TCHOMIAN Clement ADJE Technical Advisor, for care and support EGPAF.

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1 1 AIDS EPIDEMIC IN COTE DIVOIRE TCHOMIAN Clement ADJE Technical Advisor, for care and support EGPAF

2 Surface area 322 400 km2 / population 20m



5 SITUATION Prevalence: UNAIDS /WHO, 3.4% in 2009. 450 000 people infected by HIV in Côte dIvoire 220 000 female Majority of infected patients 15 years old and 63 000 children under 14 years old. Patients treated HAART 82 7212 in 2010 89 410 en 2011 36 Death Relay to HIV

6 SITUATION SITUATION: 90% site integrated HIV care in the routine service Laboratories VL laboratories available Genotype test resistance 2 LABs available CD4 available in 150 sites SITES HIV Testing all the sites ( 400 sites for care and treatment and 600 sites for PMTCT

7 CHALENGES Integration of HIV management in all sites Eradication of HIV in pediatric care service HIV National Program financing by PEPFAR CDC and other HIV Patients often expose to drug starvation Lost of follow up about 35% of patients initiated HIV therapy BIG CHALENGES

8 How do we plan if we are totally dependent on international financing for our national HIV program? Drug Availability? Lack of funds? Loss to Follow-up VL in routine genotypical test

9 Which Gold standard of care do we want for African HIV patients? At the end of the day the difference is clear

10 Despite all these challenges life continues

11 European AIDS Clinical Society THANK YOU

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