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Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project IR progam Outline Introduction Measurement.

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Presentation on theme: "Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project IR progam Outline Introduction Measurement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/061/11 IR progam Outline Introduction Measurement of thermal and optical properties of deposited layers and erosion zones Conditions of analysis Determination of thermal properties Measurement of BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectivity Distribution Function) In situ diagnostics on sector 6A Fibres Thermocouples Conclusion R. Reichle (RR) J.L. Gardarein (JLG), S. Carpentier (SC), M. Chantant (MC), C. Pocheau (CP), H. Roche (HR), R. Daviot (RD), J.C. Vallet (JCV), A. Durocher (AD), C. Brosset (CB), J.M. Travere (JMT), E. Gauthier (EG), F. Rigollet (FR, CNRS-IUSTI), D. Hernandez (DH, CNRS-PROMES), J.J. Serra (JJS, DGA-Odeillo), J.P. Lasserre (JLP, CEA/CESTA)

2 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/062/11 Determination of thermal and optical properties of deposition and erosion areas: Theses JLG & SC & RD concerned Realistic simulation of IR images (JMT ). with power flux calculation from IR data. Modification of in situ diagnostics Optical fibres: replacement of a defect fibre and preparation for in situ active thermography. Thermocouples: improvement of inverse calculation of power flux and development for ITER. Introduction: Motivations

3 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/063/11 Conditions of analysis Measurements not in the assembly hall but in dedicated laboratories. Samples and laboratories must comply to safety reglementations. Selection of samples : All 150 tiles on tile carriers which have not been removed for deuterium analysis. + 6 tiles for off site analysis: 2 for each zone: thick, thin deposits, erosion zone. Timing : On site measurements immediately after removal of tiles for D-investigation, Delay for off site measurements on tiles > 6 months. (CB)

4 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/064/11 Status quo of experimental determination of thermal properties of deposited layers With SATIR (RR, JCV 2003) & in JET NBI test bed (RD, EG 2006): 1 parameter. With CNRS-IUSTI (JLG, FR 2006) using pulsed photothermal method: (>) 2 parameters out of 4: thermal resistance + comb. out of thickness, cond., diff.

5 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/065/11 Measurement of thermal properties of deposits: pulsed photothermal method Possibilities: a) Continuation with collaboration CNRS-IUSTI b) Cleanroom laser – originally set up for speckles interferometry c) Detritiation laser Comparison: ScopeRealisationRessources Planning a) 6 samplesproven !SC + collab.> 2008 CNRS-IUSTI b)150 sampleslaser worksJLG, RD, CP,EG05/2007 must be tested1TPY, 1PPY prep. for this purpose1 k material3 days measurement c) 150 samplesin development JLG, HR> mi 2007 ? for other use1 k material Proposal: go for b) first, if not possible, check c) if not use a).

6 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/066/11 Measurement of thermal properties of deposits: other methods Possibilities: a) With DGA – Odeillo (JJS) mod. photothermal method: Cooldown delay of 6 months, few samples only, new contract (5k). b) Procurement of modulated laser > 10 kHz; ~ 30 k; Manpower ~ 0.5 year (CP) to set-up. Measurements (150 samples) ~3 days. ITER IR diagnostic relevant. c) Lock-in 2D with halogen lamps => following presentation (AD) Frequency (~0.5 Hz) too low => only one global parameter. d) SATIR method => following presentation (AD). As c) Proposal: => If budget for laser can be found : b), otherwise a). c) and d) will be done anyway. Phase lag for deposit of 100µm, 300µm, 1000µm

7 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/067/11 Measurement of BRDF (Bidirectional reflectivity distribution function) Important input for simulation of IR images – long term project (JMT) – finally for ITER. 3 years of collaboration with CNRS-PROMES (DH). Vis-NIR range only. Proposal for UV-IR range: Collaboration with CEA/CESTA (JPL) Scope: ~ 6 tiles Realisation: on the site of collaborators, Delay: > 6 months cool down time of tiles. Costs: TBD.

8 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/068/11 Status of in situ diagnostics on cassette 6A Fibre diagnostic: two working SiO 2 fibres, one destroyed ZrF 4 fibre (waterleak oct. 2002). No thermocouples.

9 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/069/11 Improvement of in situ fibre diagnostics 1)Replacement of defect ZrF 4 fibre : a) SiO 2 multimode fibre (already here: 0), b)ZrF 4 fibre (7 k, 3 months procurement time). Could be used with modulated laser for in situ active thermography (ITER-relevant). 2) Upgrade of optics for even better active thermography by reduction of spot-sizes: a)Reduction of spotsize of illumination (10 k, > 6 months preparation) b)Reduction of readout spotsize, (18 k, ~12 months preparation). Proposal: if budget and planning for 05/2007: 1b otherwise: 1a if more time and more money: 1b + 2a + 2b

10 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/0610/11 Presently no temperature sensors in the vacuum vessel. Promising preliminary results obtained with the calorimetry. Set-up 1 TC imbedded in the finger and 1 TC on a outlet tube, - to test a thermal inverse method - to develop validate the TC technology and implementation technique Both aspects are of interest for ITER. (15 k, 6 months for the preparation and implementation) Temperature measurements for thermal inverse methods validation collecteur T outlet 2 fingers TC imbedded in the finger (MC,SC)

11 Association Euratom-CEA TORE SUPRA Tore Supra limiter sector dismantling project roger.reichle@cea.fr8/12/0611/11 Conclusions Determination of thermal properties of deposits Concerns 3 theses (JLG, SC, RD) on IR themes. Proposal: pulsed photothermal method using DRFC cleanroom laser preparation: 1 month technician + 1 month expert, 1 k material 150 measurements on tiles still on tile carrier in a few days safety aspects to clarify. Alternatives: a) Detritiation laser, if usable for that purpose. b ) for thicker deposits 30 k for modulated laser + 6 month preparation (ITER). c) > 6 months later off site with fewer samples with existing collaborations. Determination of optical properties of target with and without deposits Interesting for simulation of IR images (JMT) on 6 detached tiles, 6 months after dismanteling. Possibility (Vis/NIR only) by existing collaboration with PROMES-CNRS (DH). More interesting proposal: new collaboration for (VUV – IR) on this subject with CEA-CESTA (JPL). Improvement of in situ diagnostics A) Fibres (broken ZrF 4 fibre) To restore measurement capacity and to prepare active in situ thermography (ITER). Proposal: replacement ZrF 4 fibre (7 k, 3 months procurement), Completer option: ZrF 4 + Si0 2 monomode fibre plus optics improvement (35 k, 12 months). B) Thermocouples For validation of inverse method and installation technique for ITER. Proposal: 2 TCs on cassette (15 K 6 months preparation)

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