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MAIL MERGE Designing Documents with. Terms Mail Merge: A process that inserts variable information into a standardized document to produce a personalized.

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Presentation on theme: "MAIL MERGE Designing Documents with. Terms Mail Merge: A process that inserts variable information into a standardized document to produce a personalized."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAIL MERGE Designing Documents with

2 Terms Mail Merge: A process that inserts variable information into a standardized document to produce a personalized or customized document Main document: the document containing the standardized text that will be printed on all documents. Merge Field: a placeholder in the main document that marks where and what will be inserted from the data source document. Merge block: A set of merge fields stored as one unit. For example, the address block contains all of the name and address information.

3 Terms- cont. Data Source: the document containing the variable data that will be inserted during the merge. Address list: A simple data source file stored in Access file format, which includes the information needed for an address list, such as first name, last name, street, city, state, and so on. Outlook contact list: the names, addresses, and other information stored as contacts for use in the Microsoft Office Outlook personal information manager program

4 Terms cont. Microsoft Office Access database: A file created with the Access program, used for storing information. Merge document: the customized document resulting from a merge. Field: One item of variable data, such as first name, a last name, or a Zip code. Record: A collection of variable data about one person or thing. In a form letter merge, for example, each record contains variable data for each person receiving the letter: First name, last name, address, city, state, and Zip Code

5 Mail Merge Basics Use mail merge to create mass mailings, envelopes, email messages or labels To create a mail merge, you MUST have TWO files:  A MAIN DOCUMENT, which contains information that won’t change as well as merge fields and merge blocks, which act as placeholders for variable information.  A DATA SOURCE file, which contains variable information such as names and addresses. Word lets you use many types of data source files for a merge, including an address list, an outlook contact list, or a Microsoft Office Access database.

6 During the Merge During the merge, word generates a series of merge documents in which the variable information from the data source replaces the merge fields entered in the main document You can print the merge document or save them in a file for future use. You can use the Mail Merge task pane or the commands on the Mailings tab of the Ribbon to access Mail Merge features.

7 How to Use Mail Merge There are six steps involved in completing a merge: 1. First- Select the type of main document you want to create: Letters, emails, messages, envelopes, labels, directory 2. Second- Select a starting document. You may select to start from the current document, an existing document, or a new document based on a template. 3. Third- Select recipients. In this step, you locate or create the data source file, and then select the individual recipients to include in the merge. Create a new list- Word prompt you through steps 4. Fourth- create the main document. You type and format the data you want included in each merge document, and insert the merge fields or merge blocks where Word will insert the variable data.

8 How to Use Mail Merge cont. Fifth- Preview the merge documents. You have the opportunity to see the merge documents before you print them. This lets you check for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors and make corrections. Final Step: Complete the merge. You have the option of printing the merge documents, or saving them in a new file for later use. Remember you may use the commands on the mailing tab of the ribbon to conduct mail merge or the mail merge wizard (step by step process).

9 Procedures- Creating a Form letter ( main doc.) Create a document Open a new blank document or an existing letter Click Mailings tab Start Mail Merge Group Click start Mail Merge button Click letters Click the select recipients button Click type new list Enter information and click New Entry for new recipient Press tab to move to the next field

10 Write and Insert Field Group You can do one of the following: 1. Click the Address Block button Word displays the Insert Address block dialog box 2. Click the Greeting Line button

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