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GAD332 // Interface Design The Skeleton Plane 1)Interface Design 2)Navigation Design 3)Information Design.

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Presentation on theme: "GAD332 // Interface Design The Skeleton Plane 1)Interface Design 2)Navigation Design 3)Information Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 GAD332 // Interface Design The Skeleton Plane 1)Interface Design 2)Navigation Design 3)Information Design

2 The conceptual structure begins to give shape to the mass of requirements arising from our strategic objectives. On the skeleton plane, we further refine that structure, identifying specific aspects of interface, navigation, and information design that will make the intangible structure concrete. - Jesse James Garrett

3 1) Interface Design

4 Interface Design Successful interfaces are that people immediately notice the important stuff Unimportant stuff on the other hand doesn’t get notice and may not even be there at all One of the hardest things is to design interfaces with proper information hierarchy

5 Interface Design To help rough out our elements we can use wireframes It’s a barebones depiction of all the components of a screen and how they fit together


7 2) Navigation Design

8 Navigation Design Navigation systems perform particular roles allowing the guest to navigate successfully in a variety of situations Global Local Contextual Courtesy

9 Global Navigation A broad sweep of the entire interface

10 Local Navigation Provides access to what is nearby in the architecture A hierarchy bases navigation

11 Contextual Navigation Relates to the context that is on that page

12 Courtesy Navigation Provides access to items that guests don’t need on a regular basis

13 3) Information Design

14 Information Design Sometimes this is hard to put your finger on It’s about how to present information so that people can use it or understand it more easily

15 Information thrown together State Job title Telephone number Street address Name Zip code Organization City E-mail address

16 What we are used to Name Job title Organization Street address City State zip code Telephone number E-mail address

17 It can go even further though Personal information –Name –Job title –Organization Address information –Street address –City –State –Zip code Other contact information –Telephone number –E-mail address

18 Questions?

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