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WEBSITE EVALUATION Deciding if this is the correct website for your research.

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Presentation on theme: "WEBSITE EVALUATION Deciding if this is the correct website for your research."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEBSITE EVALUATION Deciding if this is the correct website for your research

2 5 Traditional Evaluation Criteria n Accuracy n Authority n Objectivity n Currency n Coverage

3 TYPES OF SITES n.comcommercial n.netprivate network n.orgnon-profit n.govU.S. government n.educolleges and universities

4 ACCURACY n How reliable and free from error is the information? n Are there editors and fact finders? n Many Web resources are not verified by editors and/or fact checkers n Web standards to ensure accuracy are not fully developed. n Almost anyone can publish on the Web

5 AUTHORITY n What are the authors qualifications for writing on the subject? n How reputable is the publisher? n If the authors name is listed, are his/her qualifications listed?

6 OBJECTIVITY n Is the information presented with a minimum of bias? n To what extent is the information trying to sway the opinion of the audience? n Web often functions as a virtual soapbox n Goals and aims of persons or groups presenting material often not clearly stated

7 CURRENCY n Is the content of the work up-to-date? n Is the publication date clearly indicated?

8 COVERAGE n What topics are included in the work? n To what depth are topics explored?

9 ADDITIONAL CHALLENGES n Marketing-oriented Web Pages n Blending of Entertainment, Information, and Advertising n Software requirements may limit access n Instability of Web Pages n Susceptibility of Web Pages to alteration

10 ULTIMATE CHALLENGE n Applying this knowledge when using the Web as a research tool

11 WEB PAGE EVALUATION PROCEDURE n Step 1-- Identify type of page n Step 2-- Use appropriate checklist n Step 3-- Based on checklist criteria, determine relative quality of page

12 IDENTIFY TYPE OF PAGE n advocacy n business/marketing n informational n news n personal n entertainment

13 USE OF APPROPRIATE CHECKLIST –Answer questions yes or no

14 DETERMINE RELATIVE QUALITY OF PAGE n The greater the number of checklist questions answered yes, the more likely the page is of higher informational quality

15 Information obtained from webeval.htm

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