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Super Sandwiches L.O. To be able to create and communicate my design for a sandwich that meets a list of criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Super Sandwiches L.O. To be able to create and communicate my design for a sandwich that meets a list of criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Super Sandwiches L.O. To be able to create and communicate my design for a sandwich that meets a list of criteria

2 Sandwiches sell! There are many businesses that specialise in the sale of sandwiches or that sell sandwiches from their shelves.

3 Starter Write down as many ideas for the different elements of a sandwich as you can in 5 minutes

4 Design brief Design a sandwich that: Is colourful
Has a variety of textures Has a variety of flavours Is interesting

5 Design ideas Use this list as a starting point for your design. These ingredients will be supplied by the school but you may bring in any other ready to eat ingredients that you feel will make your sandwich unique. 1 of either: Wholemeal/white bread 1 of either: Cheese/tuna/Ham 2 of these: Lettuce/Tomato/Cucumber/Onion 1 of either: Soft cheese/Mayonnaise/Wholegrain mustard And an optional 2 ingredients from home

6 Draw out your design It is important that you communicate your design very clearly. Imagine that you are sending your diagram to another person. You need to draw neatly, colour you diagram in and label your design very clearly and accurately. The more detail you give, the better your grade. Whole meal bread Iceberg lettuce Slices of tomato Slice of cheddar cheese Low fat mayonnaise

7 Explain your design This will make the sandwich more interesting and give it a more uneven texture This will give a crunchy texture and a lovely green colour The bright red will make the sandwich very colourful and the watery texture will add moisture to the sandwich This will give a sharp flavour to contrast with the tomato and lettuce and the yellow colour will make the sandwich more colourful. The firm, creamy texture will contrast with the crispy lettuce This will provide moisture for the sandwich and help to stick it all together. The creamy flavour will soften the shrpness of the cheese

8 Complete an order sheet
Use the order list given to you to indicate what ingredients you will need to be bought for you. You must make sure that your list has your name on it and that you have written clearly.

9 Plan your making (All)Identify the equipment that you will need to complete your recipe. (Extension)Write out a step-by-step plan to show how to make your sandwich. Remember to make sure that all the steps are in a logical order and that you include all the steps needed. (Extension) Identify the high risk foods in your design and explain how you will make sure that this sandwich is safe to eat.

10 Identify the hazards in your design
Highlight the high risk foods in your design Explain what steps you will take to ensure that your sandwich is safe to eat (these are called CONTROL MEASURES)

11 Make your sandwhich

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