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Introduction to Civics and Government

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1 Introduction to Civics and Government

2 Introduction Civics is the study of citizenship and government. Citizen legally recognized member of society. Government is the organizations, institutions, and individuals who exercise political authority over a group of people.

3 Purpose of Government To ensure prosperity and tranquility, through the use of public policies. POLICIES MEET PUBLIC GOALS, which in theory will solve problems in society.

4 What does the Gov’t do? ***Keep order*** (making & enforcing laws)
Settle conflicts (court system) Provide community services (garbage collection, road construction) Legislate public policy (make budgets, plan for the future, )

5 Types of Gov’ts Monarchies -King or Queen is in power over a Kingdom. - Power is inherited. -Absolute Monarch: King or Queen has complete control. -Constitutional Monarch: King or Queen only has limited control. Autocracy -Style of gov’t when 1 person has complete power. -Example: Dictatorship -Most extreme autocracy is a totalitarian state.

6 Theocracy - Country controlled by religious organizations
Theocracy - Country controlled by religious organizations. Oligarchic Governments - Power rests in the hands of a few. Aristocratic Governments - Power rests with the wealthy and upper-class. Anarchy - No government

7 American Government Democracy: - A form of government when the people of a nation have either a direct or indirect say in policy making. - “Rule of the People” 2 Forms of Democracy: Direct Democracy: all voters vote directly on every issue and majority rules. (Ancient Greece) Representative Democracy (Republic): the people elect representatives to run government for them. (Ancient Rome) -The US has a Federal Republic Democracy The states share power with the federal gov’t.

8 US Citizens Immigrants people who came here from other countries.
Aliens permanent residents of the US who are still citizens of other countries. -Legal aliens may work, attend school, own property, and have legal rights -Many illegal (10 million) are in the US -If caught, they are deported (United States Border Patrol)

9 14th Amendment States: “all persons born or naturalized in the US, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States…” Passed shortly following the Civil War

10 Citizenship by Birth Naturalized Citizen
A Native Born Citizen is born in a US Territory or has at least 1 American parent. Naturalized Citizen How non-citizens become citizens: 1.) Live in the United States for 3-5 years 2.) File a declaration of intent with the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization 3.) Learn US history, US civics, and English; display good ethics 4.)Pass a citizenship test 5.)Take an oath of loyalty to the United States

11 Diversity Chapter 1 Section 3
“e pluribus unum”-- out of many, one

12 Theories of Diversity Melting Pot Theory: have immigrants abandon their unique culture and assimilate; this strengthens society Tossed Salad Theory: we can all maintain cultural differences, yet merge as one society; multiculturalism

13 Discussion… Answer yes or no: 1. The US should encourage more immigration 2. The US should have two official languages 3. Schools should teach in languages other than English

14 Problems caused by Diversity
Racism Sexism Ageism Bias against diverse lifestyles Negative stereotypes based on race, religion, physical appearance, disability and nationality

15 US Population At a Glance
211 million -- European decent 35 million-- Hispanic 35 million-- African American 11 million-- Asian 2.5 million-- Native American

16 Limits on Immigration Immigration is limited to 675,000 per year (quota) Exceptions to this quota can be made for refugees Preference is given to those with special talent or skill Problem: What to do with illegals?

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