NSIS Extensibility Draft IETF 74 Update 27 March 2009 Slides by Elwyn Davies

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1 NSIS Extensibility Draft IETF 74 Update 27 March 2009 Slides by Elwyn Davies elwynd@folly.org.uk

2 Using and Extending the NSIS Protocol Family New Versions Three new versions since IETF 73 draft-ietf-nsis-ext-00.txt Only the name was changed.... draft-ietf-nsis-ext-00.txt Majority of updates Comments from Magnus Westerlund, jeff Ash and others draft-ietf-nsis-ext-00.txt Minor fixes

3 Changes -00 to -02 Clarified use of SID to identify sessions Made it clear that limitation to path coupled signalling was a scope limitation that could be removed (see later.. extensibility to off-path) Make it clear what a bandwidth broker means Removed IANA actions 101 stuff in 8.1 Minor editorials throughout. Extensive improvements relating to Qspec templates to match current Qspec version.

4 Changes -00 to -02 Added sub-bullet to each bullet describing a piece of extensibility (the guidelines part) setting out the 'rules' part that you would have to do to support such an exctension In response to Magnus view that we need to clearly separate rules and guidelines. Greatly expanded discussion of what would be needed to provide an alternative Q-mode packet interception mechanism Noted that NSLPs do not have protocol versioning – use a new ID instead

5 Comments since -02 Only one comment from Xiaoming Fu Suggests need to indicate in more detail how NSIS could be extended to cover off-path signalling If the group wants this... suggest using text from introduction of draft-hancock-nsis-pds-problem-04 this discusses partly decoupled signaling. http://www.watersprings.org/pub/id/draft-hancock- nsis-pds-problem-04.txt

6 Next Steps If group wants more about off-path... Quick update (next week) Last call asap

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