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E00-102 EXPERIMENT FEB09 – PART 1 1-FEB-09 UCM. WHAT WE HAVE? Analyzed Kin A – Kin E in Madrid Obtained similar result as the ones obtained at ODU/JLab.

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1 E00-102 EXPERIMENT FEB09 – PART 1 1-FEB-09 UCM

2 WHAT WE HAVE? Analyzed Kin A – Kin E in Madrid Obtained similar result as the ones obtained at ODU/JLab. Merged all the results in one single 4D histogram: Cross section as a function of (Pmiss,Phi,q,omega). This 4D histogram is ready to obtain final results.

3 WHAT IS BEING DONE? KIN F is being analyzed (it takes time because of the large number of runs). Statistical errors should be added to all histograms (Sumw in ROOT). Compare Pmiss distribution from random coincidences to Pmiss distribution from MCEEP Phase-Space check internal collimators in MCEEP. Combine the Cross-section 4D histogram from all kinematics into a single one taking into account the statistics. Obtain ALT from this final 4D histogram.

4 WHAT WILL BE DONE? Check radiation in MCEEP using Hydrogen H(e,ep) from Pm=0 kinematics. Simulate H(e,e) for E00-102 experiment We need to obtain this scale factor as accurate as possible. Peter Monaghan found a problem with that: ( The results from the p3/2 shell can be done in the same way. Simulations are done (although I have to add the doublet peak). De-radiate the data? In Emiss-Pmiss 2-D plots?

5 WHAT WILL BE DONE? We will end up with several 4D Histograms: (Pmiss,Phi,q,omega) Obtain from them final Cross-section, Spectroscopic Factors and ALT result. DATASIM CROSS- SECTION REDUCED CROSS SECTION CROSS- SECTION REDUCED CROSS SECTION 1p 1/2 1p 3/2

6 E00-102 EXPERIMENT FEB09 – PART 2 26-FEB-09 UCM

7 WHAT HAS BEEN DONE? KIN F is analyzed. Kin qq also analyzed (Useful for calibrations) Statistical errors has been added. 4D histograms for each foil separated has been added. K LT factor needed to extract R LT is now also evaluated in the ALT macro. All kinematics (A-F) joined into a single 4D histogram taking into account the statistics (using the inverse of the error as weights). Obtained ALT from this final 4D histogram.

8 WHAT WILL BE DONE? (Kin G is under analysis). Check KIN F (Simulations) Do checks between foils, kinematics…





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