BASIC CONCEPTS of Personnel Management in the General Secretariat August, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "BASIC CONCEPTS of Personnel Management in the General Secretariat August, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 BASIC CONCEPTS of Personnel Management in the General Secretariat August, 2012

2 Share basic concepts, terms and processes of personnel management in the General Secretariat. Objective

3 GS/OAS Contracting Mechanisms Human Resources Data by Type of Fund Salary Scales Reclassifications Competitions Recruitment Matrix Agenda

4 GS/OAS Contracting Mechanism 1.Career Service Personnel 2.Personnel on Continuing Contracts 3.Personnel on Fixed-Term- Series A 4.Personnel on Fixed-Term- Series B 5.Special Observer Contracts (MAAP, Haiti) 6.Trust Personnel 7.Associate Personnel (no cost for the GS/OAS) 8.Temporary Support Personnel * 9.Local Professional Personnel * Staff Independent Contractors Volunteers (no cost for the GS/OAS) 13. Volunteer 14. International Volunteer 10.Performance Contracts 11.Performance Contracts- Special Mission 12.Temporary Conference Service** Other Human Resources 15. Interns (no cost for the GS/OAS) * Source – Department of Procurement Services ** Source – Department of Conferences and Meetings Management



7 Human Resources Data by Type of Fund * Source – Department of Procurement Services (Approx. data) As of June 30, 2012

8 Salary Scales In 1994 Member States GS/OAS Staff & = Adoption of Parity with the salary scales of the UN 2 Categories of salary scale CATEGORIES FUNCTIONSSALARY SCALECOMPOSITION GRADES PROFESSIONAL Analytical, Conceptual, Interpretive and/or creative Involve a level of complexity to make decisions. With dependents and without dependents Basic Salary (regardless of Duty Station) and, Post Adjustment (Cost of living of Duty Station) D1-D2 P1-P5 GENERAL SERVICES Operational, Technical and supportive, Functions vary from simple to routinely or repetitive, Knowledge developed through experience Only one salary scaleOnly one Basic SalaryG1-G7 CHARACTERISTICS

9 Grade Step COMPLEXITYCOMPLEXITY SENIORITY Salary Scales Grade: Determines the level of complexity of the functions performed. When the grade is higher, the complexity of the functions is higher. Step: Staff members whose performance and conduct have been satisfactory shall receive an annual or biannual (as the case may be) within step increase. Salary Increment Timeline AprilJulySeptember Salary increment in the Professional Category – Washington DC Step Increase for Professional and General Services Categories (regardless of Duty Station) Salary increment in the General Services Category – Washington DC

10 Reclassifications A staff member may be instructed by his/her supervisor to assume duties or responsibilities of a post of a higher level. DHR will perform a classification post audit within 6 months (By UN Classification Expert) Special Duty Allowance (SDA) (Difference between current and higher grade) Effective on Day 1 st of Seventh Month and for a maximum of 18 months. If reclassified to a higher grade Competition (Internal/External)

11 Competitions According to the OAS General Standards and Staff Rules, the following posts must be opened to competition: No staff staff member may serve for more than 3 years under one or more Series A Contract funded by the Regular Fund A staff member whose post is reclassified shall continue to perform its duties and responsibilities until the resulting vacancy is filled through competition and shall receive a payment of SDA which shall not exceed 18 months. A vacant post Short-TermReclassified Post Vacancy EXTERNALINTERNAL All appointments to Series B contracts financed by the Regular Fund Appointments to a reclassified post (if incumbent has already won an external competition) Advertisement in the internet. Announcement to staff and Permanent Missions of the GS/OAS. Advertisement in the intranet. Announcement to staff of the GS/OAS. Staff members and candidates from outside the GS/OAS can apply. Only staff members can apply.

12 Timeline of Competition Process in the Regular Fund Reclassifications: Before reaching 18 months receiving SDA, the reclassified post shall be opened to internal competition (however, if the incumbent has not won an external competition, this will be announced externally). The Internal Competition follows the same procedure of the External Competition but only staff members can apply to the vacant post. Direct Appointment 3 years External Competition Series B 5 years Continuing Contract Competition Publication of Vacancy Candidates Application DHR Prescreening Area Evaluation Panel Interview Composed by: i) Area Representative, ii) DHR, and iii) Advisory Committee on Selection and Promotion (ACSP) ACSP Recommendation Secretary General Approval Publication of Eligibility List Staff Application Supervisor Recommendation DHR Revision Language Exams Panel Interview Composed by: i) DHR and ii) ACSP ACSP Recommendation Secretary General Approval Retirement Age 65

13 Recruitment Matrix PROFESSIONALS GENERAL SERVICES Years of pertinent experience GradeP01P02P03P04P05 First level University Degree1471115 Advanced University Degree024710 Doctorate00146 GradeG03G04G05G06G07 EducationHigh school or technical / commer. Experience2 years4 years5 years7 years9 years Experience with Advanced Training 1 0 years2 years3 years5 years7 years


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