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Peripheral Nervous System

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Presentation on theme: "Peripheral Nervous System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peripheral Nervous System
Classification of Nerves

2 Classification of Nerves
Mixed nerves Both sensory and motor fibers Sensory nerves Carry impulses toward the CNS Motor nerves Carry impulses away from the CNS CNS = Central Nervous System (brain and spinal chord)

3 Cranial Nerves 12 pairs of nerves that mostly serve the head and neck
Only the pair of vagus nerves extend to thoracic and abdominal cavities Most are mixed nerves, but three are sensory only

4 PNS: Cranial Nerves eye muscles muscles
I Olfactory nerve — sensory for smell II Optic nerve — sensory for vision III Oculomotor nerve — motor fibers to eye muscles IV Trochlear — motor fiber to eye muscles

5 PNS: Cranial Nerves the face; motor fibers to chewing muscles
V Trigeminal nerve — sensory for the face; motor fibers to chewing muscles VI Abducens nerve — motor fibers to eye muscles VII Facial nerve — sensory for taste; motor fibers to the face VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve — sensory for balance and hearing

6 PNS: Cranial Nerves taste; motor fibers to the pharynx
IX Glossopharyngeal nerve — sensory for taste; motor fibers to the pharynx X Vagus nerves — sensory and motor fibers for pharynx, larynx, and viscera XI Accessory nerve — motor fibers to neck and upper back XII Hypoglossal nerve — motor fibers to tongue



9 Table 7.1 (3 of 4)


11 PNS: Distribution of Cranial Nerves
Figure 7.24

12 PNS: Classification of Nerves
Mixed nerves Both sensory and motor fibers Sensory (afferent) nerves Carry impulses toward the CNS Motor (efferent) nerves Carry impulses away from the CNS

13 PNS: Cranial Nerves 12 pairs of nerves that mostly serve the head and neck Only the pair of vagus nerves extend to thoracic and abdominal cavities Most are mixed nerves, but three are sensory only

14 PNS: Cranial Nerves I Olfactory nerve—sensory for smell
II Optic nerve—sensory for vision III Oculomotor nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles IV Trochlear—motor fiber to eye muscles

15 PNS: Cranial Nerves V Trigeminal nerve—sensory for the face; motor fibers to chewing muscles VI Abducens nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles VII Facial nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the face VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve—sensory for balance and hearing

16 PNS: Cranial Nerves IX Glossopharyngeal nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the pharynx X Vagus nerves—sensory and motor fibers for pharynx, larynx, and viscera XI Accessory nerve—motor fibers to neck and upper back XII Hypoglossal nerve—motor fibers to tongue

17 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (1 of 4)

18 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (2 of 4)

19 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (3 of 4)

20 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (4 of 4)

21 PNS: Distribution of Cranial Nerves
Figure 7.24

22 PNS: Classification of Nerves
Mixed nerves Both sensory and motor fibers Sensory (afferent) nerves Carry impulses toward the CNS Motor (efferent) nerves Carry impulses away from the CNS

23 PNS: Classification of Nerves
Mixed nerves Both sensory and motor fibers Sensory (afferent) nerves Carry impulses toward the CNS Motor (efferent) nerves Carry impulses away from the CNS

24 PNS: Cranial Nerves 12 pairs of nerves that mostly serve the head and neck Only the pair of vagus nerves extend to thoracic and abdominal cavities Most are mixed nerves, but three are sensory only

25 PNS: Cranial Nerves I Olfactory nerve—sensory for smell
II Optic nerve—sensory for vision III Oculomotor nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles IV Trochlear—motor fiber to eye muscles

26 PNS: Cranial Nerves V Trigeminal nerve—sensory for the face; motor fibers to chewing muscles VI Abducens nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles VII Facial nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the face VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve—sensory for balance and hearing

27 PNS: Cranial Nerves IX Glossopharyngeal nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the pharynx X Vagus nerves—sensory and motor fibers for pharynx, larynx, and viscera XI Accessory nerve—motor fibers to neck and upper back XII Hypoglossal nerve—motor fibers to tongue

28 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (1 of 4)

29 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (2 of 4)

30 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (3 of 4)

31 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (4 of 4)

32 PNS: Distribution of Cranial Nerves
Figure 7.24

33 PNS: Cranial Nerves 12 pairs of nerves that mostly serve the head and neck Only the pair of vagus nerves extend to thoracic and abdominal cavities Most are mixed nerves, but three are sensory only

34 PNS: Cranial Nerves I Olfactory nerve—sensory for smell
II Optic nerve—sensory for vision III Oculomotor nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles IV Trochlear—motor fiber to eye muscles

35 PNS: Cranial Nerves V Trigeminal nerve—sensory for the face; motor fibers to chewing muscles VI Abducens nerve—motor fibers to eye muscles VII Facial nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the face VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve—sensory for balance and hearing

36 PNS: Cranial Nerves IX Glossopharyngeal nerve—sensory for taste; motor fibers to the pharynx X Vagus nerves—sensory and motor fibers for pharynx, larynx, and viscera XI Accessory nerve—motor fibers to neck and upper back XII Hypoglossal nerve—motor fibers to tongue

37 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (1 of 4)

38 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (2 of 4)

39 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (3 of 4)

40 PNS: The Cranial Nerves
Table 7.1 (4 of 4)

41 PNS: Distribution of Cranial Nerves
Figure 7.24

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