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NSAA/NASC Joint Middle Management Conference Kansas Taxpayer Transparency Act April 20, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "NSAA/NASC Joint Middle Management Conference Kansas Taxpayer Transparency Act April 20, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSAA/NASC Joint Middle Management Conference Kansas Taxpayer Transparency Act April 20, 2009

2 2 Legislation Various stakeholder groups expressed interest in transparency Legislation was introduced in the Government Efficiency & Technology Committee Kansas Taxpayer Transparency Act was originally required by proviso language in House Bill 2368 of the 2007 legislative session The Act became a separate law during the 2008 legislative session as SB316 Codified into permanent law as KSA 74-72, 122 et seq.

3 3 Senate Bill 316 requirements The Secretary of Administration shall provide a Searchable website for: * funds established in the state treasury * compensation paid to public employees * bond debt The Secretary of Administration shall develop and operate a single, searchable website that shall include expenditures as available within the current central accounting system and state payroll system

4 4 Senate Bill 316 requirements Expenditures shall include: * Disbursements by any state agency from funds established in the state treasury * Bond debt payments * Salaries and wages * Commodities, including amounts paid to individual vendors * Debt service * Aid to local units of government * Other assistance and benefits * Capital improvements

5 5 Senate Bill 316 requirements Revenues shall include: * Receipts or deposits by any state agency into funds established within the state treasury * Taxes * Agency earnings * Revenue for the use of money and property * Gifts, donations and federal grants * Other revenue * Non-revenue receipts

6 6 Senate Bill 316 requirements 10 years of information Information to be posted no later than 45 days after the last day of the preceding fiscal year Nothing in this act shall permit or require the disclosure of information which is considered confidential by state or federal law.

7 7 Senate Bill 316 requirements Public Finance Transparency Board created: * Secretary of Administration, chair * Director of Accounts & Reports * Two executive branch CEO members, appointed by the Governor * Four general public members, two appointed by the Governor, one each by Senate President and Speaker of the House * Four members of the legislature, one each appointed by Senate President, Senate minority leader, Speaker of the House and House minority leader * The legislative post auditor * The state archivist * The director of legislative research

8 8 Planning State of Kansas partnered with the Information Network of Kansas (INK) State of Kansas to provide content for website INK to develop, maintain and host website at no cost to the State of Kansas Go-Live of website - February 29, 2008

9 9 Content State of Kansas used the Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) to obtain source content Source content includes all state payments and summary payroll information Authority for removing or appropriately preventing the disclosure of confidential information was obtained and documented Filters were developed and applied to source data Scrubbed data was provided to INK

10 10 Website Development

11 11 Website Development

12 12 Website Development

13 13 Website Development

14 14 Website Development

15 15 Website Development

16 16 Website Development

17 17 Website Development

18 18 Website Development

19 19 Website Development

20 20 Website Development

21 21 Statistics – Google Analytics Site visits Average time on static page Views to terms page Views to budget variance page Views to disclaimer page New/returning visitors Searches Average time on search page Access to search page New/returning visitors Top 3 pages Top 3 searches Location of visitors

22 22 Planning for new content Employee Compensation - Spring/Summer, 2009 Statewide Accounting, Management and Reporting Tool (SMART) – July 1, 2010 (Go-Live) Vendor self-service component More frequent refreshing of certain information Links to agency programmatic information Consideration of information related to local units of government

23 23 Questions? ?

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