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Marco Verlato, INFN 23 March, 2011 ISGC2011/OGF31, Taipei,Taiwan Interoperability solutions in India 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Marco Verlato, INFN 23 March, 2011 ISGC2011/OGF31, Taipei,Taiwan Interoperability solutions in India 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marco Verlato, INFN 23 March, 2011 ISGC2011/OGF31, Taipei,Taiwan Interoperability solutions in India 1

2 EU-IndiaGrid2 Consortium

3 GARUDA National Grid Computing Initiative in Operational Phase To collaborate on Research and Engineering of Technologies, Architectures, Standards and Applications in Grid Computing To contribute to aggregation of resources in the Grid Spanned across 17 cities with more than 45 participating research & academic institutions connected through NKN 3

4 EUIG2 gLite production infrastructure and resources Centralized Services for euindia VO –Maintained by INFN @ Padova and Bologna VOMS server LFC server WMSLB Top Level BDII Monitoring & accounting 13 production sites (>10k CPU-cores) involved as of now (see next slide) where the users can run jobs. Accepted x509 IGCA certificates

5 EUIG2 gLite production infrastructure and resources

6 Computing & Storage resources last month

7 EUIG2 gLite production infrastructure and resources > 30 CPU.years > 8500 jobs

8 EUIG2 gLite production infrastructure and resources

9 GARUDA MW status One year stop between EUIG and EUIG2 – In the meantime big changes in GARUDA: From GT2 to GT4 WS From Moab to GridWAY metascheduler Abandoning SRB, going to SRM – GARUDA production now: Based on Globus 4.x Customized Gridway Meta-scheduler MDS4, Ganglia, Nagios for Information management Grid FTP + SRM for Data management GSI based security VOMS for VO support 9


11 EUIG2 Interoperability steps (I) Work started on both sides – CDAC and ICTP/INFN contributions – First example of interoperabilty made at CDAC-Bangalore in July 2010 Key element: GridWAY, the GARUDA adopted metascheduler Plugins structure as to facilitate interoperability among different MW layers It provides the unified pool of information about compute resources through its MADs (Middleware Access Drivers) According to the requirements and VO privileges the uses can choose the candidate resource for the application 11

12 Gridway metascheduler 12

13 GridWay lcg-CE (GT2 based) GARUDA-CE (GT4 based) BDII GARUDA user MDS GARUDA-EGI interoperation architecture CREAM-CE EGI user MADs PBS cluster GSI+ VOMS

14 EUIG2 Interoperability steps (II) Key element: GridSEED VM environment A complete GRID environment based on Virtualbox developed by ICTP Consists of virtual instances of gLite CE, SE, WN, VOMS, CA, BDII, WMS, LB, LFC and MILU (Miramare Lightweight UI) The experience of CDAC-Bangalore lead to a new version of GridSEED which integrates now GridWAY into MILU, plus a GT4.0.x gateway (globus CE/GARUDA CE) Successfully Demo made at OGF30/Bruxelles in October 2010: submission, from MILU, of the same job on both worlds (gLite & GARUDA) 14

15 OGF30 Demo Scenario GT4 CE globus.grid.seed lcg CE ce-3.grid.seed MiLU UI milu-i386.grid.seed CREAM CE ce-2.grid.seed PBS SERVER PBS Server CREAM WNLCG WN VOMS master.grid.seed TOP BDII central-1.grid.seed GRIDWAY Information System Proxy Job Submission Work in progress 15

16 EUIG2 Interoperability steps (III) At OGF30 was also established a collaboration with IGE: » VOMS integration into Globus; » GridWay (that is an IGE supported component); » IGE developed LoadLeveler batch adaptor for GT5; » to orchestrate file transfer; » LTA can tunnel ports through firewalls via (gsi)ssh; » Replacing RFT; » OGSA-DAI is a supported component in IGE GT4 phasing out issue: GARUDA is not planning to move its production infrastructure to GT5 in the short term 16

17 EUIG2 Interoperability steps (IV) EUINDIA workshop in Delhi, December 2010: - Successfully demonstrated RegCM4 application can run on the two infrastructures, with Gridway configured to talk to both GARUDA and LCG- CE ( GridSEED based) - Submitted RegCM4 with small data set to GARUDA resource (parallel regcm4) and LCG-CE (serial RegCM4) - Defined plans for moving from Demo to production infrastructure - Network interoperabilty issues identified and solved at the workshop 17

18 Network activities Commissioned NKN Full Phase (1 billion Euro/10 years) TEIN3 POP, Mumbai @ ERNET, GARUDA on ERNET IPs TEIN3 POP moved to NKN issue with performance connectivity EUIG2 had a prime role on solving the problem GARUDA moved to NKN but ERNET public IPs issues contacting services from EUROPE, essential for the interoperability with GARUDA problem: rotation ERNET IPs through NKN infrastructure -> major achievement of EUIG2 @ Delhi Workshop 18

19 Planned ahead Supporting CREAM-CE through Gridway - MAD for Gridway has been developed - Integration & Testing progressing MPI support for interoperable infrastructures - Garuda has support for MPI application with Gridway - gLite has a planned support for a whole node reservation Integrating Production infrastructures of Garuda and EGI

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