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Emotions. What are Emotions? Emotions are the strong, immediate reactions that you feel in response to an experience. – Reactions to any situation can.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotions. What are Emotions? Emotions are the strong, immediate reactions that you feel in response to an experience. – Reactions to any situation can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotions

2 What are Emotions? Emotions are the strong, immediate reactions that you feel in response to an experience. – Reactions to any situation can be good or bad. Mad about playing badly in a football game, but the team still wins. Happy because family member passed away from a bad disease, like cancer.

3 What’s Love? (got to do with it) A strong affection or deep concern for another person. – Types of Love Friendship – Trust and loyalty Family – Bonds between people of the same family Marriage – Bonds created between two strangers

4 Anger A strong feeling of displeasure, can range from slight annoyance to furious hostility. – Hostility Expression of anger towards someone

5 Fear Reaction to danger. Can range from just a little nervous to paralyzing terror. – Phobias Fear of a specific object or event. – Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders – Aerophobia – Fear of flying – Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13

6 Envy and Jealousy Envy – The fear of not having something someone else has. Friend gets new car, you don’t have a car Jealousy – Fear of losing something. Commonly happens with couples

7 Guilt Feeling of having done something wrong – Can be helpful If you do something, feel guilty about it, maybe it was wrong.

8 Grief Deep sorrow that is caused by the loss of someone or something – Everyone goes through stages of grief. – Stages can begin before the actual loss. – Stages can be longer or shorter compared to other stages.

9 Stages of Grief Shock and disbelief – Do not believe that the event has happened Emotional Release – Crying, physical outburst are typical releases Depression and loneliness – Feel out of contact with daily events Physical Distress – Body begins to hurt. (High blood pressure, heart burn)

10 Stages of Grief (cont.) Guilt – Experience of feeling of regret and want to change the past Hostility and Resentment – Express anger to others Dejection – Unable to return to usual activities. Reconciliation – Takes positive steps to adjust to changed life. Adaptation – Recognizes that life continues.

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