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MT311 (Oct 2006) Java Application Development Exceptions Handling, Streamed I/O, Multithreading and Network Programming Tutorial 3.

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Presentation on theme: "MT311 (Oct 2006) Java Application Development Exceptions Handling, Streamed I/O, Multithreading and Network Programming Tutorial 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 MT311 (Oct 2006) Java Application Development Exceptions Handling, Streamed I/O, Multithreading and Network Programming Tutorial 3

2 Tutor Information Edmund Chiu (Group 1) Email: OR Please begin your email subject with [MT311] Webpage:

3 PART I Exceptions Handling Exception Try, catch and finally Throw statement and Throws clause

4 Exceptions Handling Exceptional handling is a systematic way to separate the normal flow of a program from special handlers of abnormal conditions. – Main program handles key computing logics – When an error occurs, the control is transferred to error handler Exceptions are an integral part of Java programming – Exceptions may be generated at runtime (e.g. divide by zero error) – Many methods also throw exceptions, especially those deal with I/O and networks

5 Try-Catch Blocks The basic exception handling technique: 1)Enclose the code that may generate an exception with a try-block 2)Handle the exception(s) that you want to deal with in a catch-block try { } catch ( ) { }

6 Flow Control in Try-Catch Blocks When the program executes and a statement in the try block causes an error, the control will be transferred to catch blocks The error in try block will be matched with the exception type in the parentheses in the catch block When the exception is matched, the corresponding handler will be executed After the exception handler finishes its work, the control will be passed to the point immediate after the catch blocks If no match is made, the program halts and give out error

7 Multiple Catch-Block A try block can be followed by more than one catch- blocks – the exception will be checked against in sequence – whenever a match is made, the handler code is executed, the control will be passed to the point immediate after the catch blocks – In general, we place the blocks from specific exceptions to more general ones, example: try { // some errors occur here } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // coding here } catch (IOException e) { // do something here } catch (Exception e) { // do other things here } finally { // always run these codes }

8 Finally Block After handling the exception, the control will not be back to the point of original exception – This may case resource leaks, e.g. opened file handler not closed Finally block is used to handle the situation – optional block, must appear if no catch block is defined for a try block – no matter which or none of the exception handler has been executed (even if the try block is exited through return, exit or etc.), the control will be passed to finally block

9 Create an Exception Normally, exceptions are generated when the system detects errors, but you can also throw an exception by using throw. Example: throw new RuntimeException(This is my own fault); The throw statement can be used in everywhere – One of the use of throwing a new exception is throwing a user- defined exception – The other use of the throw keyword is throwing an exception in the catch block. We call it re-throw of an exception. Example: catch (IOException e) { // do something throw e; } Re-throwing exception is used when there may be further error handling code needed in the following catch blocks.

10 Exceptions Hierarchy Exception classes can be inherited like ordinary classes, examples: – NumberFormatException extends RuntimeException – FileNotFoundException extends IOException Likewise, each exception class has their constructors The user-defined exception can extend an appropriate Java exception When an exception superclass is caught, all its subclasses will also be caught

11 Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions Exceptions in Java can be checked or unchecked – Checked exceptions must be caught in your application (e.g., all IO exceptions, SQL exceptions) – Unchecked exceptions include runtime numeric exceptions like illegal number of arguments, array index out of bound, null pointer exceptions and etc. – A class cannot be compiled if a method throws a checked exception but not caught

12 Throws Clause Throws clause can be used in a method to propagate the uncaught checked exceptions to the caller – Example: void myMethod throws Exception1, Exception2 { … } – The thrown exception should be caught in the method or class using this method; otherwise, the program cannot be compiled

13 Pros and Cons of Exception Handling Advantages – Separate the exceptional conditions from the normal flow of the program, allow you to construct a cleaner program – One single handler can handle the same type of errors thrown out from different points in the program – Ensure no error is ignored intentionally or unintentionally. Checked exception has to be handled and cannot be overlooked. Disadvantages – Exceptions propagated multiple levels become hard to trace – Code with excessive error handling may not be optimized effectively.

14 Part II Streamed I/O InputStream /OutputStream, Reader/Writer

15 What is a Stream Most of Java s IO interactions are implemented using streams. – A buffer that reads/writes sequentially – InputStreams are used for read-only operations – OutputStreams are used for write-only purposes – No read-write streams is available in Java However, there are some other read/write implementation that supports read and write using the same object (e.g. RandomAccessFile) – Java streams will be blocked if There are no data in an inputstream The buffer in an outputstream is full

16 InputStream and OutputStream Available methods in InputStream – read() reads a single byte from the stream. – 1 was read if the stream has reached the end – read(byte[]) reads data into an array of bytes – available() returns the number of bytes can be read – close() closes the stream Available methods in OutputStream – write() writes a single byte to the stream – write(byte[]) writes the entire byte array to the stream – write(byte[], int, int) writes a portion of a byte array, from a specific position, read n bytes. – flush() forces all bytes in buffer to the stream – close() closes the stream

17 Java InputStreams and OutputStreams

18 FileInputStream and FileOutputStream Instead of using InputStream and OutputStream, we usually use FileInputStream and FileOutputStream – FileInputStream and FileOutputStream can open a file in an easy way: FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); File copying can be easily implemented by reading a byte then writing it out immediately byte b =; out.write(b);

19 import*; public class FileCopy { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 2) { throw (new IllegalArgumentException( "Usage: FileCopy ")); } FileInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; try { // open the files in = new FileInputStream(args[0]); out = new FileOutputStream(args[1]); while (in.available() > 0) { out.write(; } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { // close the files try { if (out != null) out.close(); if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } }

20 Readers and Writers for Character Handling Byte stream and characters are alike – Byte steams operate on bytes – Character streams operate on characters (multilingual) The file copying program can be implemented using FileReader and FileWriter easily – The only difference from the previous example is the variables in and out is now the FileReader and FileWriter

21 Java Readers and Writers

22 Data Streams Byte streams and character streams deals with one single type of data (bytes/characters) Java can also handle primitive data types (and even Strings) such as int and double using DataInputStream and DataOutputStream – The marshalling and unmarshalling between bytes and primitive data types are hidden behind the two classes Sample methods – readInt, readDouble, readChar, readUTF(for String) and etc.

23 Object Serialization Java can also handle read/write an Object from/to a stream through ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream using readObject and writeObject However, not all object types can be read/written in a stream – Example, we can t write a Stream into another stream – We call an object that can be read from/written to a stream serializable – Normally, a serializable object contains viewable data only – All variables in a serializable object are either serializable or of primitive data types Object serialization is useful to save and write an entire object.

24 Sources and Streams You can create different types of streams from the same source – You can create a byte stream on a file and also another character stream on the same file at the same time You can also connected a stream to different sources, for example, a file or a network connection

25 Chaining Streams For example, – FileReader provides an easy way to read characters – BufferedReader provides a readLine method to read lines – We can simply chain up the FileReader and BufferedReader so that we can read lines from a file BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); We can chain up readers/writers and streams in a very flexible way LineNumberReader lineReader = new LineNumberReader(new BufferedReader( new FileReader(filename)));

26 import*; public class LineNumber { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 1) throw (new IllegalArgumentException( "LineNumber: LineNumber ")); LineNumberReader lnReader = null; String line; try { // create a LineNumberReader from the file lnReader = new LineNumberReader( new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0]))); while ((line = lnReader.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(" " + lnReader.getLineNumber() + ": " + line); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("File error: " + e); } finally { try { if (lnReader!= null) lnReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("File close error."); }

27 Part THREE Multithreading Multithreading Synchronization Wait & Notify

28 Concept of Multithreading Multithreading is the capability for programmers to let different parts of the program execute at the same time In a typical application, there is usually more than one thread working – Example: Web browser Load the HTML text Load the embedded image a thread listening user input (mouse and/or keyboard) etc …

29 Multithreading and Multiprocessing The major differences between multithreading and multiprocessing – Multiprocessing is more resource demanding as it takes more resources to create a process than to create a thread – The communication between threads in a program is simple. They can communicate by accessing the variables or invoking synchronized methods. Communication between processes needs to be done through communication channel like a pipeline.

30 Java Threads In Java, a thread is a point of process which has its own run-time resources support A thread executes its instructions line-by-line Concurrency occurs when multiple threads run together Static method main defines the main thread of the execution A thread is created by: – a class extending the thread class – a class implements the runnable interface

31 Class Thread Class Thread is from the package java.lang – Constructor Thread(String threadName) will create a thread with the name threadName – Constructor Thread( ) will create a thread with the name Thread-## where ## is a number A user-defined thread should extend Java s thread class – public class MyThread extends Thread { … } The instruction that a thread is to be accomplished is placed inside the method run, which you need to override in your own thread class

32 Start Running a Thread Though the main body of a thread is the run method, you will never call it directly To start the execution of a thread, we need to call the start method – A thread of your class is created first – Call start method to makes the method ready to run Example: new MyThread().start( ) – start method returns immediately – it will not wait till the end of the thread execution – the caller and the thread is executing concurrently – start method can only be called once, repeated call incurs IllegalThreadStateException

33 Simple Thread Example public class SimpleThread1 extends Thread { private String str; public SimpleThread1 (String str) { this.str = str; } public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { System.out.println(i + " " + str); try { // sleep for a random interval Thread.sleep((long)(Math.random() * 500)); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } System.out.println("God is my " + str); } public static void main(String[] args) { new SimpleThread1 ("Strength").start(); new SimpleThread1 ("Shield").start(); new SimpleThread1 ("Rock").start(); }

34 Runnable Interface As Java has no multiple inheritances, we cannot extend Thread if it has already extended other class – However, we can implements multiple interfaces – Thus, Java provides another way to implement threads – through Runnable interface In a Runnable interface, – You need to override the run method which contains the instruction for the thread – You need to construct a thread using a runnable object Runnable a = new SimpleRunnable(); Thread t = new Thread(a); t.start();

35 Simple Runnable Example public class SimpleRunnable1 implements Runnable { private String str; public SimpleRunnable1(String str) { this.str = str; } public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { System.out.println(i + " " + str); try { // sleep for a random interval Thread.sleep((long)(Math.random() * 500)); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } System.out.println("God is my " + str); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Thread(new SimpleRunnable1("Strength")).start(); new Thread(new SimpleRunnable1("Shield")).start(); new Thread(new SimpleRunnable1("Rock")).start(); }

36 Life Cycle of a Thread

37 Concurrency and Sleep Within a thread, the instructions are executed sequentially – While multiple threads are running together, they may interleave. – You may notice that the result of the previous examples may be different each time This may be also due to the threads sleep for a random period in the loops Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 500)); – When a thread sleeps, other threads can still proceed – Only the current thread can be told to sleep, so it is a static method

38 Thread Interleaving example If we change the run method in the previous example: public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) System.out.println(str + " " + i); } System.out.println("God is my " + str); } We can see the interleaving effect of the threads is independent of the sleep method

39 Sample Result of the Modified Example

40 Importance of Synchronization In multithreading, a variable may be accessed by more than one thread simultaneously – no problem if read access only – problem occurs when modification is involved Thread 1 reads A = 5 Thread 2 reads A = 5 Thread 1 increases the variable by 1, A = 6 Thread 2 increases the variable by 1, A = 6 Instead of increasing the variable every time when a thread is called, the second thread just updated the old version of the variable To make an object thread safe, you need to synchronize all data that is shared by different threads

41 Synchronized Methods Java provides the keyword synchronized to lock up an object so that only one thread can access that object when the method is called – Example: public synchronized void set (int data) – synchronized method enforces the exclusive access to the respective object – the thread unable to access the object will go to the blocked state Synchronized keyword can also apply to lock up a specific variable within a block of codes – Example: sychronized(counter) {; }

42 Deadlock and Notification Deadlock may occur when the threads are sharing more than one synchronized objects – Example: Thread1 has taken object A and is now waiting for object B, but Thread2 has taken object B and is now waiting for object A. Deadlock occurs. In Java, we avoid the case by using thread notification – The thread who cannot get all synchronized objects will go into waiting status, which will temporarily release its exclusive access to the object – When the thread finishes its work on a synchronized object, it will notify other threads so that they can try to reacquire the access to the object

43 Wait and Notify Both methods are instance methods of any object When wait is called, the thread will be blocked and added into the object s waiting list – wait gives up the lock of the object – it should be called within synchronized method, otherwise, an IllegalMonitorStateException may occur – InterruptedException may occur while the thread is waiting Once the notify method of the object is called, one of the threads on the list will be chosen to return to the ready state again

44 Notify and NotifyAll When notify method is used, only one thread of consumer can be brought to ready state – JVM implementation determines which thread to be brought If you want to notify more than one thread that are waiting, you need to use notifyAll method on the object – all threads return to ready state and compete for the lock

45 Example of Thread-Safe Data Store class DataStore { private int data; private boolean ready = false; public synchronized int get() { while (! ready) { wait(); // no data, wait for it } ready = false; // data ready, we consume it notifyAll(); // data consumed, notify all waiting producers return data; } public synchronized void put(int v) { while (ready) { wait(); // data not consumed yet, wait } data = v; ready = true; notifyAll(); // data ready, notifying all waiting consumers }

46 Part IV Network Basic IP, DNS, TCP and UDP

47 IP Packet and IP Packets are basic unit of delivery – Packet header stores the source and destination of the unit (like a letter envelop front) – Packet data is the content IP address is used to identify a computer in the network – consists of 4 integers in the range of 0 to 255, separated by 3 dots. Example: OUHK homepage: – is the loop-back address to test your network application

48 Different types of IP address Five classes of IP address – Class A: – (Leftmost bits: 0xxx) – Class B: – (Leftmost bits: 10xx) – Class C: – (Leftmost bits: 110x) – Class D: – (Leftmost bits: 1110) – Class E: – (Leftmost bits: 1111) Private addresses range – Class A: – – Class B: – – Class C: –

49 Network Address, Node Address and Subnet Mask Each IP address is made up of two parts. – Leading part (network part) identifies a particular network – Trailing part (node/host part) determines a specific node of the network. The network address and node address can be determine by subnet mask – Suppose the IP is and the subnet mask is – By bit-wise conjunction of 252 (1111 1100) with 11 (0000 1011), we obtain the last digit for the network address: 8 (0000 1000) (

50 IP Ports Network ports are used to specify the service request on the host – different services (e.g. FTP and WWW) have their own port number logical entities numbered from 0 to 65535 – 0 to 1023 are reserved for common system services. E.g., FTP – port 21, WWW – port 80 Combination of host name (or IP address) and port number can uniquely specify the host and server you want to talk to.

51 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) URL are the pointers to the resources on the WWW A URL consists of: :// : / – protocol: the protocol to be used to get the resources, the most common ones are http and ftp – hostname: the host which holds the resources – port number: if omitted, default number is used – resource location: resource may be a file, a directory or even a query to database – Example:

52 Domain Name Service (DNS) A host name consists of two parts – the name of the domain – unique name identifies a computer within the domain – Example: all computers in OUHK are under the domain, the host that serves the homepage is www. Mapping of host names to IP address is stored in Domain Name Servers (DNS)

53 Transport Protocols Internet protocol (IP) only defines the basic organization of the network Transport protocol deal with constructing and delivering packets on the network – Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) creates a virtual dedicated and continuous connection between the communicating parties. – User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol. It creates datagrams that includes destination information and data content. The datatgrams will find its way to the destination eventually. Each datagram is limited to a size of 64KB

54 More about TCP and UDP TCP – Connection Oriented (Stream) Socket – Like a circuit (stream) is connecting two sockets (computer) – Sockets are created exclusively for the connection of the two computers – No need to specify the destination UDP – Connectionless (Datagram) Socket – Like a postal system Datagram = Envelops Datagram Socket = address – keep a record of IP and port number – Multiple receivers and receiving messages from different addresses is allowed – Destination must be specified

55 Comparing TCP and UDP TCPUDP In pairYesNo Dedicated linkYesNo Messages in orderYesNo Delivery GuaranteeYesNo Data SizeNot limited 64KB per packet (Designed for short data) Computational cost Higher (dedicated connection) Lower (connection not dedicated, less overhead) Receiver Buffer no data lost even buffer is full Datagram truncated if buffer is full

56 Why UDP is used Guarantee delivery may be a nuisance in some application – For example, in a real-time video streaming application, it is better to ignore a small chunk of missing data than holding up the entire streaming and wait for the resend of the missing data TCP connections are one-to-one while a single UDP can address multiple recipients using multicast and/or broadcast addresses.

57 Transport Protocols Built on Top of TCP and UDP HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) – For transferring data in the World Wide Web – Use port 80 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – For transferring data from a place to another – Use port 21 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) – For sending email over the Internet – Use port 25 POP (Post Office Protocol) – (POP3) For transferring accumulated email from the host to the connected clients – Use port 110

58 Structure of Network Application Client-side networking – You are given a specific server and you are concerned with how to communicate with the server – For example, you may write a network program to connect to a Web server Server-side networking – You are creating a server that accepts connection requests from clients – For example, you may write a network program to provide network services to the world Usually, we will do both client-side and server-side networking when we are developing a new network application

59 Flow of Client-Side Application 1. Identify the target server and the service – IP address and port number 2. Create a connection to the target server and service 3. Wait for the server to respond to the connection request 4. Create the I/O streams for the communication. Read and write to the connection and perform the application logic 5. Close the streams and connection when the communication is completed

60 Flow of Server-Side Application 1. Listen for client requests on a particular port 2. When a communication request arrives, create the connection 3. Create the I/O streams for the communication. Communicate with the client using the client connection 4. Close the streams and the client connection when the communication is completed.

61 Part V Network Programming in Java InetAddress, URL, Stream Sockets, Multi-threaded Server, Datagram Socket

62 InetAddress Class is used to deal with IP addresses 3 static methods can be used to resolve the IP address of a host – InetAddress.getByName(String hostname) – for first IP (as an InetAddress object) – InetAddress.getAllByName(String hostname) – for multiple IP (as an InetAddress array). Multiple IPs are used to distribute workload for a service among the server machines – InetAddress.getLocalHost( ) – for localhost (as an InetAddress object)

63 URL in Java The class in Java to manipulate URL is: – One constructor accepts String parameter – MalformedURLException is thrown if the input text is not a valid format of URL – try { URL myURL = new URL(""); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } – We can get the host part of the URL using method getHost() – The port of the URL can be retrieved using method getPort(); the method will return – 1 if no port is listed out in the URL – The file part of the URL can be retrieved using method getFile() – If format is valid, exception will not be thrown even it is obvious that the resource does not exits. Example: http://abcd.efg.ijk

64 HTTP Client We can create a HTTP client using connecting to existing Web server We send different HTTP command to get information from the server – HEAD gets the information about a file on the server Example: HEAD test.html HTTP/1.0 retrieve the file information using HTTP version 1.0 standard – GET gets the actual file from the server Example: GET test.html HTTP/1.0

65 Flow of HTTP Client 1. Read a URL and break it down into server, port and filename components 2. Open a Socket connection to the HTTP server 3. Send an HTTP GET command to request the file from the server 4. Read the response from the server 5. Close the connection You need to open the I/O streams throughout the process A Socket connection uses TCP to connect to the server. Details will be given in later slides.

66 Actual Code for HTTP Client import*; import*; public class PageLoader { protected String host, file; protected int port; protected Socket socket = null; protected Writer writer = null; protected BufferedReader reader = null; public PageLoader(String url) throws IOException { parseURL(url); } protected void parseURL(String url) throws MalformedURLException { URL u = new URL(url); host = u.getHost(); port = u.getPort(); if (port == -1) port = 80; // default file = u.getFile(); }

67 Actual Code for HTTP Client public void go() throws IOException { try { connect(); get(); } finally { disconnect(); } protected void connect() throws IOException { socket = new Socket(host, port); // create a writer on the socket OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "latin1"); // create a reader on the socket InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "latin1")); }

68 Actual Code for HTTP Client protected void get() throws IOException { // send the request writer.write("GET " + file + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\n"); writer.flush(); // read and print the response PrintWriter console = new PrintWriter(System.out); String input; while ((input = reader.readLine()) != null) console.println(input); console.flush(); } protected void disconnect() throws IOException { if (reader != null) reader.close(); if (writer != null) writer.close(); if (socket != null) socket.close(); }

69 Actual Code for HTTP Client public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Reader kbd = new FileReader(; BufferedReader bufferedKbd = new BufferedReader(kbd); while (true) { String url; System.out.print("Please Enter URL: "); System.out.flush(); if ((url = bufferedKbd.readLine()) == null) break; try { PageLoader loader = new PageLoader(url); loader.go(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } System.out.println("- OK -"); } System.out.println("- Bye -"); }

70 Simple TCP Connection in Java – Stream Socket In Java, TCP connection is made using Stream Socket – ServerSocket class create a server bound to a specific port Constructor: ServerSocket(int port), throw IOException accept() method listens for a connection request and accepts it, the return value is the accepted client socket close() method closes the server socket – Socket class create a steam socket and connects it to a specific port at a specific IP address (server) Constructor: Socket(String host, int port), throw IOException getInputStream() returns an input stream from the other side of the socket. May have IOException. getOutputStream() returns an output stream to the other side of the socket. May have IOException. close() closes the socket

71 Steps in Establishing Stream Sockets in Java Network connection establishment requires to import* The server specifies that it is waiting for connection at a particular port A client attempts to connect to the server at the port on the host (server) If attempts succeeded, two sockets are created – Communication can be done through the data input/output streams (* needed)

72 Stream Sockets on Server Side Server specifies that it is waiting for connection using ServerSocket class – Example: ServerSocket server = ServerSocket(5000); if port number cannot be used, IOException is thrown Server declares its intention of accepting client connection by the method accept – Socket client = server.accept( ); – When a client is successfully connected, the method returns a Socket of client getInputStream and getOutputStream methods of Socket establish the communication channels with the client – DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream()); – DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(client.getOutputStream());

73 Stream Sockets on Client Side Two Socket constructor can be used to connect a server – Socket(String hostname, int portNo) – Socket(InetAddress inetAdd, int portNo) local available port is allocated arbitrarily, can be retrieved through getLocalPort method of Socket remote port (at server) can be obtained by getPort method of Socket As in the server side, getInputStream and getOutputSteram are used to establish communication channels

74 Sample Program on Client/Server Echo Server Server declares listening at a specific port Server blocks at accept statement till connection is established Server read byte from the client and write it back to the client until – 1 (end-of-file) is read using the I/O stream Echo Client Client try to connect to the server host at the specific port Socket created if server is successfully connected Writer object is used to output the message to the server using the output data stream BufferedReader object is used to read the bounce back message from the server using the input data stream

75 Addition Notes on Stream Socket In the above example, server does use both the input and output stream. You may have a server using only input or output only (e.g. TimeServer in course material) There are other StreamSocket constructor that may be useful: – ServerSocket(int port, int backlog) The backlog parameter limits how many open connections are allowed (used in multi-threaded server) – ServerSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress bindAddr) The constructor is used for binding a server socket to a specific IP of a multi-homed server (i.e. multiple IP addresses)

76 Multithreaded Server In our previous example, the echo server handles one connection at one time – It is okay when the interaction with client completes in a short time – It will block other connections and cause time-out if the connection needs to maintain for a long time Useful server has to be multithreaded in order to handle multiple and simultaneous connections – Modified server will create a dedicated thread for each client every time it accept a connection – All server operations are done in the thread instead of main program – includes creating independent IO streams to each client – Each thread reads the respective data from each client and writes to the screen

77 Client-Server Chat Application: Server Basic requirement of a chat server – It has to be multithreaded – multiple clients will be served simultaneously – It has to keep track of all chat participants – When it receives a message from any participant, it has to broadcast the message to all other participants Flow of the server – Create a server socket to accept incoming connections – When a connection arrives, create a new thread to handle the connection. The handlers has to be stored in a place that all threads can access (for broadcasting) – In the handler thread, wait for incoming messages. Broadcast the message to all other handlers when an incoming message is received

78 Chat Server The code is very similar to the server in the previous example import*; import*; public class ChatServer { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { if (args.length != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Syntax: ChatServer "); int port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(port); // listen for connections while (true) { Socket client = server.accept(); System.out.println("New client from " + client.getInetAddress()); // spawn new handler ChatHandler handler = new ChatHandler(client); handler.start(); }

79 Chat Handler in Server Each handler thread interact with one client A static vector stores all running chat handlers – Handler is added to the vector when start() method is called – Handler is removed from the vector when stop() is called – Message is broadcasted to all handlers in the vector We use DataInputStream and DataOutputStream to read/write the message – readUTF() / writeUTF() enables us to read/write multi-lingual text Any method that needs to access the static variable needs to be synchronized

80 Source Code: Chat Handler import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class ChatHandler implements Runnable { // the vector of all handlers protected static Vector handlers = new Vector(); protected Socket socket; protected DataInputStream dataIn; protected DataOutputStream dataOut; protected Thread listener; public ChatHandler(Socket socket) { this.socket = socket; }

81 Source Code: Chat Handler public synchronized void start() { if (listener == null) { try { dataIn = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream())); dataOut = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream())); listener = new Thread(this); listener.start(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } public synchronized void stop() { if (listener != null) { try { if (listener != Thread.currentThread()) listener.interrupt(); listener = null; dataOut.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } }

82 Source Code: Chat Handler public void run() { try { // add us to the pool of handlers handlers.addElement(this); while (!Thread.interrupted()) { // read a message and broadcast it String message = dataIn.readUTF(); broadcast(message); } } catch (EOFException ignored) { } catch (IOException ex) { if (listener == Thread.currentThread()) ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { // thread is to exit, so remove us from the handler handlers.removeElement(this); } stop(); }

83 Source Code: Chat Handler protected void broadcast(String message) { synchronized (handlers) { Enumeration enum = handlers.elements(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { ChatHandler handler = (ChatHandler) enum.nextElement(); try { handler.dataOut.writeUTF(message); handler.dataOut.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { // the connection may have dropped handler.stop(); }

84 Client-Server Chat Application: Client The client contains a simple user interface with an output area and an input box – When user hits on the input box, we send the content of the input box to the server A thread is created to receive the data from the the server – The main thread is used to handle the Client s UI

85 Source Code: Chat Client import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ChatClient implements Runnable, WindowListener, ActionListener { protected String host; protected int port; protected String username; protected Frame frame; protected TextArea output; protected TextField input; protected DataInputStream dataIn; protected DataOutputStream dataOut; protected Thread listener; public ChatClient(String host, int port, String username) { = host; this.port = port; this.username = username; }

86 Source Code: Chat Client public synchronized void start() throws IOException { if (listener == null) { Socket socket = new Socket(host, port); try { dataIn = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( socket.getInputStream())); dataOut = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( socket.getOutputStream())); } catch (IOException ex) { socket.close(); throw ex; } listener = new Thread(this); listener.start(); makeChatUI(); }

87 Source Code: Chat Client public synchronized void stop() throws IOException { frame.setVisible(false); if (listener != null) { listener.interrupt(); listener = null; dataOut.close(); } public void run() { try { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { String line = dataIn.readUTF(); output.append(line + "\n"); } } catch (IOException ex) { handleIOException(ex); }

88 Source Code: Chat Client public synchronized void stop() throws IOException { frame.setVisible(false); if (listener != null) { listener.interrupt(); listener = null; dataOut.close(); } public void run() { try { while (!Thread.interrupted()) { String line = dataIn.readUTF(); output.append(line + "\n"); } } catch (IOException ex) { handleIOException(ex); }

89 Source Code: Chat Client protected synchronized void handleIOException(IOException ex) { if (listener != null) { output.append(ex + "\n"); input.setVisible(false); frame.validate(); if (listener != Thread.currentThread()) listener.interrupt(); listener = null; try { dataOut.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } protected void makeChatUI() { frame = new Frame( "ChatClient [" + host + ':' + port + "]" + " (" + username + ")"); frame.addWindowListener(this); output = new TextArea(); output.setEditable(false); input = new TextField(); input.addActionListener(this); frame.add("Center", output); frame.add("South", input); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); }

90 Source Code: Chat Client public void windowOpened(WindowEvent event) { input.requestFocus(); } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) { try { stop(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { input.selectAll(); dataOut.writeUTF(username+": "+event.getActionCommand()); dataOut.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { handleIOException(ex); }

91 Source Code: Chat Client public void windowClosed(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowIconified(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowActivated(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent event) {} public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if ((args.length != 2) || (args[0].indexOf(':') < 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Syntax: ChatClient : "); int idx = args[0].indexOf(':'); String host = args[0].substring(0, idx); String username = args[1]; int port = Integer.parseInt(args[0].substring(idx + 1)); ChatClient client = new ChatClient(host, port, username); client.start(); }

92 Structure of UDP Server and Client UDP Server – Create a datagram packet to hold the incoming packet – Create a daragram socket – Use the socket to receive a packet – Close the socket UDP Client – Prepare the packet by specifying the destination address, port and data – Create a datagram socket – Use the socket to send the packet – Close the socket

93 UDP Connection in Java – Datagram Socket is used to implement datagram socket in Java – DatagramSocket(int portNo) – DatagramSocket( ) Server needs to use the constructor with port number, so that clients can know the port to contact the server Client can use both constructors – Server can always get the port number and IP address from the client s datagram Possible Exception – SocketException – if the port has been used by another server – SecurityException – if the security manager does not allow the connection

94 UDP Connection in Java – Datagram Packet Datagram packets ( are used to package the data we want to send. DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int length, InetAdress address, int port) – Constructor used to send message – buf = message content – length = message length (per packet) – address and port = destination of the message DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int length) – Constructor to be used to receive other s message – Address and port number can be retrieved from the received packet

95 Datagram Socket and Packet Methods DatagramSocket provides methods to receive and send a packet – void receive(DatagramPacket data) – void send (DatagramPacket data) DatagramPacket provides methods to set and inquire about the status of the packet. For example, – int getPort( ) / void setPort(int port) – InetAddress getAddress( ) / void setAddress(InetAddress address) – int getLength( ) / void setLength(int length)

96 Datagram Packet Length and Exceptions Datagram packet length has different meaning from time to time – Before a packet is sent, the length field represents the size of buffer – After returning from receive method, the length field represents the size received of packet – Thus, it is important to reset the length of the packet if the same packet is used each time Possible exceptions of DatagramPacket – IllegalArgumentException – when the packet length is shorter than the length of message contents – IOException – if there is transmission error – SecurityException – if the caller does not have the access to the method

97 Server Side Datagram Socket Server specifies it is listening at a particular port (in constructor) Empty DatagramPacket is created as buffer for incoming datagram Wait for message by invoking receive method After a message is received – if reply message is to be send, get the IP address and port number from the received datagram packet and message can be sent accordingly Multiple client can be supported without multithreading – No connection is created, thus server can receive any datagrams from any host

98 Sample code: UDPEchoServer import*; import*; public class UDPEchoServer { protected int port; public UDPEchoServer(int port) { this.port = port; } public void go() throws IOException { DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(port); while (true) { System.out.println("Waiting to receive packets"); // receive a packet byte buffer[] = new byte[65508]; DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); socket.receive(packet); // echo the packet back to the sender System.out.print("* A packet is rcvd and echoed back to:"); System.out.println(packet.getAddress()+":"+ packet.getPort()); socket.send(packet); }

99 Sample code: UDPEchoServer (cont d) public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Syntax: UDPEchoServer "); UDPEchoServer server = new UDPEchoServer(Integer.parseInt(args[0])); server.go(); }

100 Client Side Datagram Socket Create a datagram socket Create a datagram packet with destination IP and port number Use send method to send message Create new empty packet and call receive method to wait for reply messages if necessary In a two-way communication, when there are both reading and writing, multithreads will be needed to handle read and write process separately

101 Sample code: UDPEchoClient import*; import*; public class UDPEchoClient { protected DatagramSocket socket; protected DatagramPacket packet; public void go(String host, int port, String message) throws IOException { socket = new DatagramSocket(); buildPacket(message, host, port); socket.send(packet); receivePacket(); socket.close(); }

102 Sample code: UDPEchoClient protected void buildPacket(String message,String host,int port) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOut); dataOut.writeUTF(message); byte[] data = byteArrayOut.toByteArray(); packet = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, InetAddress.getByName(host), port); } protected void receivePacket() throws IOException { byte buffer[] = new byte[65508]; DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); socket.receive(packet); ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(packet.getData(),0,packet.getLength()); DataInputStream dataIn = new DataInputStream(byteArrayIn); String result = dataIn.readUTF(); System.out.println("Received: " + result + "."); }

103 Sample code: UDPEchoClient public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Syntax: UDPEchoClient "); UDPEchoClient client = new UDPEchoClient(); client.go( args[0], Integer.parseInt(args[1]), args[2] ); }

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