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ICAO Safety Oversight Audit and Safety Oversight Status in Nepal

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1 ICAO Safety Oversight Audit and Safety Oversight Status in Nepal
Presentation by CAA Nepal April 2011 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

2 ICAO Safety Oversight Audit
ICAO USOAP Audit was Conducted during 5-14 May 2009 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

3 Major Findings Primary aviation legislation : does not address all the scope of aviation activities as per Doc Procedures for the amendment of operating regulation, not available. Distinct separation of responsibilities between the regulator and service provider (for ANS, AGA and training school), not available. A system to ensure provision of sufficient human resources for safety oversight, not available. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

4 Major Findings Regulations should be promulgated that specify the entity responsible for MET services and the entity responsible for regulatory oversight. No training policy and programme : training is conducted on the ad-hoc basis. Nepal should establish arrangements in primary legislation that enable the appropriate management and safety oversight of Annex 3 matters. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

5 Major Findings Regulations does not address all provisions of Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention. Safety Program and implementation of safety management system not in place. Regulation requiring the establishment of a runway safety programme not yet promulgated a 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

6 Implementation of CAP Amendment of Civil Aviation Act 1959 and Civil Aviation Authority Act 1996 is in progress to address State obligations with respect to the Chicago Convention; Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation has reviewed Aircraft accident and incident investigation regulation and is in process of approval by the Council of Minister. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

7 Implementation of CAP CAA Nepal has promulgated requirements for the implementation of SMS in ANS, Certified Aerodromes, Flight Operations, Approved Maintenance Organization, Approved Flight Training Institutions and Accident Investigations. CAA Nepal has promulgated Runway Safety Programme. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

8 CAAN Initiatives CAAN has formed high level committees:
to revise the structure of the civil aviation system to establish separate regulatory and service provider functions; to develop and establish Nepal’s Safety Programme; to develop and establish training policy, plan and programme for regulatory as well as service providers' function for ANS and Aerodromes. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

9 CAAN Capacity Development
3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

10 CAAN Capacity Development
Objective: to promote institutional development and management change within Nepal civil aviation sector and CAAN itself. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

11 CAAN Capacity Development
Full Split of Regulatory & Operational Functions – 2 Entities CAAN NAANSA Full separation of regulatory and operational functions, to comply with ICAO recommendation CAAN becomes a Regulator only New Airports & Air Navigation Authority becomes Service Provider only – responsible for operations of both Airports & ATS/ANS Combining both airport and air traffic and navigation services provision in one new entity offers efficiency in use of resources and cost – suitable for Nepal with relatively low level of airspace and airport activity currently 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

12 CAAN Capacity Development
Areas Requirements Priority Legal Legislation for restructuring 2 Authorities CAAN Act Amendments Complete CARs to cover all ICAO Annexes Repeal of Obsolete Legal Instruments MOU for MOTCA/ CAAN and NAANSA Legal instruments for assets transfer 1 & 2 Planning National Civil Aviation Development Plan Corporate and Business Plans for CAAN and NAANSA 2 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

13 CAAN Capacity Development
Areas Requirements Priority Restructuring Implementation Restructuring Implementation Plan Transition Plan Personnel Development Plan Office Accommodation Plan and Implementation Equipment Procurement Staff & Position Grading and Salaries Plan Restructuring Financing Plan Implementation Period Implementation Start up 1 Human Resources Design Staff Training Programme Civil Aviation Academy Instructor Recruitment Authority Staff Recruitment Authority Staff Training Programme 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

14 CAAN Capacity Development
Areas Requirements Priority Operations Airport Maintenance Management 1 Computerization System Concept System Design Procure Hardware and Software Network Installation System Training System Monitoring Post Implementation Support MIS Implementation System Concept Plan Functional & Detailed Specifications Programming Operational Testing Implementation Training Post- Implementation Support 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

15 TRAINAIR Plus Programme
Nepal is in the process of obtaining ICAO TRAINAIR Plus membership. Nepal is developing Standardized Training Package on State Safety Programme. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

16 COSCAP's Support During ICAO Audit
ICAO USOAP Audit was a great challenge COSCAP-SA's assistance for the audit preparation `and support during the audit period has brought `significant results. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

17 CAA Nepal: Constraints
Lack of adequate qualified technical personnel to in implementation of effective safety oversight system in all areas, Retention of the trained, qualified and experienced technical personnel. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

18 CAAN Proposal Technical Assistance Missions by COSCAP-SA Experts shall be focused on ICAO Audit Findings and implementation of State’s CAP submitted to ICAO. COSCAP-SA Management shall work in close coordination with EU-South Asia Civil Aviation Programme for harmonization of Regulations and avoiding duplication activities. COSCAP-SA shall assess the training needs in Member States and more focus be given on arranging accredited inspectors’ trainings. COSCAP-SA Management shall effectively utilize the Home- based Experts in the States and in those areas where they have lack of Qualified Inspectors. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

19 Nepal would appreciate any help from COSCAP or Member States to assist us in developing Legislation, Regulations and Trainings. Thank you. 3/27/2017 CAA Nepal

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