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Sammamish Valley UGB April 14, 2012 Canterbury Estates, Woodinville.

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Presentation on theme: "Sammamish Valley UGB April 14, 2012 Canterbury Estates, Woodinville."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sammamish Valley UGB April 14, 2012 Canterbury Estates, Woodinville

2 Speakers TBD: moderator TBD: Canterbury Homeowners Association Mike Tanksley: Hollywood Hill Association Brad Rich: Concerned Neighbors of Wellington Claire Thomas: Sammamish Valley Grange

3 The big picture: UGB amendment is unneeded and unwarranted. Inconsistent with GMA and Countywide Planning Policies Inconsistent with Woodinville’s Comp Plan Eliminates Sammamish Valley Agricultural land Directly competes with planned projects inside the Woodinville city limits

4 “Need” CPP: “sufficiency of vacant, developable land and redevelopable land to meet projected needs.”

5 Woodinville Village: 20 acres vacant land with development agreement in place, and $8M road improvements completed

6 Canterbury: 20 acres redevelopable land with sales contract in place

7 Canterbury road improvements are in Comprehensive Plan.

8 Woodinville’s overall inventory of commercial land 2002 Comprehensive Plan: “After deducting constraints, Woodinville has nearly 174 net acres of vacant and redevelopable commercial and industrial land.” Changes since 2002 are negligible.

9 Land swaps APD land: “removal... only... if... addition of agricultural land abutting the APD of equal acreage and of equal or greater soils and agriculture value.” Zoned rural in APD: “removal... will not diminish the productivity of prime agricultural soils or the effectiveness of farming within the APD.”

10 No such land swaps have been offered for APD

11 Infrastructure 140 th is an unsafe, overburdened 2-lane county road that is proposed to remain in county ownership.

12 Uses CPP: “Development on the land added to the Urban Growth Area under this policy shall be limited to residential development...” Proposal to King County is “medical gateway.” Proposal to Woodinville City Council has been agritourism.

13 Inconsistent with (i.e., absent from) Woodinville’s Comp Plan

14 There is no applicant Woodinville letters to King County, April 11 and April 18, 2012: “The Woodinville City Council did not approve the submittal of a docket request regarding this item. Any docket application received by the County from the City of Woodinville was not authorized.”

15 Summary Sammamish UGB amendments fail on numerous criteria These amendments would be harmful to Woodinville and surrounding communities that rely on Woodinville Wine Country and Sammamish agriculture.

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