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REQ.XX.4.1 Enrollment in Demand Response Programs Process Flow Engineering Firm Retail Customer Aggregator Distribution Company 1 Aggregator identifies.

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Presentation on theme: "REQ.XX.4.1 Enrollment in Demand Response Programs Process Flow Engineering Firm Retail Customer Aggregator Distribution Company 1 Aggregator identifies."— Presentation transcript:

1 REQ.XX.4.1 Enrollment in Demand Response Programs Process Flow Engineering Firm Retail Customer Aggregator Distribution Company 1 Aggregator identifies prospective client (x.x.x.x) Aggregator creates TPA & sends to Retail Customer for signature (x.x.x.x) Sends rejection letter to Retail Customer (x.x.x.x) Receives rejected TPA & re-evaluates (x.x.x.x) Retail Customer receives TPA & reviews (x.x.x.x) Receives rejection letter (x.x.x.x) Retail Customer returns rejected TPA to Aggregator (x.x.x.x) TPA acceptable (x.x.x.x) Yes No YesNo 1 Still viable client (x.x.x.x) Receives signed TPA & requests meter data from Distribution Company (x.x.x.x) Retail Customer signs TPA & sends to Aggregator (x.x.x.x) Receives request for meter data (x.x.x.x)

2 REQ.XX.4.1 Enrollment in Demand Response Programs Process Flow Engineering Firm Retail Customer Aggregator Distribution Company 2 1 Is Retail Customer eligible (x.x.x.x) Distribution Company rejects request for meter data (x.x.x.x) Distribution Company compiles meter data & sends to Aggregator (x.x.x.x) No Yes Receives meter data & performs quick assessment (x.x.x.x) 2 Sends a rejection letter to Retail Customer (x.x.x.x) Is Retail Customer a viable client (x.x.x.x) Receives rejection letter (x.x.x.x) No Yes

3 REQ.XX.4.1 Enrollment in Demand Response Programs Process Flow Engineering Firm Retail Customer Aggregator Distribution Company 3 2 Sends request for assessment to engineering firm (x.x.x.x) Receives request for assessment (x.x.x.x) Performs in-depth site assessment & sends to Aggregator (x.x.x.x) Receives in-dept Assessment (x.x.x.x) Is Retail Customer a viable client (x.x.x.x) Notifies Retail Customer that unable to help (x.x.x.x) Aggregator sends contract to Retail Customer (x.x.x.x) No Yes Receives rejection notification (x.x.x.x) Retail Customer receives contract & reviews (x.x.x.x) 4 3 5

4 REQ.XX.4.1 Enrollment in Demand Response Programs Process Flow Engineering Firm Retail Customer Aggregator Distribution Company 4 4 3 5 6 Is contract acceptable (x.x.x.x) Retail Customer signs contract & sends to Aggregator (x.x.x.x) Retail Customer rejects contract (x.x.x.x) No Yes Receive contract rejection & opens negotiation with Retail Customer (x.x.x.x) Receives signed contract (x.x.x.x) Sends Enrollment request to Distribution Company (x.x.x.x) Distribution Company receives Enrollment request (x.x.x.x) Distribution Company enrolls Retail Customer (x.x.x.x) Engineering firm requests payment for in-depth assessment (x.x.x.x) Aggregator receives request for payment from engineering firm (x.x.x.x)

5 REQ.XX.4.1 Enrollment in Demand Response Programs Process Flow Engineering Firm Retail Customer Aggregator Distribution Company 5 6 Aggregator validates request for payment from engineering firm & sends to Distribution Company (x.x.x.x) Receives request for payment & evaluates request (x.x.x.x) Is request valid (x.x.x.x) Sends payment rejection to Aggregator (x.x.x.x) No Yes Receives payment rejection & enters negotiation with Distribution Company (x.x.x.x) Negotiations successful (x.x.x.x) No further action (x.x.x.x) No Yes Distribution Company sends payment to Aggregator (x.x.x.x) Aggregator receives payment & forwards to engineering firm (x.x.x.x) Engineering firm receives payment (x.x.x.x) Distribution Company authorizes payment (x.x.x.x)

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