INSTITUTE for STATISTICS The International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 97.

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Presentation on theme: "INSTITUTE for STATISTICS The International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 97."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTITUTE for STATISTICS The International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 97

2 Overview l Update on ISCED l ISCED Questionnaire l Classification issues

3 Update on ISCED UIS launched the ISCED questionnaire in 2007 ISCED mappings to be published on the web: basis for data collection Survey 2008 The General Conference approved a Resolution for the Revision of ISCED by 2011

4 Update on ISCED UIS proposed work plan for the revision: 2008 – determination of initial scope of a revision and discussion with partners 2009 – regional and expert consultations, production of a first draft revision 2010 – formal consultation of Member States and validation of final draft 2011 – adoption of revision at UNESCO General Conference

5 ISCED QUESTIONNAIRE l Launched with Survey 2007 l Countries that have submitted it do not have to send it again in Survey 2008 l Collects detailed information on the educational structure of systems and ISCED l Produce official ISCED mappings in 2008

6 ISCED QUESTIONNAIRE Only 9 countries have sent it to UIS More detailed information is needed for 7 of them ISCED is a classification of programmes, not Institutions. Thus in order to improve the classification of the region, it is necessary to record the programmes available in the colleges, institutes.

7 ISCED QUESTIONNAIRE Some cases are: l Technical/vocational colleges l Skills centers l Nursing colleges l Teaching colleges EX: Teaching Colleges may have programmes that can be ISCED 3 or ISCED 4 or ISCED 5; depends on entry requirements, duration, etc.

8 Classification Issues in the Caribbean l ISCED 4 l Tertiary education l Other issues?

9 Classification Issues in the Caribbean ISCED 4 l Mix of programmes: A-level; technical/vocational; adult education l Some programmes may qualify for ISCED 5 l Goal is to have the correct classification of the post-secondary education system in the countries

10 Classification Issues in the Caribbean IN GENERAL l Post-secondary at international level may be different from the national level l Differences between ISCED 4 and ISCED 5B programmes l ISCED 4 needs a better definition and implementation

11 Classification Issues in the Caribbean Tertiary Education l Programmes not available nationally but in the UWI campus only l Programmes that are split l Distance education (transnational) l Others? l Implications for data collection l Examples: Associate Degrees (ISCED 4 or 5A/5B?)

12 ISCED Discussion l Do you have a question on any of the issues mentioned? l Are there any other issues that need to be clarified in the ISCED classification? l Are there issues that need to be considered in the classification that are not considered currently?

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