California Agriculture Prolific California’s climate Irrigation—the absolute necessity Highly specialized—the Mediterranean opportunity California did.

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Presentation on theme: "California Agriculture Prolific California’s climate Irrigation—the absolute necessity Highly specialized—the Mediterranean opportunity California did."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Agriculture Prolific California’s climate Irrigation—the absolute necessity Highly specialized—the Mediterranean opportunity California did not always dominate Celebrating the agricultural landscape The growing need for water conservation Agriculture and the California myth The rural/urban contest

2 Agricultural Sales, 2002 United States200.6 billion –California 25.7 billion –Texas 14.1 billion –Iowa 14.1 billion –Kansas 8.7 billion –Minnesota 8.5 billion –Illinois 7.7 billion –North Carolina 7.0 billion

3 California’s Unbalanced Distribution of Precipitation and Agriculture

4 California Stream Discharge

5 Non-irrigated western edge of the Central Valley

6 California Agricultural Regions

7 California State Water System

8 California’s Federal Water Projects

9 Oroville Dam

10 The Delta

11 Delta Farmland

12 Delta Water Diversion Canal and Pump Station


14 California Aqueduct

15 Central Valley Water Transfer Canal

16 The Irrigated Imperial Valley

17 Edge of the Imperial Valley

18 Central Valley near Fresno

19 Rice irrigation, solar heating of mountain water near Sacramento

20 Rain-for-Center pipe center, Salinas Valley

21 Adding chemicals to irrigation water, San Joaquin Valley

22 California Agricultural Production as % of US Total Almonds99Grapes91 Apricots93Honeydews76 Artichokes99Kiwifruit99 Asparagus55Lemons87 Avocados90Lettuce74 Broccoli92Onions32 Carrots76Peaches75 Cauliflower86Pears30 Celery 95Spinach67 Dates99Strawberries85 Figs99Tomatoes86 Garlic84Walnuts99








30 Agricultural Regions of Coastal and Valley California

31 Artichokes, lower Salinas Valley Artichoke Field, lower Salinas Valley

32 Artichokes


34 Harvesting Artichokes near Castroville

35 Packing Artichokes




39 Picking broccoli, Salinas Valley

40 Transporting broccoli Salinas Valley

41 Quick-cooling broccoli, Salinas

42 Napa Valley Vineyard


44 Bacio Divino Vineyard

45 Napa Valley Wine Trail

46 Napa Valley Wine Train

47 Gallo Livingstone Winery

48 Gallo Fresno Winery

49 Lompoc—the flower center

50 Lompoc

51 Orange Groves, California Aqueduct southern San Joaquin Valley

52 Southern San Joaquin Valley

53 Short makes them easier to harvest


55 Virginia, not California

56 Arkansas, not California


58 Wasteful Irrigation

59 Artesian Well before the water was all gone

60 Drip Irrigation in Orange Grove Southern San Joaquin Valley

61 Almond grove near Fresno

62 Water Conserving Irrigation, Coachella Valley

63 Drying Figs postcard, ~1908

64 O Orange Groves and Mountains—the California Dream

65 The California Dream, 1910

66 The The The California Dream, 1940s Style

67 1910 Rose Parade—for the saps in Iowa

68 California’s Population Distribution-- they also use water— and land


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