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CUNs: Final Recommendations & Responses to Questions on QPS uses MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri Ian Porter Michelle Marcotte Marta Pizano M o n t r e a.

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Presentation on theme: "CUNs: Final Recommendations & Responses to Questions on QPS uses MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri Ian Porter Michelle Marcotte Marta Pizano M o n t r e a."— Presentation transcript:

1 CUNs: Final Recommendations & Responses to Questions on QPS uses MBTOC Cochairs : Mohamed Besri Ian Porter Michelle Marcotte Marta Pizano M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok Methyl Bromide Issues

2 Trends in Amount (t) of MB Approved or Newly Nominated for Critical Uses from 2005 - 2012 Of the remaining 5 Parties submitting CUNs, all MB consumption continues to fall. Next year, Israel will phase out all uses and Japan all uses for soil. tonnes

3 Trends in Total MB (tonnes*) Exempted [Nominated] Amounts by Party *Numbers rounded to nearest tonne

4 Adjustments to CUE Amounts - Consideration of Stocks (Dec IX/6 1,bii) MB stocks (t) reported at end of: 20052009 Australia0 0 Canada3.7 6.4 EC121.0 0.1 Israel0Not Reported Japan48.1 4.0 New Zealand2.8 0 USA10,417.03,122.0 Total10,592.73,132.4 -MBTOC CUE recommendations not adjusted to account for stocks

5 MBTOC Workplan for 2011 CUN Nominations submitted by Parties24 January Questions of clarification to Parties21 February MBTOC 1 st meeting: CUN considerationAntalya, Turkey, 14- 18 March CUNs considered at TEAP meetingApril TEAP Report published on webLate April 30 th OEWG (bilaterals)July MBTOC 2 nd Meeting (if necessary)August 23 nd MOPNovember M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2 m e e t i n g, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok

6 MBTOC Soils M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok

7 MB Preplant Soil Use - 2010 CUNs Of the 27 CUNs submitted in 2010 only one required re-evaluation (US strawberry fruit) after the interim recommendations were presented to the 30 th OEWG. In its final assessment, 9 nominations were recommended for 2011 and 18 for 2012. A supplementary CUN from Australia of 5.95 t was also recommended for 2011 for strawberry runners.

8 Preplant Soil CUNs for 2011and 2012 Preplant Uses CUN 2011CUN 2012 Cucurbits, Melons, WatermelonsIsrael (x2)Japan (x3), USA Forest nurseriesUSA Ginger (open field, protected)Japan (x2) Nurseries (fruit, nut, flower)USA Orchard replantUSA Ornamentals (open field, protected)Israel (x2)USA Peppers and eggplantIsraelJapan, USA TomatoesIsraelUSA Sweet potato transplantsUSA Strawberry fruitIsrael (x2)USA Strawberry runnersIsrael (x2)Australia, Canada, USA Israel and Japan have indicated no more CUNs (16) will be submitted

9 CUN10 Recommendations for Preplant Soil Use by Party (tonnes) Country Nominated Amount Final CUE Recommendation 2011201220112012 Australia6306 Canada55 Israel*232225 Japan*216 USA1,021941 Israel and Japan have indicated no more CUNs will be submitted

10 Outcome of CUN 2010 Final Assessment for Soil Use for 2011/2012 (tonnes) Total* Quantity approved in CUN09 for 2011 2,031 New quantity nominated for 2011 Final Recommendation Not Recommended 238 230 8 Quantity nominated for 2012 Final Recommendation Not Recommended 1,271 1,193 78 (*Figures rounded to nearest tonne)

11 MB Preplant Soil Use: Issues and Progress in the 2010 CUN Round Strawberry runner nominations in 2012: MBTOC recommended full amounts of 29.790 t for Australia, 5.261 t Canada and 3.752 t for US. Future reductions appear dependent on registration of MI/Pic, Pic100 or plug plants in substrates. Nominations from Israel and Japan were recommended, some with further reductions to those already applied by the Party of 20% and 4% respectively. Neither Party will be applying for MB for any soil uses in 2011or 2012 respectively.

12 US made significant reductions in MB use in many sectors (up to 90%), but difficulties exist with strawberry fruit and some nursery industries. The Party also indicated that some uses previously considered under the CUN process had been shifted to QPS for forest nurseries in this round. MB Preplant Soil Use: Issues and Progress in the 2010 CUN Round

13 In September 2010, US requested reassessment of the CUN of 749.055 t based on new data from the Californian Strawberry Commission (CSC). MBTOCs interim recommendation was 644.429 t, but after further review recommended 673.085 t. The full amount was not recommended as reductions were still possible in specific counties based on uptake of lower MB/Pic formulations and use of the alternatives 1,3-D/Pic and Pic applied alone. The Party noted that registration of a key alternative, methyl iodide/Pic, is still pending. MBTOC requests an action plan in future nominations to address possible strategies to reduce MB in the light of the strict regulatory environment with chemical alternatives. US Strawberry Fruit: Issues

14 The Party advised that recent registration of Pic chlor 60 has assisted MB reductions. Regulatory issues hindering efforts to uptake alternatives in the Californian strawberry fruit industry include those which; Prevent use of barrier films to reduce dose rate of MB. MBTOC notes that barrier films can be used with MB in other states and in other countries. Impose higher emission factors for 1,3-D/Pic for the more effective treatment of shank application (x1.8) compared to drip application (x1.1). This thus reduces the use of this alternative under township caps. US Strawberry Fruit: Issues

15 A substantial amount of methyl bromide (approx. 2,800 t) is exempted under QPS for nursery uses in the USA, whereas similar uses in other countries have been considered under the critical use process and some alternatives have been adopted. At its September meeting, MBTOC - S and MBTOC - QPS further discussed this issue and members were unable to resolve the definitional issues regarding the exemption. QPS Preplant Soil Uses

16 MBTOC Structures and Commodities

17 Structural and Commodity CUNs in 2010 Structures (4 CUNs) Food processing -- bakeries, pasta, food facilities, pet food (Canada and US) Flour mills and cereal processing (Canada and US) Commodities (4 CUNs) Chestnuts (Japan) Cheese in storage (US; included in a structural CUN) Dry cure pork in storages (US) Dried fruit, walnuts and dates (US) Rice (Australia)

18 Structural and Commodity CUNs for 2011 and 2012 assessed in 2010 round (tonnes) Quantity nominated for 2011 3.529* MBTOC recommendation for 2011 2.084 Quantity nominated for 2012 180.958 MBTOC recommendation for 2012 99.021 Total nomination in 2010 round184.487 Total recommendation in 2010 101.105 * CUEs for 2011 previously approved is 185.7 t

19 2010 SC CUN Summary - Australia Australia rice 2012; Nominated 4.870 t. Interim recommendation was a 44% cut (1.948t) Final: Reduced to 3.653 t, a 25% reduction of the nomination. Australia provided a new phase-out plan for a 25% decrease in 2012 over the Partys earlier nomination, plus significant step downs for 2013 and 2014. The Party agreed that these decreases will take place even in times of low harvest. The Party indicated that it would not nominate for rice in 2015

20 2010 CUNs - Canada Canada flour mills 2012; Nominated 11.020 t. Recommended 11.020 t. The Partys nomination was a reduction of 22% over the amount of MB granted by the Parties for 2011. The amount recommended will only fumigate 7-8 mills. The reduction is due to the results of a multi-year research program and the advent of the new regulation. SF still not registered for food contact in Canada. Canada pasta 2011; Nominated 3.529 t, the same amount as granted by the Parties in 2009. MBTOC recommends 2.084 t, a 41% decrease. Three facilities requested one fumigation each, but one facility reports poor gas tightness and is unsuitable for MB use. Heat treatment and SF are alternatives.

21 2010 CUNs – Japan and US Japan chestnuts 2012; Nominated 4.984 t. MBTOC recommends 3.489 t, a 30% reduction. MI registered farmer training and adoption can begin in 2011. US cured pork 2012; Nominated 3.73 t, the same amount as granted by the Parties for 2011. MBTOC recommends 3.73 t. There is no alternative registered for this use. There is a multi-state, multi-university research program ongoing which is increasing knowledge of pest and dose response to potential alternatives.

22 2010 CUNs for the US (1) US nominated 17.365 t for food processing (NPMA). At interim review MBTOC did not recommend the use. After further review MBTOC now recommends 0.200 tonnes for cheese infested while in storage. The remaining uses in the CUN are not recommended.

23 2010 CUNs for the US (2) US nominated 135.299 t for mills and processors in 2012; the same as granted by the Parties for 2011. MBTOC recommends 74.510 t which is a 50% decrease for flour milling, a 50% decrease for rice milling and a zero decrease for pet food facilities. MBTOC requests more substantial information if this use is nominated for future years.

24 2010 CUNs for the US (3) US nominated 4.907 t for two commodities (dates and walnuts) in 2012; The interim recommendation was 2.155 t, but after consideration of further information from the Party MBTOC recommends 2.419 t. MBTOC identified several registered alternatives suitable for the US nomination. Poor efficacy of SF for killing pest eggs in unshelled walnuts sold on the domestic market. MB now used under the QPS exemption for walnuts exported where formerly SF was used. Dates show efficacy problems, extensive ongoing research (0% decrease).

25 Quarantine and Pre-shipment TEAP Responses to Questions from Australia on QPS Uses of Methyl Bromide M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2 m e e t i n g, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok

26 Background TEAP submitted QPS reports in response to Dec XX/6 and XXI/10 Australias questions and TEAPs responses are posted on the Ozone Secretariat website Australia asked 10 specific questions seeking clarification on MBTOC-QPSs: –Scope of work –Working procedures –Consumption of MB-QPS M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2 m e e t i n g, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok

27 Scope of work MBTOC did not evaluate emissions because this work was not requested in Decisions XX/6 or XXI/10 TEAP focused on three key methodologies, but is aware that other methodologies are possible MBTOC did not address risks of MB-QPS emissions to the ozone layer; this was addressed during the QPS workshop in Port Ghalib (November, 2009) MBTOC quantified trade issues associated with MB-QPS to the extent possible, but further work could be undertaken M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2 m e e t i n g, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok

28 Working procedures MBTOC clarified that it uses: –Data reported by the Parties –Data from previous reports, where relevant –Existing definitions where available –Working definitions where appropriate If multiple sources of consumption data were provided, MBTOC took steps to avoid double counting. Methodology for assessing any impact of a restriction on QPS uses was proposed and is work in progress Further guidance from Parties appreciated

29 Consumption of MB-QPS Future consumption and use for QPS has not been extrapolated. MBTOC could not provide a range estimate for emissions from fumigated logs as data were insufficient MBTOC and the QPSTF highlighted a discrepancy of about 2000 tonnes of methyl bromide reported by Parties between use and consumption. No distinction was made between the amount of methyl bromide used in good or bad fumigations MBTOC analysed official data reported or submitted by the Parties M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2 m e e t i n g, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok

30 General comments Since 1992, MBTOC and QPSTF have reported on more alternatives available to replace MB-QPS For the 4 main categories of use, TEAP in 2010 reported that 31-47% of global MB-QPS consumption was immediately replaceable with alternatives It would be complex to determine export country bans on the use of MB QPS in the importing country. TEAP described future work that could help quantify how much MB-QPS could be replaced for reported QPS uses. M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l M O P - 2 2 m e e t i n g, 8 - 12 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0, B a n g k ok


32 Canada Emergency Use Based on the information provided by Canada at this time TEAP and its MBTOC consider this use legitimate within the terms of reference and look forward to the review of the inventory under the accounting framework in 2011. Under the wording of the Decision, Parties may wish to review and provide guidance to TEAP on future such emergencies.

33 Canadas Emergency Use Poor climatic conditions prevented use of CUE MB in 2009, but some was needed the following Spring in 2010. This was in addition to the full CUE for 2010, however the total amount was less than the combined CUE approved by Parties for 2009 and 2010. Canadas use was considered extremely responsible as there are limited alternatives registered in PEI. Rates of MB used in 2010 were below the registered rate, barrier films were used and organic production is still being used and considered for greater use for nursery plants. MBTOC-S has no issues with the request.

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