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P2PSIP diagnostics Song Haibin draft-zheng-p2psip-diagnose-02

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1 P2PSIP diagnostics Song Haibin draft-zheng-p2psip-diagnose-02

2 Diagnostic scenarios Diagnostics built into the routing protocol  E.g. Keep-alive between neighbors Diagnostics to check the overall health of the network  Overall resource consumption, malicious nodes, etc  Maybe a diagnostics server is needed Diagnostics for a single node  A node’s connectivity quality to the network  Report where the problem happens when the source can’t reach its destination  Echo message is used for this purpose

3 Echo Diagnostic message for a single node When does the diagnostic message is needed  A node wants to check its connectivity quality to the overlay (average hops, etc.) or to a specific node (Hops, RTT, detecting path loop, etc.)  To collect information of the overlay  Reload provides a piggy-back mode to collect the path nodes’ information (route-log)  but sometimes a node may just want to check its connectivity or track the failed path to see where the problem happens, without involved with other messages

4 Echo (Cont.) What information may be conveyed to the source node by Echo  Timestamp (Initiated, Received)  Hops the message routes in the overlay  Responding peer info (resource info, service capability info, address info, etc)  If loop detected in the routing  The underlay problem for failed routing Ping Mode and Traceroute mode

5 Ping Mode - only destination peer responds N80 N20 N40 P2p overlay N60 Echo Echo Response

6 Traceroute Mode - all intermediate peers respond N80 N20 N40 P2p overlay N60 Echo Echo Response

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