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SWIG Many languages Large user base Highly customizable.

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Presentation on theme: "SWIG Many languages Large user base Highly customizable."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWIG Many languages Large user base Highly customizable

2 Wrapping v1 : CSwig ITK heavily templated Not swig friendly Gccxml + cableswig Wrap code needed for specific project

3 Wrapping v2 : WrapITK Still using gccxml and cableswig Wrap many classes Wrap them consistently Ensure that we can build a pipeline Names Configurable types Many python improvements

4 Wrapping v3 : WrapITK Gccxml and SWIG typedef itk::Index itkIndex2; Generate interface using that typedef Separated template instantiations Target language documentation Explicit instantiation 80+ % filter coverage

5 ITK Last WrapITK is in ITK test it! Python and Java (and Tcl)

6 To discuss Modularization Use modularization modules A « wrapping » subdirectory? WrapITK external projects? Use python during the build? Explicit instantiation? Link with SimpleITK? (Java methods with first letter in lowercase?)

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