Domestic Enrollment >> Progress Report AUGUST 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic Enrollment >> Progress Report AUGUST 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic Enrollment >> Progress Report AUGUST 15, 2014

2 Enrollment SUMMER State-Funded FTEs  2014: 1,835  2013: 2,001  2012: 1,972  2011: 2,002 Source: SCC Enrollment Data

3 Consistent Pattern Source: SCC Enrollment Data

4 Overview  Understanding  What do we know?  What do we not know?  Action  What have we done?  Where are we headed?

5 Context: History Source: SCC Enrollment Data

6 Context: Comparisons Consistent 3% decrease per year Source: SBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing ReportsSBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing Reports

7 Context: Community Source: American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates

8 Context: Community Source: SBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing ReportsSBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing Reports

9 Context: SBCTC Analysis Washington State Population and Employment Data 2010-2030 WACTC Accountability and Allocation Task Force September 2013

10 Context: Demographics 20092010%2011%2012%2015% 15 – 1946,51849,226 5.8 47,456 -3.6 46,909 -1.2 46,939 0.1 20 - 2443,39144,970 3.6 45,915 2.1 47,737 4.0 45,360 -5.0 25 - 3499,444100,655 1.2 100,360 -0.3 103,118 2.7 103,971 0.8 Population by age: Snohomish County 20092010%2011%2012%2015% 15 – 19111,118117,227 5.5 112, 410 -4.1 114,224 1.6 115,198 0.9 20 - 24121,196130,776 7.9 133,214 1.9 134,183 0.7 142,056 5.9 25 - 34327,759314,288 -4.1 323,899 3.1 331,544 2.4 307,967 -7.1 Population by age: King County Source: American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates

11 SCC Age Demographics 20092010%2011%2012%2013% < 201,7341,668 - 3.8 1,553 -6.9 1,457 -6.2 1,528 4.9 20 - 241,7771,724 -3.0 1,642 -4.8 1,705 3.8 1,636 -4.0 25 - 341,5741,651 4.9 1,657 0.4 1,579 -4.7 1,435 -9.1 35 +1,9981,533 -23.3 1,451 -5.3 1,368 -5.7 1,345 -1.7 Total7,2436,651 -8.2 6,329 -4.8 6,152 -2.8 5,969 -3.0 SCC Domestic Enrollment (Headcount), Fall to Fall, by Age 20092010201120122013 King 67% 66%65% Snohomish 27% 29%31% Other6% 5%4% King: “In-District”22% 23%22% % of SCC Domestic Enrollment (Headcount), Fall to Fall, by County Source: SCC Enrollment Data

12 Context: District Source: OSPI Washington State Report CardOSPI Washington State Report Card

13 Context: SCC District Source: Education Research & Data Center, High School Feedback Report

14 Context: Workforce UNEMPLOYMENT RATE SnohomishKing Fall 200910.5%9.2% Fall 201010.3%9.2% Fall 20118.9%8.1% Fall 20126.9%8.0% Fall 20135.8%5.2% Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

15 Context: Workforce Source: SCC Enrollment Data

16 Context: Student Voice  “Importance to me” 1 – not important at all 7 – very important  “Enrollment factors” 1. Importance of cost in decision to enroll (M = 6.06) 2. Importance of financial aid in decision to enroll (M = 6.00) 3. Importance of academic reputation in decision to enroll (M = 5.90)

17 What do we know?  Declines in domestic enrollment are …  a shared problem.  not related to representation based on race/ethnicity.  reflect age-related demographic changes.  reflect district changes.  reflect economic changes, and & financial aid are key enrollment factors.  can be seen in transfer, workforce, and basic education.

18 What do we not know?  Causality  Other external factors  Other schools’ strategies  Emergent, Urgent, or Crisis

19 What are we doing?  Retention initiatives  Investment in student advising  Enhanced welcome week activities  First Year Fast Forward  Increasing “bucket” offerings  Mid-Quarter Check-in  Marketing of workforce funding programs

20 Where are we headed?  Strategic Enrollment Management  Begins with data  Supports strategic planning  KEY issues and actions  Refreshed for new context

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