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Kyle Mundt February 3, 2010.  Richard Lipton, 1971  A way of testing your tests  Alter your code in various ways  Check to see if tests fail on altered.

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1 Kyle Mundt February 3, 2010

2  Richard Lipton, 1971  A way of testing your tests  Alter your code in various ways  Check to see if tests fail on altered code  Becoming popular again due to increased computing power  Strongest use seems to be with Fortran and C (procedural languages)

3  Mutant: code resulting from applying a mutation operator  Mutation (or Fault) Operator: rule used to create a mutant  Killing a Mutant: when tests fail on a mutant  Mutation-Adequate: tests kill all mutants  Equivalent mutant: produces same output as original (can’t be killed)  Mutation score: killed / (total – equivalent)

4 Original if (a == 10) b = 3; else b = 5; Mutant if (a != 10) b = 3; else b = 5;

5  Apply mutation operators to code (only one change in each mutant)  Run mutants through test cases  Check mutants that do not fail ◦ Equivalent mutants  Change test cases to catch mutant  Repeat

6  Don’t begin too early  Code should already be written  Tests should be reasonably thorough  Begin with good set of test cases and code that passes tests  Iterative process ◦ Create mutants, run tests, fix, repeat

7  Traditional Mutation Operators ◦ Statement deletion ◦ Invert logical operators ◦ Replace arithmetic operators ◦ Replace variable with another in same scope  Class-Level Mutation Operators ◦ Object oriented ◦ Change containers ◦ Concurrency

8  If test results are the same ◦ There is “dead code” ◦ Mutant is equivalent to original ◦ Test cases not complete  Code coverage not good enough  Functional testing not enough  Need way to analyze test effectiveness  Useful for hardware verification  Based on coupling effect: “ test data set that detects all simple faults in a program is so sensitive that it also detects more complex faults”  Ties into automatic test generation

9  Hitting every line doesn’t guarantee good tests  Doesn’t ensure defects detected if they occur  Not good measure of verification effectiveness

10  Testing functionality of program  Deals with how program should work  Mostly ignores how it shouldn’t  Functional tests are subjective  Also bad measure of verification quality

11  Looking at, improving tests  Convinces us tests will detect defects if they occur  Similar to techniques done manually on hardware  Need way to automate it to be practical

12  Verify testbed  Gives data to be used in improving chip testing  Hardware defects can cause unexpected behavior  Must ensure this behavior is caught  Attempt to show defects found by tests

13  Adequate automation  Huge (maybe infinite) possible number of mutants  Fault classification and prioritization  Which operators to use  How to apply to OOP, concurrency, etc.

14  Mothra – 22 operators  6 operators account for 40-60% of mutants  Redundant mutants (can be killed by same test)  Research shows 5 operators gives good data ◦ Gives 99% total mutant score and reduces number of mutants by 77%

15  ABS – make value of each arithmetic expression be 0, positive, and negative  AOR – replace arithmetic operator with valid operators  LCR – replace each logical operator  ROR – replace relational operators  UOI – insert unary operators in front of expressions  Note this is used on Fortran, a procedural language

16  Running whole program takes time  Don’t really care about what happens after mutant line hit  So, don’t execute whole mutant  Compare states of original and mutant after mutated line executed  Regular mutation requires three things ◦ Mutant be reached ◦ Mutant creates incorrect state in program ◦ Program state reflected as difference in test output  Weak Mutation only requires the first two  Related to automatic test generation

17  Put all mutants into “metaprogram”  One large program to compile and link  Mothra turns program into intermediate form  Modifies intermediate form to create mutants  Interprets intermediate forms (interpreting is slow)  Schema-based is much faster than interpretive systems

18  Can reduce number of test cases executed ◦ Once a test case is killed, remove it from further testing ◦ No reason to kill it twice  Random selection of mutants appropriate in some cases

19  Easy to come up with operators for simple types  User types much harder  Operators have been developed for things like ◦ Inheritance ◦ Polymorphism ◦ Method visibility  Harder to mutate based on meaning of object  Some research applied to Java OO mutation

20  Methods proposed to alter at code level ◦ Allows changes to things like attributes  Mutants made this way may not compile  Could cause integration errors  Still doesn’t look at meanings  Can write operators specifically for classes  Probably not practical in almost all situations  How to actually change object state?

21  Mutate commonly used Java libraries  Again operators picked to try and simulate common mistakes  One solution found was to mutate Containers, Iterators, and InputStream  Java reflection can also be used to examine object fields at runtime

22  Collection Interface (most apply to List or Vector as well) ◦ Make collection empty ◦ Remove some element (first, last, random) ◦ Reorder elements ◦ Mutate element type  Iterators: ◦ Skip element  InputStream ◦ Skip bytes of data

23  First described for C programs  Designed for integration testing, mutate interface between modules  Designed to scale to larger systems  Actions taken to control number of mutants ◦ Only look at integration errors ◦ Tests only connections between pairs of subsystems ◦ Mutates only module interfaces (eg. Function calls, return values)

24  MuClipse ◦ Open source mutation testing plug-in for Eclipse  µJava (muJava)  Heckle (Ruby)  Insure++ (C++)  Nester (C#)

25  C# programs for Visual Studios 2005  Only supports NUnit Framework  Highlights code ◦ Killed mutations in green ◦ Surviving mutations in red ◦ Code not covered by tests in blue  Allows use of XML-based grammar to define own transformation rules

26  Different approach  Used to find bugs in source code  Creates functionally equivalent mutants ◦ Lines changed without changing expected results  Tests should all still pass  If a test fails, something wrong with code  Insure++ reports faults and lines responsible

27  More complicated programs equals greater need for quality tests  Need way to ensure/measure test effectiveness  Mutation-Based testing can fill this role  Still needs further research  Not a lot of implementations or examples of use on large scale  Getting attention in hardware verification  More work needs to be done to apply to OO

28  [1] Offutt, J. A. & Untch, R. H. (October 2000). Mutation 2000: Uniting the Orthogonal. Retrieved January 18, 2011 from  [2] Bakewell, G. (2010). Mutation-Based Testing Technologies Close the “Quality Gap” in Functional Verification for Complex Chip Designs. Retrieved January 18, 2011, from Quality-Gap-in-Functional-Verification-for-Complex-Chip-Designs/4.aspx  [3] Offut, J. A. (June 1995). A Practical System for Mutation Testing: Help for the Common Programmer. Retrieved January 18, 2011 from  [4] Usaola, M. & Mateo, P. (2010). Mutation Testing Cost Reduction Techniques: A Survey. IEEE Software, 27(3), 80-86. Retrieved January 23, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2012103051).  [5] Kolawa, Adam (1999). Mutation Testing: A New Approach to Automatic Error-Detection. Retrieved January 18, 2011, from  [6] Alexander, R. T.; Bieman, J. M.; Ghosh, S.; & Ji, B (2002). Mutation of Java Objects. Retrieved January 18, 2011 from  [7] Nester - Free Software that Helps to do Effective Unit Testing in C#.

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