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Results Reporting 2007 Corinthia Atlantic Hotel 23 rd April 2008 UNDP The Gambia The Gambia.

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1 Results Reporting 2007 Corinthia Atlantic Hotel 23 rd April 2008 UNDP The Gambia The Gambia

2 Intended Outcome GMB_OUTCOME32 MDG BASED PRO-POOR POLICIES DEVELOPED AND PARTNERSHIPS ENHANCED TO ACHIEVE THE MDGS Core Result PRS/PRSP prepared through substantive participatory process to ensure clear linkages with human development and the MDGs Service LinePro Poor policy reform to achieve MDG Targets Practice AreaAchieving the MDGS and reducing human poverty Annual target for 2007 toward intended outcome 1.Round Table Conference for the Gambia successfully conducted to mobilize resources for MDG based PRSP 2. National Planning commission institutional framework in place and staff recruited 3. Feasibility study for the establishment of a national independent think tank institution 4. Country poverty and employment study conducted and basket fund arrangements in place to support resource mobilization for the implementation for the Gamjobs program 5. Institutional capacity of selected institution enhanced to support formulation and implementation of pro-poor growth and accountability policies. Statement of progress in achieving annual target CO provided substantive technical advice/expertise and other support for preparation of relevant documents and supported preparatory activities for a Round Table Conference based on Paris Declaration, to mobilize resources for the implementation of the MDG-based PRSP. Institutional framework for the NPC is in place and recruitment of staff to be finalized soon. Country Poverty Study& Employment Study conducted. A concept paper was developed for the establishment of a national independent think-tank institution. Through the Fight Against Social and Economic Exclusion project (FASE), capacity gaps of 100 groups identified, based on which massive capacity building campaigns were launched. To venture sustainability, project has established a pool of 20 Trainers in all regions and trained on the use all FASE Training Manuals.

3 Intended Outcome GMB_OUTCOME33 IMPROVED OPPORTUNITY FOR GENDER EQUALITY AND INTEGRATION INTO DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS. Core Result Pro-poor and pro-women growth policies adopted, gender sensitive budgeting established to track resources allocated to trac resources allocated for gender sensitive MDG Targets and to improve national dialogue on policy choices Practice AreaPractice Area 1: Achieving the MDGS and reducing human poverty Service LineGender Mainstreaming Annual target for 2007 toward intended outcome 1.Awareness levels raised on social benefits of increased women's representation in leadership positions, and capacities of selected female leaders enhanced in advocacy, community leadership and confidence building 2. Support provided for the review of the national Women's Policy 2.Capacity of selected women enhanced in advocacy, community leadership and confidence building. Statement of progress in achieving annual target A successful nation-wide sensitization campaign was conducted to raise awareness on benefits of increased women's representation in key decision-making processes. Gender issues mainstreamed in the MDG-based PRSP, localized MDGs and in sectoral policies (Education, Health and Agriculture).Support was provided for the review of the National Women's policy.

4 INTENDED OUTCOME GMB_OUTCOME34 STRENGTHEN KEY GOVERNANCE INSTITUTIONS AND SUSTAINABLE AND TRANSPARENT ELECTORAL PROCESS AND SYSTEMS ENHANCE TO SUSTAIN DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES Core Result Legal and institutional frameworks that enable free, fair, transparent and sustainable elections at all levels in place Practice AreaFostering Democratic Governance Service LineElectoral systems and process Annual target for 2007 toward intended outcome 1.Support provided to the Independent Electoral Commission to successfully conduct the National Assembly Elections in January 2007, as well as preparations for Local Government Elections in January 2008 2.Capacity of CSO's enhanced to effectively undertake voter education and elections observation Statement of progress in achieving annual target Advisory services and operational support were effectively and timely provided (procurement of polling equipments/materials training of independent electoral staff and polling staff) to the Independent Electoral Commission, thus enabling the Commission to conduct technically sound National Assembly elections in January 2007. In addition to strengthening the capacity of the IEC in effective election management, the capacity of CSOs was also enhanced and for the first time in Gambia's electoral history, CSO network played a key role in voter education, observation and monitoring of elections. A media monitoring exercise was also completed and more than 120 domestic observers were effectively trained and equipped to perform election monitoring. A separate work plan for the Local Government Elections in January 2008 was prepared bringing together several priorities that needed attention for carrying out the January 2008 elections. The same advisory services and operational support were also timely provided to conduct these elections. All arrangements were in place for the elections. Furthermore, 3 regional workshops were conducted to develop a long-term strategy for enhancing electoral processes in the country.

5 INTENDED OUTCOME GMB_OUTCOME38 HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION AND PROMOTION INITIATIVE MAINSTREAMED INTO NATIONAL POLICIES AND STRATEGIES Core Result National systems for the promotion and protection of human rights, including CSOs, in place Practice AreaFostering Democratic Governance Service LineJustice and Human Rights Annual target for 2007 toward intended outcome 1. Institutional capacity of selected media houses and NGOs enhanced to promote human rights and good governance issues 2. Sensitization campaigns conducted and policy dialogue initiated on the establishment of a national Human Rights Commission 3. Support provided to selected CSOs for the conduct of legal aid clinics Statement of progress in achieving annual target Efforts were made to streamline human rights into national policies/strategies through increased training and sensitization campaigns on human rights awareness. UNDP has kick-started a policy dialogue with key stakeholders on the establishment of a Human Rights Commission aimed at developing a full scale intervention on establishing the institution in 2008. MOUs signed with Action Aid and African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights to enhance capacity of selected media houses and CSO in human rights and human development issues.

6 INTENDED OUTCOME GMB_OUTCOME35 IMPROVED CAPACITY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION AND POLICIES Core ResultDecentralization policies, including fiscal and legal frameworks adopted. Practice AreaFostering Democratic Governance Service LineDecentralization, local governance and urban/rural development Annual target for 2007 toward intended outcome 1.Capacities of local government structures enhances through the establishment of local information centers, and support for the implementation of community action plans 2. Capacities of CSOs and CBOs enhances to advocate for and monitor the implementation of the MDG based PRSP 3. Capacity needs assessment for civil service policy conducted in partnership with WB, DFID and AfDB Statement of progress in achieving annual target The trainings, advocacy and sensitization activities on MDGs and PRSP have resulted in enhancing the capacities of all stakeholders, particularly at the community level, to develop and implement their own Community Action Plans (CAPs), and to plan and take informed decisions on development priorities that affect their lives and livelihoods.

7 INTENDED OUTCOME GMB_OUTCOME36 ENVIRONMENTAL AND DISASTER PREVENTION AND MITIGATION CONCERNS MAINSTREAMED INTO NATIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES AND STRATEGIES Core Result National strategies for Sustainable Development for integrating of economic, social and environmental issues adopted and implemented Practice AreaEnergy and Environment for sustainable development Service LineFrameworks and strategies for sustainable development Annual target for 2007 toward intended outcome 1.Capacity for mainstreaming environmental activities into national and local development policies enhanced. 2.Legal and policy framework in place for the establishment of he national disaster management office. Statement of progress in achieving annual target 5 regional, 1 municipal and 30 local level disaster management committees have been restructured or established, about 197 members of disaster committees have been trained and their capacities strengthened in disaster prevention, control and mitigation. One municipal and 5 regional disaster funds have also been established. A national emergency preparedness and response plan for Avian Influenza (AI) was developed and endorsed by government. A National Disaster Management Policy and legal framework has been formulated, debated by NAMs is being presented for cabinet's approval. A comprehensive hazard/disaster profile and vulnerability and capacity assessment report developed and serve as an input for the policy and legal framework.

8 Intended Outcome GMB_OUTCOME 37 ENHANCED NATIONAL CAPACITY TO MAINSTREAM AND SUSTAIN NATIONAL HIV/AIDS POLICIES AND INTERVENTION Core Result Broad based,multi -sectoral and multi level response generated, integrating HIV/AIDS into national development plans and poverty reduction strategies Practice AreaResponding to HIV/AIDS Service LineHIV/AIDs and Human Development Annual target for 2007 toward intende outcome 1.Capacity needs assessment of the National AIDS Secretariat conducted in order to strengthen the Institutional Capacity of NAS, and capacity of PLWHA network enhanced to meet the needs of members 2.Manpower needs for the implementation of the HIV/AIDS component of GFATM reviewed and support 3.Support provided to the private-public coalition against HIV/AIDS Statement of progress in achieving annual target Capacity Needs Assessment and strategic planning exercise contributed to the strengthening of the National AIDS Secretariat. As part of joint programming efforts between UNDP/UNAIDS/WB, an Issues' Paper and Action Plan was developed to mainstream HIV/AIDS in the PRSP and funding was secured. From one PLWHIV support group in the mid 90s there are now ten such groups nationwide. Institutional capacity of People Living With HIV/AIDS groups were enhanced and members trained in income generating activities. The National Network of HIV/AIDS Support Groups (GAMNASS), the Network of Service Provider Organizations -NASO(mainly CSOs) were inaugurated and supported. The Business Coalition Against HIV/AIDS (BUCAHA)was supported. Assistance in the development of workplace HIV/AIDS policies and training of personnel to implement HIV/AIDS workplace programmes is on-going.

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