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Trip Generation 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 Input: Output: Socioeconomic Data Land Use Data Trip Ends by trip purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Trip Generation 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 Input: Output: Socioeconomic Data Land Use Data Trip Ends by trip purpose."— Presentation transcript:


2 Trip Generation 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 Input: Output: Socioeconomic Data Land Use Data Trip Ends by trip purpose

3 Trip Generation Trip Distribution The question is… how do we allocate all the trips among all the potential destinations? Zone 1 Trip Matrix or Trip Table

4 Trip Distribution

5 We link production or origin zones to attraction or destination zones A trip matrix is produced – The cells within the trip matrix are the “trip interchanges” between zones

6 Basic Assumptions of Trip Distribution Number of trips decrease with COST between zones Number of trips increase with zone “attractiveness”

7 Methods of Trip Distribution I.Growth Factor Models II.Gravity Model

8 Growth Factor Models Growth Factor Models assume that we already have a basic trip matrix – Usually obtained from a previous study or recent survey data

9 Growth Factor Models The goal is then to estimate the matrix at some point in the future – For example, what would the trip matrix look like in 2 years time? Trip Matrix, t (2008) Trip Matrix, T (2018)

10 Some of the More Popular Growth Factor Models Uniform Growth Factor Singly-Constrained Growth Factor Average Factor Detroit Factor Fratar Method

11 Uniform Growth Factor Model

12 Uniform Growth Factor T ij = τ t ij for each pair i and j T ij = Future Trip Matrix t ij = Base-year Trip Matrix τ = General Growth Rate i= I = Production Zone j= J = Attraction Zone

13 Uniform Growth Factor Trip Matrix, t (2013) Trip Matrix, T (2018) If we assume τ = 1.2 (growth rate), then… T ij = τ t ij = (1.2)(5) = 6

14 Uniform Growth Factor The Uniform Growth Factor is typically used for over a 1 or 2 year horizon However, assuming that trips grow at a standard uniform rate is a fundamentally flawed concept

15 The Gravity Model

16 The big idea behind the gravity model is Newton’s law of gravitation… The force of attraction between 2 bodies is directly proportional to the product of masses between the two bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance The Inspiration for the Gravity Model F = k M 1 M 2 r2r2

17 Some of the Variables T ij = Q ij = Trips Volume between i & j F ij =1/W c ij = Friction Factor W ij = Generalized Cost (including travel time, cost) c= Calibration Constant p ij = Probability that trip i will be attracted to zone j k ij = Socioeconomic Adjustment Factor T ij = Trips between i & j i = production zone j = attraction zone T ij = f (P i, A j, C ij ) C ij = Generalized cost of trip from i to j

18 The Gravity Model The bigger the friction factor, the more trips that are encouraged T ij = Q ij = P i A j F ij K ij ΣA j F ij K ij F ij = 1 / W c ij (Productions)(Attractions)(Friction Factor) Sum of the (Attractions x Friction Factors) of the Zones = = P i p ij or ln F = - c ln W

19 To Apply the Gravity Model What we need… 1.Productions, {P i } 2.Attractions, {A j } 3.Skim Tables {W ij )  Target-Year Interzonal Impedances

20 Gravity Model Example 8.2 Given: – Target-year Productions, {P i } – Relative Attractiveness of Zones, {A j } – Skim Table, {W ij } – Calibration Factor, c = 2.0 – Socioeconomic Adjustment Factor, K = 1.0 Find: – Trip Interchanges, {Q ij }

21 Σ(A j F ij K ij ) Calculate Friction Factors, {F ij } Given… Calibration Factor c = 2.0 Socioeconomic Adj. Factor K = 1.0 Calculate Friction Factors, {F ij } Find Denominator of Gravity Model Equation {A j F ij K ij } Find Probability that Trip i will be attracted to Zone j, {p ij } Find Trip Interchanges, {Q ij } Target-Year Inter-zonal Impedances, {W ij } F 11 = 1 5252 =0.04 A j F ij K ij =A 2 F 12 K 12 (3)(0.01)(1.0) = 0.03 Given… Find A j F ij K ij Find Probability that Trip from i will be attracted to Zone j, {p ij } Find Trip Interchanges, {Q ij } p 12 = A 2 F 12 K 12 0.0514 = 0.03 = 0.5838 Q 12 = P 1 p 12 = (1500)(0.5838) = 876 F ij = 1 W c ij =

22 Σ(A j F ij K ij ) Calculate Friction Factors, {F ij } Given… Calibration Factor c = 2.0 Socioeconomic Adj. Factor K = 1.0 Calculate Friction Factors, {F ij } Find Denominator of Gravity Model Equation {A j F ij K ij } Find Probability that Trip i will be attracted to Zone j, {p ij } Find Trip Interchanges, {Q ij } Target-Year Inter-zonal Impedances, {W ij } F 23 = 1 10 2 =0.01 A j F ij K ij =A 3 F 23 K 23 (2)(0.01)(1.0) = 0.02 Given… Find A j F ij K ij Find Probability that Trip from i will be attracted to Zone j, {p ij } Find Trip Interchanges, {Q ij } p 23 = A 3 F 23 K 23 0.1622 = 0.02 = 0.1233 Q 12 = P 2 p 23 = (0)(0.1233) = 2 F ij = 1 W c ij =

23 Σ(A j F ij K ij ) Calculate Friction Factors, {F ij } Given… Calibration Factor c = 2.0 Socioeconomic Adj. Factor K = 1.0 Calculate Friction Factors, {F ij } Find Denominator of Gravity Model Equation {A j F ij K ij } Find Probability that Trip i will be attracted to Zone j, {p ij } Find Trip Interchanges, {Q ij } Target-Year Inter-zonal Impedances, {W ij } F 23 = 1 10 2 =0.01 A j F ij K ij =A 3 F 23 K 23 (2)(0.01)(1.0) = 0.02 Given… Find A j F ij K ij Find Probability that Trip from i will be attracted to Zone j, {p ij } Find Trip Interchanges, {Q ij } p 23 = A 3 F 23 K 23 0.1622 = 0.02 = 0.1233 Q 12 = P 2 p 23 = (0)(0.1233) = 2 F ij = 1 W c ij =

24 Keep in mind that the socioeconomic factor, K, can be a matrix of values rather than just one value

25 The Problem with K-Factors Although K-Factors may improve the model in the base year, they assume that these special conditions will carry over to future years and scenarios – This limits model sensitivity and undermines the model’s ability to predict future travel behavior The need for K-factors often is a symptom of other model problems. – Additionally, the use of K-factors makes it more difficult to figure out the real problems

26 Limitations of the Gravity Model Too much of a reliance on K-Factors in calibration External trips and intrazonal trips cause difficulties The skim table impedance factors are often too simplistic to be realistic – Typically based solely upon vehicle travel times At most, this might include tolls and parking costs – Almost always fails to take into account how things such as good transit and walkable neighborhoods affect trip distribution – No obvious connection to behavioral decision-making

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