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Mini-workshop Fundamental Physics ESO/Garching 18-19 Sep, 2014 С.А. Левшаков Физико-технический институт им. А.Ф. Иоффе Санкт-Петербург.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini-workshop Fundamental Physics ESO/Garching 18-19 Sep, 2014 С.А. Левшаков Физико-технический институт им. А.Ф. Иоффе Санкт-Петербург."— Presentation transcript:

1 mini-workshop Fundamental Physics ESO/Garching 18-19 Sep, 2014 С.А. Левшаков Физико-технический институт им. А.Ф. Иоффе Санкт-Петербург

2 Chajnantor, 5000m above sea level Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) 0.3-9.6 mm

3 E-ELT European-Extremely Large Telescope


5 Cerro Armazones, 3060 m June 2014

6 E-ELT adaptive, automatically correcting the atmospheric disturbances six sodium (Na) laser guide stars greater details than the HST by 15 times (!) THE SCHEDULE OF THE E-ELT Dome acceptance — March 2017 Main structure acceptance — March 2020 Technical first light — December 2021 Instruments 1 and 2 first light — June 2022 Start of observatory operations — October 2022.

7 OPEN QUESTIONS FOR THE E-ELT 1. EXOPLANETS: first direct images of Earth-like planets 2. FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS: were the physical constants indeed constant over the history of the Universe? 3. BLACK HOLES: studies of the black hole at the center of the MW to reveal the nature of this object 4. STARS: when did the first stars form? 5. GALAXIES : individual stars in galaxies out to distances of ~ 10 Mpc 6. THE DARK AGES: can we observe the earliest epoch of the Universe?

8 Ryan Cooke (UCSC) Primordial deuterium in the era of the E-ELT Velocity Relative to z = 3.0672594 (km/s)

9 η = baryon-to-photon ratio ~ 6 10 -10

10 D/H = 2.5 10 -5 3 10 -3 3 10 -2



13 Direct evidence for new physics... consistency tests can only be trusted once it is seen through independent probes

14 T z /T 0 ~ (1+z)(α z /α 0 ) 1/4 ~ (1+z)(1 + Δα1 4 α ) but standard cosmology assumes adiabatic expansion and photon number conservation a robust prediction of standard cosmology T(z) = T 0 (1+z) violated in many scenarios, including string theory etc. T(z) = T 0 (1+z) 1-β

15 Constraints on T CMB (z) using UV absorption lines Pasquier Noterdaeme (IAP) C II* E 01 = 63.4 cm -1 C I* E 02 = 43.4 cm -1 C I* E 01 = 16.4 cm - 1 CO E 01 ~ kT CMB

16 12 CO A-X bands at z=2.41837 (main component) and z=2.41847

17 CO excitation diagram based on T 01, T 02, and T 12 long dashed line – expected T CMB = 9.315 ± 0.007 K at z = 2.4185 from the hot BB theory


19 What's next ?


21 Michael Murphy (Swinburne University of Technology) The future of varying α searches at ESO Long-range distortions!

22 Distortion correction + triple check Molaro et al. (MNRAS 2013): ESO Large Program

23 E-ELT/HIRES: Higher R not important

24 Sebastien Muller (Onsala Space Observatory) The z = 0.89 molecular absorber toward the lensed blazar PKS 1830-211 continuum map at 3 mm HST

25 PKS 1830-211 viewed with ALMA

26 Chemistry in PKS 1830-211

27 Measurement of T CMB (z) expected 5.14 K

28 Measurement of T CMB (z)

29 Constraints on Δμ/μ using molecules 20 times stronger constraint on Δμ/μ obtained in the MW disk

30 S. A. Levshakov Local tests of spatial variation of m e /m p Effelsberg 100-m telescope line width ~ 0.2 km/s ~ 0.001 km/s ~ 0.005 km/s line position uncertainty Δμ/μ < 2 10 -8 (3σ)

31 How to improve current Δμ/μ estimates ? J K =1 1 - 2 1 644.4 GHz, i.e. in B9 ALMA band 1215.2 GHz rotational transition of para-NH 3 z = 0.89 para- vs ortho-NH 3 !

32 Persson et al. 2010 Different absorption patterns ! Herschel/HIFI observations of para- and ortho-NH 3 rotational transitions V LSR robust approach – to use para-NH 3 only

33 Extragalactic NH 3 absorption detected HFLS3dusty star-forming galaxy (DSFG)z = 6.34 Riechers et al. 2013 if z > 1 thenground-based telescopes can be used to observe 1.2 THz line for σ V ~ 0.1 km/s, S/N ~ 30, and ΔV ~ 20 km/s (like PKS1830-211) Δμ/μ ~ 10 -7 (based on NH 3 only)

34 Hydronium H 3 O + frequencies are in GHz 1 1 -2 1 307 GHz 3 2 -2 2 364 GHz 3 0 -2 0 396 GHz o-H 3 O + p- H 3 O + Q -3.0 -3.5 +6.4 Kozlov & Levshakov 2011 Kozlov, Porsev, Reimers 2011 p-H 3 O + : ΔQ = Q 307 – Q 364 = 9.9 3 times ΔQ ammonia (for ALMA)

35 H 3 O + observations (star-forming regions, MW) CSO 10.4-m telescope (Phillips et al. 1992) also detected towards Orion-KL, W51M, W3 IRS5 linewidth ΔV = 3.5 km/s G34.3+0.15

36 JCMT 15-m telescope H 3 O + observations (extragalactic) 364 GHz transition M82 Arp 220 van der Tak et al. 1992 then Δμ/μ ~ 3 10 -7 local starburst if 364, 307 GHz line position uncertainties ~ 1 km/s

37 Conclusions High precision line position measurements Δμ/μ ~ 3 10 -9 ( p-H 3 O + ) ~ 0.01 km/s (Galactic molecular clouds) ~ 1 km/s (extragalactic molecular clouds) provide with ALMA facilities ~ 10 -8 (p-NH 3 ) Galactic Δμ/μ ~ 3 10 -7 ( p- H 3 O + ) ~ 10 - 6 (p-NH 3 ) extragalactic


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