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Course «Programming in C++» Introduction To Programming for Engineering & Science for students of DonNTU Prykhodko Tatyana Alexandrovna docent of.

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Presentation on theme: "Course «Programming in C++» Introduction To Programming for Engineering & Science for students of DonNTU Prykhodko Tatyana Alexandrovna docent of."— Presentation transcript:

1 course «Programming in C++» Introduction To Programming for Engineering & Science for students of DonNTU Prykhodko Tatyana Alexandrovna docent of CST, CE department DonNTU 2014

2 C Data Types and operators
Lecture 2 C Data Types and operators

3 Types of variables We must declare the type of every variable we use in C. Every variable has a type (e.g. int) and a name. We already saw int, double and float. This prevents some bugs caused by spelling errors (misspelling variable names). Declarations of types should always be placed together at the top of main or a function (see later). Other types are char, signed, unsigned, long, short and const. 3

4 Type Declaration Declaration
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int a, b, c; float x = 0.0f, y = 3.3f, z = -7.7f; printf( “Input two integers: ” ); scanf( “%d%d”, &b, &c ); a = b + c; x = y + z; return 0; } Declaration Declaration with initialization always initialize!!! Function calls Assignment statements 4

5 Data Types C programming language which has the ability to divide the data into different types. The ‘type’ of a variable determines what kind of values it may take on. Datatype of an object determines the set of value it can have & what operations can be performed on it. Data type Simple Data type User Defined Data type String Enum Structure Union Void Real integer Char Structured Data type Array 5 5

6 int – for integer (a whole number).
void (type) is a generic type. We will use this a lot. Much more later. int – for integer (a whole number). char – for character –a single character; always enclosed in single quotes. Is NEVER more than a single character. The internal representation of characters is in ASCII on most computers. ASCII is a character code set; a mechanism for internal representation. float –a number with a fractional part. 6

7 Standard Data types Only really four basic types:
char int (short, long, long long, unsigned) float double Size of these types on CLEAR machines: Sizes of these types vary from one machine to another! Type Size (bytes) char 1 int 4 short 2 long 8 long long float double 7

8 Functionality Groups Integral Types: char signed char unsigned char short int long unsigned short unsigned unsigned long Floating Types: float double long double Arithmetic Types: integral types floating types Very important: the default type for floating constants is a double! If you say this will be represented internally as a double precision number; if you wish a smaller version, then write 16.4f or 16.4F. Numeric constants without a decimal point default to int. 8

9 Sizes and ranges are machine dependent; vary from computer to computer
Standard Data types (extra) Sizes and ranges are machine dependent; vary from computer to computer short (and short int)- two bytes; 16 bits; range: to or unsigned (uses all 16 bits for magnitude) – doubles range: max value is int - some machines 16 bits; both signed and unsigned; to or 65535 most machines use ints of 4 bytes; 32 bits; signed or unsigned; Range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. long (and long int) - most use 48 or 64 bits for very large integers…. To find out the size of any data type on a computer, use the built-in function, sizeof(argument). e.g. sizeof (short int); It is true, according to ANSI standards: sizeof (short int) <= size of (int) <= sizeof (long int) Also have defined constants: INT_MIN and INT_MAX. Will use these later. 9

10 Standard Data types (extra)
Numbers with fractional parts: 4.2, , 7.0, plus scientific notation (3.5e15) The internal representation of a float is entirely different than an int. Thus 4 does not equal 4.0! Different sizes: float (4 bytes; 32 bits); double (8 bytes, 64 bits; long double (10 bytes, 80 bits) Here again, can do sizeof(double) More specifically: int s; s = sizeof(double); /* s, an int, shorter than double */ printf (“Size of a double is %d”, s); Floats are always signed internally. 10

11 More types: Signed/unsigned, long, short, const (extra)
unsigned means that an int value can only be positive. signed means that it can be positive or negative. Note: a signed int and an unsigned int both require the same size memory block; however, an unsigned type can represent a value of a magnitude larger than a signed type, since the signed type must use one of its binary digits to represent the sign of the number. To determine whether a numeric conversion will work properly or not, the following order applies: high: long double double float long int int low: short int Automatic conversion always moves from a more narrow type to a wider type. 11

12 Constants A constant is a quantity which does not change its value during execution of the program. The syntax for constant declaration is: const <data type> <var_name> = <value>; Constant Primary Constant Secondary Constant String array pointer structure character float integer 12

13 Constants Constants may be defined using the preprocessor directive, #define. #define - used to define a constant. Wherever the constant appears in your source file, the preprocessor replaces it by its value. Example: #define pi #define idNum So, for instance, every "pi" in your source code will be replace by The compiler will only see the value in your code, not "pi". The problem with this technique is that the replacement is done lexically, without any type checking, without any bound checking and without any scope checking. Every "pi" is just replaced by its value. The technique is outdated, exists to support legacy code and should be avoided. 13

14 Constants (continued)
In the earlier slide we saw that C declarations take the format: [typeQualifiers] typeSpecifier variable; The keywords const and volatile (to be discussed later) can be applied to any declaration as a type qualifier. const - if used declares an identifier whose value may NOT change during the life of the program. A few representative examples: Note: if used, the variable being declared MUST be initialized to a beginning value (with an “=“ operator). const char failingGrade = ‘f’ ; const unsigned long int = 23456; const float pi = ; const int idNum = 12345; 14

15 Constants (continued)
Enumerations - the third technique for defining constants is called enumeration. An enumeration defines a new type and limits the values of this type to a programmer defined set. Note: may not be supported by all C compilers. Example: enum COLOR { RED, BLUE, GREEN}; enum SHAPE {SQUARE, RECTANGLE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE} each enumerated constant has an integer value. Unless specified, the first constant has a value of zero. The values increase by one for each additional constant in the enumeration. So, RED equals 0, BLUE equals 1, etc. SQUARE equals 0, RECTANGLE equals 1, TRIANGLE equals 2 and so forth. The values of each constant can also be specified. enum SHAPE {SQUARE=5,RECTANGLE,TRIANGLE=17,CIRCLE}; Here, SQUARE equals 5, RECTANGLE equals 6, TRIANGLE equals 17, CIRCLE equals 18). 15

16 Constants (continued)
The advantage of enumerations is that if a variable is declared to be the type of an enumeration, it has a type and its values are limited and checked during compiling. Consider the following program: {  enum color {RED, GREEN, BLUE};      color myColor = RED;  . . .     if (myColor == RED) {   /* some code */      }      if (myColor == BLUE) {           /* some more code */       if (myColor == GREEN) {           /* still some more code */       }     . . . } Note: myColor can only be assigned one of the enumeration literals (RED, GREEN, BLUE). The assignment statement: myColor = 0; is NOT the same. 16

17 Variable Variables are memory locations in computer memory to hold different types of data. It may vary during the program execution. The syntax of variable declaration is: <datatype> <variable name>; - here ‘datatype’ is the type value stored in variable ‘varname’ Type Variable short int small_no; unsigned int number; long double precise_number; short float not_so_precise; 17

18 Variable Declarations must be declared prior to using a variable!
Values shown in memory are NOT what is actually there. These are only representative values. Recognize that EVERYTHING internally is in binary (0’s & 1’s). 18

19 Variable Declarations - may initialize during declaration, if desired.
int x=4; float a=4.15; double b=4.15; char grade; int p, d, q; /* not the best stylistically */ int c=4, d, e, f=16; /* not the best stylistically */ Better style: only declare one variable (and its initial value) per line. A better technique, all in all, is to declare variables in a declarations section of your program; assign values to variables via assignment statements. Note: when a variable is defined, it is NOT initialized. It is assigned to a memory location and will likely contain garbage. 19

20 Expressions An expression is a sequence of operands and operators that reduces to a single value. e.g Operator: a language-specific syntactical token that requires actions be taken ( +, -, *, /, % ) are most familiar All programming languages have these Operand: receive the operator’s actions. An operator may have one or more operands. Can combine operators and operands into very complex expressions. Still - must be able to be evaluated and reduced to a single value. Above: 2 and 5 are operands; + is the binary operator, addition (binary in this sense  because it requires two operands) In C there are unary, binary, and ternary operators (operators requiring one, two, or three operands respectively. 20

21 1.Arithmetic Operators Operator Meaning + Addition - Subtraction *
Multiplication / Division % Module Modulus returns remainder of division between two integers Example 5%2 returns a value of 1 21

22 2.Relational Operator Relational operators are used to compare their first operand to second operand to test the validity of their relationship. Operators Meaning Example < Less than x < 5 > Greater than x > 2 <= Less than equal to x <= 4 >= Greater than equal to x >= 4 == Equal to x == 4 != Not equal to x != 5 22

23 3. Logical Operator 4. Bitwise Operator:
It is used to connect two or more condition. Operators Meaning && Logical AND || Logically OR ! Logically NOT 4. Bitwise Operator: Operators Meaning & Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR ^ Bitwise XOR >> Bitwise right shift << Bitwise left shift - One’s component

24 5. Conditional Operator (?):
It is used to carry out conditional operations. It can be used in place of if – else. Syntax is: expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 E.g. x = (y>12) ? 2 : 400 If y>12 holds true, the value 2 is assigned to variable x. else value 400 is assigned to variable x. Condition 24

25 6. Assignment Operator: It is used to assign the result of an expression to a variable. The most commonly used assignment operator is “=” Syntax is: identifier = expression E.g. x = 5, means the value 5 is assigned to variable ‘x’. x = y, in this expression the value of ‘y’ is assigned to variable ‘x’ i.e. the value of variable on RHS is assigned to a variable on LHS. 25

26 Statements A statement causes the computer to carry out some action.
There are three different classes of statements: Expression Statement: It consist of an expression followed by a semicolon (;) e.g a = 5; /*assignment type statement*/ c = a+b; /*assignment type statement*/ ++i; /*increment type statement*/ printf(“Area= %f”, area); /*function to be evaluated*/ ; /*Does nothing. Only a semicolon*/ 26

27 Statements Compound Statement: It consist of several individual statements in it enclosed within a pair of braces { }. It provides a capability for embedding statements within another statement. e.g. { pi = 3.142; circumference = 2 * pi *radius; area = pi *radius *radius; } Above compound statement consist of three assignment type expression statement, though it is considered in a single entity within the program in which it appears. 27

28 C: An Operator Rich Language
ALL operators in C have ‘precedence.’ 1: functions, ( ), postfix increment; postfix decrement and others. 2: prefix increment ++ and prefix decrement -- ; sizeof(), unary +, unary - and several others … 3. Binary arithmetic operators: multiplication, division, modulus 4. Binary arithmetic operators: addition, subtraction 5. Some operators have VERY low operator precedence: Assignment operators and variations, such as = += -= *= /= %= But they STILL have precedence! Higher the precedence, the earlier it is evaluated in an expression. There are about 15 different precedence levels. We will learn them by groups (see next slide) 28

29 Precedence of Operators
high Operators Associativity () [] > (postfix) (postfix) Left to right ++ (prefix) (prefix) ! ~ (one’s complement) sizeof (typeCast) + (unary) - (unary) & (address) * (deference) Right to left * / % (modulus) << (shift left) >> (shift right) < <= > >= == (equality != (inequality) & (bitwise and) ^ (bitwise exclusive or) | (bitwise inclusive or) && (logical and) || (logical or) ?: = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |= , (comma operator, used in for statement) low

30 Operator Precedence All we are saying is that operators having a higher precedence are evaluated before those having lower precedence How would you evaluate: 5 * 4 + 3? Could be 35 or 23! In C and most languages, the multiplication takes place first and then the addition. Most of these operations do not have ‘side effects.’ A few do. This means that they do things besides the obvious! The prefix and postfix addition and subtraction DO have side effects…We will cover in a minute. 30

31 Priority of Operators Parentheses Inner most first
Unary operators Right to left (+ -) Binary operators Left to right (* / %) 31

32 Operators a 14 6+(a*b) a++ +a -4 a + b x = a + b; x+y ? 4 : 5
Useful in the ‘C’ for statement 32

33 33

34 quite long and complex)
(expression can be quite long and complex) 34

35 Consider an example…No side effects
x = a + b; (This is an assignment expression) Assume x = 10; a = 4 and b = 5. In the assignment statement: x=a+b; the addition takes place first, and the value of 9 is assigned to x, the target variable. The original values of a and b remain unchanged. 35

36 Now let’s look at the postfix (unary) operators…
These HAVE side effects. Consider a = 4 and x = 10 prior to the assignment. So, what happens?? AFTER execution, x=4 and a=5!!! Marked contrast to almost all other expressions! Side effect is that a is incremented by 1! 36

37 Prefix (unary) operator. Assume x = 10 and a = 4
Prefix operator has higher precedence than assignment. After execution: x has a value of 5; a has value of 5. Side effect: value of a is incremented! 37

38 How about by itself? Using a++ or a-- by themselves as in:
other statements…. a++; a--; These are valid C statements and are equivalent to: a = a+1 and a = a-1. Regardless, a is incremented and then decremented by 1. 38

39 Shortcut Operators Example Calculation Shortcut Equivalent
sum = sum + 9; sum += 9; diff = diff - 2; diff -= 2; prod = prod * 3; prod *= 3; quot = quot / 16; quot /= 16; rem = rem % 12; rem %= 12; 39

40 Most associativity is to the left
Most associativity is to the left. That is, most operators associate left. 40

41 Integer Division Division between two integers results in an integer.
The result is truncated, not rounded Example: 5/3 is equal to 1 3/6 is equal to 0 Division between any two expressions of the same type (e.g., double, long, etc.) results in a value of the same type. 41

42 Example float x = 2.0f; int y = 2; /* what results? */
x = 4 * 6; x = ?? y = y * x * 4.0; y = ?? y = 6.28*10** x - y; y = ?? 42

43 Mixed Type Expressions
Called ‘promotion/coercion and involves type conversion In any assignment, the ultimate value on the right must be converted, if necessary, to the type on the left. But in evaluating the expression on the right, or in assigning the value on the right to the operand on the left, it is very possible that promotion will occur. Automatic conversions are called ‘implicit type conversions.’ 43

44 Explicit Conversion (cast operator)
(float) a cast operator requires a unary expression. (float) (x + y) evaluates x plus y and then floats the result. (float) x + y will float x first and then try to add it to y. y may need to be coerced to float if it is a more narrow type than float. average = totalScores / (float) numScores; What happens?? (float) (a / 10) ?? If a = 3 initially? 44

45 Underflow & Overflow Example 1:
Overflow and underflow occur when the value of a variable exceeds the maximum or minimum value that can be stored in the variable. How some systems might respond - maybe not yours - check out the rules of your system!! Example 1: Suppose we execute the following statements: float a = 1.0e+20; float b = 2.0e+30; float c; c = a * b; Say the range of values for variables of type float is 3.4e-38 to 3.4e+38. The values assigned to a & b are within this range. The result of the multiplication is not! This is not detected during compilation, but rather when the last statement is executed. The program terminates and displays - floating point error: overflow Abnormal termination gcc will result in “c = inf” being printed. Example 2: Suppose we execute the following statements: float a = 1.0e-30; float b = 2.0e+20; float c; c = a / b; The result of the division is 5.0e-51, which is smaller than the minimum value that can be stored in a variable of type float. This is not detected during compilation, but rather occurs when the last statement is executed. In this case no error message is displayed. Instead, the result is set equal to zero, and so the variable c will be assigned the value 0. gcc will result in “c = ” being printed 45

46 Underflow & Overflow Some of the more common reasons for overflow and underflow are: Variables that have not been initialized, Variables that have been initialized to an incorrect value, A wrong arithmetic operation is specified, A denominator having a zero value is used during a division, When a program that worked correctly on one system is run on another system (range of values may differ from system to system), Usually occur when you are working with very large or very small numbers. How to correct?? In many cases you can switch to a data type that has a wider range, for example, switch from a float to a double or a long double. 46

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