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Microsoft Innovative Educator Project Based Learning An Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Innovative Educator Project Based Learning An Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Innovative Educator Project Based Learning An Introduction

2 Microsoft Innovative Educator Project-based Learning Project Based Learning aids the development of 21 st century skills by supporting multiple learning styles and intelligences, providing opportunities for cross- curricular connections, and addressing more than one standard within the framework of a single project.

3 Microsoft Innovative Educator Project-based Learning (cont’d) Students are also more likely to remember concepts because they engage in project management and investigate topics using multiple strategies. Your students will learn to apply skills and concepts rather than just memorizing… (Stearns & Shay, 2008).

4 Microsoft Innovative Educator Design Principles for Project-Based Learning Design Principle #1: Begin with the End in Mind Design Principle #5: Manage the Process Design Principle #4: Map the Process Design Principle #2: Develop the Driving Question Design Principle #3: Plan the Assessment

5 Microsoft Innovative Educator Benefits of Project-based Learning Increases motivation Allows children to use their individual learning strengths Provides a practical real-world way to learn and use technology Provides collaborative opportunities to construct knowledge Develops and apply social and communication skills Increases problem solving skills Supports creating connections between disciplines

6 Microsoft Innovative Educator Creating Producing, Constructing, Inventing, Planning, Making Evaluating Experimenting, Judging, Testing, Hypothesizing Analyzing Organizing, Structuring, Integrating Applying Using, Implementing, Carrying-out Understanding Summarizing, Inferring, Classifying, Explaining Remembering Finding, Naming, Identifying, Listing, Describing Bloom Revised by Anderson, Krathwohl(2000) Blooms Taxonomy Revised

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