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Mobile Learning – Part 2 of 3 An Opportunity to Increase Teaching and Learning Mary G. Beckmann July 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Learning – Part 2 of 3 An Opportunity to Increase Teaching and Learning Mary G. Beckmann July 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Learning – Part 2 of 3 An Opportunity to Increase Teaching and Learning Mary G. Beckmann July 2008

2 Part II – Electronic Print 1.What is electronic print material? 2.Benefits of electronic print material 3.What do you need? 4.Ebook readers 5.Mobile devices and ebooks 6.Where to find electronic print material 7.Application of ebooks in education

3 1. What is electronic print material? Electronic print material is any material is that is digitally produced from conventional printed material including books, journals, and periodicals and for this presentation will be referred to as ebooks.

4 2. Benefits of ebooks ebooks in education may… help support diverse learning assist in the metacognitive process help students who may have reading difficulties – this site discusses strategies

5 3. What do you need to read ebooks? all that is needed to read an ebook is a computer, an ebook reader (small free program), Internet access, and a mobile device (if the ebook is going to be read away from the computer) the process is simple – locate and download an ebook, read it on the computer using an ebook reader, or transfer the book to a mobile device and read it on the device through an ebook reader

6 4. Ebook Readers – ebook readers are small, usually free, programs that enable reading of an ebook either on a computer or on a mobile device – ebook readers allow for enlarging the font, changing margins, set bookmarks, and annotate – note: prior to downloading an ebook from a web site, users may be asked to register and registration is free and only takes a few moments

7 5. Ebooks and mobile devices In some cases, the download may bypass the computer and go directly to the mobile device as is the case with Olive Tree Bible Software. Click on the site to see a list of reading material - many are low-cost, and some are free. Click on A Short and Easy Method of Prayer and select your mobile deviceA Short and Easy Method of Prayer – and – Microsoft Reader also allows for direct transfer in some cases - (choose the reading platform – computer, Tablet PC, Pocket PC, etc.) after choosing an ebook at this site: – Use the ‘help” features in ebooks readers and at web sites. These are valuable information resources that are free and easy to use and located on almost every electronic reading material web site. Also provided will be a contact email or a ‘for more information’ link at the bottom of most web sites.

8 6. Locating electronic print material eBooks can be found in multiple places on the Internet: Some sites offer a single book only, with a theme as the one below. These are usually child related as seen below in a book that is a spiritual fiction book:

9 Locating electronic print material, continued TumblebookLibrary for kids adobe ebook library Some electronic books are in executable files (.exe) such as the religious ebooks at this site: Microsoft offers ebooks, some free such as the pocket dictionary at his site:

10 7. Application of ebooks to education There are unlimited activities and projects, both pedagogy and andragogy-based, for integrating ebooks and curriculum: – assign a specific Bible passage and ask students to locate a certain phrase or word used throughout. Ask students to compare and contrast how the phrase is used and translate the meaning or usage. Using an electronic Bible would allow for a search, annotate, and bookmark for easy reference and if students have an MP3 player or cell phone capable of reading electronic material, students would do this independently after class

11 Application, continued assign a foreign language passage such as a Latin phrase or word and ask students to research the origination of the word or phrase using an electronic foreign language dictionary or encyclopedia assign an ebook as a reading assignment and ask students to annotate their thoughts as they read then transfer their thoughts, to a Word document and an instant web journal would be created the instructor can annotate an ebook for students and provide organized notes and important points and add comments and directions - all of which can later be converted into test questions use ebooks to research, then reference, biblical locations on a map – use Holy City or Rome for example

12 Application, continued ask students to create a mobile reference and download atlases, thesauri, dictionaries, or encyclopedias ask students to create an electronic bibliography of textbooks after which the instructor will compile the reading list for all members of the class to share ask students to diagram a word or passage by using the different color options in an ebook reader use a projector to project an ebook on the wall or white board for a group or class project for a brainstorming session on a specific Bible passage or reference

13 Application, continued offers famous speeches for download, and presidential inaugural addresses From a religious ebook select a reading passage up to 200 words and copy the passage to the OPAKI site at and the instructor will create a curriculum based reading probe – ask students to analyze their words per minute as a reading achievement ask students to research a saint or an apostle using an electronic religious book ask students to detail adoration in their parish and then create a brochure using a computer

14 Application, continued research ebook authors by going to and explore ebooks, eperiodicals, and ejournals offered at the site locate an ebook containing passages or letters by religious leaders, i.e., Mother Teresa, the Pope ask students to create ebooks for the class, or to aggregate reading assignments from several texts into one ebook – the following sites show examples and how to create ebooks – – 4th graders ebooks - assignment might be to have children create an ebooks: – rpoint.htm creating talking ebooks using PowerPoint rpoint.htm

15 Application continued have students create a podcast on any topic after researching using ebooks download a play from electronic sources and ask students to research the origination of the play use the text to speech editor to read an ebook out loud

16 What next Part III will explore auditory content and include multimedia such as podcasts, video tutorials, and lecture content from universities such as Stanford and end with application of auditory content in the teaching and learning environment

17 Resources Resources for this portion of the presentation are located within this portion of the presentation and include web sites only.

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