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The Water Cycle What is it and how does it work?.

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Presentation on theme: "The Water Cycle What is it and how does it work?."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Water Cycle What is it and how does it work?

2 Did you know? Water covers 70% of the Earth’s surface 97% of the water on earth is salt water which cannot be directly consumed by humans 2% of the water on earth is frozen solid 1% of the water on earth is drinkable

3 The Water Cycle Answers! Condensation Percolation/Infiltration Water Vapor Water Precipitation Evaporation Run off

4 The water cycle begins with water. Water is found in many places. A few of them are as follows: Lakes, rivers, oceans, ponds, puddles, reservoirs, and many other places.

5 The next stage is evaporation. This is a process where the water is heated and turned into a water vapor. The sun is the main heat source this process.

6 The next stage is condensation. This is where warm and cold air collide and form ice crystals that condense and form droplets of water. These water droplets eventually become to heavy and begin to fall in the form of precipation.

7 The next stage is precipitation. This is water falling to the earth in the form of snow, hail, rain, or sleet.

8 The next stage is percolation or infiltration. The water seeps through the soil and ends up in the water table. It then flows into the streams, lakes, oceans, and other bodies of water. The process is then repeated again and again.

9 To Sum it all up… With transpiration and evaporation, the cycle begins again: EVAPORATION, CONDENSATION, PRECIPITATION, RUN-OFF, INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION, and TRANSPIRATION. Each time a molecule of water goes through the cycle it is cleaned or purified, so it can be used by plants and animals again tomorrow, next year, and hopefully forever. Evaporation CondensationPrecipitation Run-off Infiltration Transpiration

10 Modifying the water cycle Humans constantly pull water out of the cycle to use. Much of this water is polluted and must be cleaned before use. Can you think of ways that you use water? bathing cooking Drinking Watering yards

11 Pollution Can you identify which of the following could be harmful to our environment? Be prepared to explain your answer, how it relates to the water cycle, and what you can do to reduce the pollution. Oil spills Litter Soaps Pesticides Fertilizers Industrial chemicals

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