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Review of 2XMMp data products Anja Schröder, Univ of Leicester, UK John Pye, Univ of Leicester, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of 2XMMp data products Anja Schröder, Univ of Leicester, UK John Pye, Univ of Leicester, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of 2XMMp data products Anja Schröder, Univ of Leicester, UK John Pye, Univ of Leicester, UK

2 List of 2XMMp data products EPIC images and exposure maps: –bands 1 – 5 and band 8 (total band) EPIC source time series –fits file and pdf plot EPIC source spectra –fits source and background spectra –arf file –pdf plots ACDS finding charts Catalogue thumbnails and location images Catalogue source summary html pages

3 EPIC Source Specific Products (SSP)

4 SSP extraction: *PNS003SRCREG0001.ASC src: r = 28” bgd: 60” ≤ r ≤ 180” exclude sources from background: DET_ML > 15 with r = 60”

5 SSP – source selection criteria Selection of exposures: –imaging mode, science filter, BKGDSRCN = T Source selection: –EPIC counts > 500 (where PN:M1:M2 = 3.5:1:1) –PSF coverage > 50% (per exposure) –DET_ML > 15 (per exposure) Event selection: –same PATTERN as for image creation –flags for TS as in image creation –flags = 0 for PN spectra –flags = #XMMEA_SM for MOS spectra –energy band 8 (0.2 – 12 keV) GTI selection: –instrumental GTIs as given in event lists –flare GTIs as used in image creation (spectra and variability tests only)

6 EPIC spectrum products FITS file with grouped source spectrum [especget, grppha] : P SRSPEC0.FIT FITS file with background spectrum [especget] : P BGSPEC0.FIT FITS file with source ARF [especget] : P SRCARF0.FIT Spectral plot [XSPEC] : P SPCPLT0.PDF Canned RMFs available at SOC webside (-> keyword)

7 EPIC source spectrum plots (pdf) PNMOS1 MOS2

8 EPIC - time series products FITS file with corrected TS for the source (minus background), background TS, FRACEXP and variability keywords [lccorr, ekstest] : P SRCTSR8.FIT Graphics plot (source TS, background TS, fracexp and flare TS) [elcplot] : P STSPLT8.PDF FFT plot (filtered by aligned flare GTIs) [efftplot] : P SFFTPL8.PDF

9 EPIC source time series plots TS plotFFT plot   test

10 Science with 2XMMp time series

11 2XMMp Cool-Star Variability Survey Poster by J. Pye, A. Schröder, I. Stewart, N. Webb, D. Fyfe Tycho catalogue: ~2.5 million stars, V < ~13 mag -> in 2XMMp: ~2000 objects -> with TS: ~500 objects -> with obvious flares: ~40 objects -> serendipitous sources: ~10 objects

12 2XMMp Cool-Star Variability Survey: Example I HD 14716: V = 9.5mag, F5V 5 other XMM observations (total of ~60 ks) show X-ray emission at quiescent level

13 2XMMp Cool-Star Variability Survey: Example II 2MASS J04072181-1210033: V = 11.7mag, (B-V) ~ 0.5 2 XMM observations 2 days apart

14 2XMMp Cool-Star Variability Survey: Example III UY ScI: Chen et al 2006 (ApJ 131, 990): -> W UMa-type binary (P ~ 31ks, d=389 pc) => XMM PN exposure duration ~ binary period

15 2XMMp Cool-Star Variability Survey: Example IV XMM MOS1 XMM OM UVM2 filter (manual extraction)

16 Science with 2XMMp spectra

17 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines ‘Quick script’: fit power law to 3 – 12 keV sort by reduced  2 look at plots with > 10 dof

18 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example I Target: TY CrA offaxis angle: 6.’4 Simbad: YSO

19 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example II Target: G0.9+0.1 (Gal Centre) offaxis angle: 11.’7 ACDS: X-ray source [CXOU] and NIR source [2MASS]

20 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example III Target: Abell 1314 offaxis angle: 8.’9 ACDS: MCG+08-21-065 v = 8900 km/s Sb

21 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example IV Target: NGC 1068 offaxis angle: 6.’3 ACDS: star [GPM] or poss quasar [-> Arp 97]

22 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example IV EPICOM - UVW1

23 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example IV EPICOM - UVW1 green: p-src cyan: extended src

24 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example IV Target: NGC 1068 offaxis angle: 6.’3 ACDS: star [GPM] or poss quasar [-> Arp 97] Fe line: ~6.7 keV (Fe XXV)

25 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example IV Target: NGC 1068 offaxis angle: 6.’3 ACDS: star [GPM] or poss quasar [-> Arp 97] Fe line: ~6.7 keV (Fe XXV) -> z = -0.042

26 2XMMp spectra: Iron lines: Example IV Target: NGC 1068 offaxis angle: 6.’3 ACDS: star [GPM] or poss quasar [-> Arp 97] Fe line: ~6.7 keV (Fe XXV) Stellar flare


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