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SHIP Conference Future of housing for older people James Berrington Senior Strategy Manager 3 February 2011 020 7874 5898.

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Presentation on theme: "SHIP Conference Future of housing for older people James Berrington Senior Strategy Manager 3 February 2011 020 7874 5898."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHIP Conference Future of housing for older people James Berrington Senior Strategy Manager 3 February 2011 020 7874 5898

2 HCA delivering housing for older people with you – a lot to be proud of  HCA Vulnerable and Older People Advisory Group –Annual report Dec 2010  National Affordable Housing Programme 2008-11 allocations* –£531m housing for older people –£410m supported housing –£941m Total  Awards –Housing Design Awards (HAPPI) –Homes and Communities Awards * as at end Nov 2010

3 New context – a lot is changing  Spending Review  Localism  Personalisation  NHS White Paper  Public Health White Paper  Health & Social Care Bill  Dilnott Commission  National Mental Health Strategy  GP Consortia commissioning (PCTs ending)  Future of social housing consultation  Welfare benefits reform  Reduced capital and revenue funding  More to come…

4 The HCA role: investment and enabling Regulation Local authority support Investment Land Land and regeneration Affordable housing Existing stock

5 Reshaping HCA for our new role  6 local area teams –London –Midlands –North East & Yorkshire –North West –South East & East –South West  2 corporate directorates –Programmes and enabling –Finance, legal, HR, IT and corporate assurance

6 Affordable housing  £4.5bn across the spending review period  Significant NAHP programme delivery in 2011/12  Affordable rent model to support delivery

7 Affordable Homes Programme 2011-15  New Affordable Rent with new flexibilities on the use of existing assets, to generate additional financial capacity to support new supply  Providers to set out proposals for 4 year programme covering how they will: –manage existing assets and capacity –use conversions of existing stock to Affordable Rent –alongside HCA funding to generate significant volumes of new supply  We will consider the strategic fit and overall value for money across a provider’s programme offer

8 Affordable Homes Programme 2011-15  Three broad funding streams –Additional borrowing capacity generated from conversion of social rent units to Affordable Rent –Existing sources of cross subsidy including RCGF etc –HCA funding where required for development to be viable  Affordable Rent –Up to 80% of gross market rent (includes service charges) –Additional flexibility for supported housing & housing for older people: –Gross market rent comparables should be based on similar types and models of service provision.

9 Affordable Rent at a local level  Affordable Rent has to be aligned with local priorities  HCA will assist local delivery with the right mix of: –Public land assets –Affordable Housing Programme –Regulation –Aligning public funding streams Local delivery Regulation Affordable Homes Programme Land Aligning public funding

10 Affordable Homes Programme 2011-15  Affordable Home Ownership –OPSO (Older Person’s Shared Ownership) –HOLD (Home Ownership for People with Long-term Disabilities)  Supported housing at social rents may possible in exceptional circumstances  Providers or consortia to submit proposals in Spring 2011

11 London  Devolution of investment and powers to GLA  Investment programmes and team will pass to GLA when Localism Bill enacted – April 2012 Barking Riverside

12 Establishing local priorities  Aligning and building on existing commitments  Local needs analysis –Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) –Local/Regional needs models (London, NW, SE, EM + EE, SW)  Local Strategies –Supporting People and Housing Strategies –Strategic housing market assessments –Older people strategies  Informing Local Investment Plans

13 Housing for older people  Help for older people wanting to downsize –50 LAs to share £13m –new national action team at CIH offering practical support & advice to councils looking to help tenants wanting to move –DCLG, 20 Jan 2011  Dept Health letter to Social Services* –Capital investment in community capacity to LAs –Encourages innovative alternatives to residential care –Cites HCA Financial Benefits report * LASSL (DH) (2012) 2: Adults' personal social services: revenue grants and capital grant allocations for 2011-12 and 2012-13

14 Financial benefits of investment in specialist housing for vulnerable and older people  NEW REPORT published Dec 2010  Net benefit of HCA investment in specialist housing = £940 per person per year –Total net benefit for older people of £219m or £444 per person per year  Significant benefits where specialist housing reduces use of institutional care

15 Housing for older people What to develop?  General needs  Sheltered housing  Extra care  Impact of personalisation  Who is commissioning?

16 Four key report questions  Why is meeting older people’s housing needs a national priority?  What kind of housing will meet our needs as we grow older?  How can this housing be delivered?  Who can make it happen?


18 Older stock – liability or asset?  Future resident appeal?  What to do with the building? –Re-model existing building? –Demolish and build new? –Sell?  Part of broad asset strategy?

19 1950 2010 19701990

20 Carnarvon Place, Newbury Sovereign Housing Trust  85 x 1 & 2 beds for over 55s  No care & support provided on site  Replaces 3 poor quality sheltered schemes –(sites reused for general needs rent and sale)

21 Emerging ideas: Viridian Under consideration - Tower block conversion  Retirement/Extra Care flats  1& 2 beds - 50m2 to 70m2  Ground floor service hub  Location

22 Homes and Communities Award 2010 – Winner Housing for an Ageing Population Mill Rise, Newcastle-under-Lyme Aspire HA  60 extra care flats + Primary Care Centre  Outward looking  Major regen & housing market renewal area

23  Heald Farm Court, Newton-le- Willows  Helena Partnerships  DK-architects Housing Design Awards Winner HAPPI Category

24 Conclusions  New operating context + New Affordable Homes Programme  Housing for older people remains important – get the product(s) right  New challenges AND opportunities

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