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Applications of Fourier Transform. Outline Sampling Bandwidth Energy density Power spectral density.

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Presentation on theme: "Applications of Fourier Transform. Outline Sampling Bandwidth Energy density Power spectral density."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applications of Fourier Transform

2 Outline Sampling Bandwidth Energy density Power spectral density

3 Putting Everything Together

4 Frequency Spectrum of Sampled Data Signal F(ω) is replicated at integers of ω S as the result of sampling. Overlap occurs when ω S is not fast enough.

5 Shannon’s Sampling Theorem Let ω S be the sampling frequency Let ω M be the highest frequency in the frequency spectrum of the signal to be sampled. If we want to avoid aliasing, F(ω) needs to be bandlimited. ω S should be larger than 2 ω M

6 Aliasing ω=0.9π ω S =0.8π Aliasing as a result of sampling.

7 Rectangular Pulses and their Frequency Spectra (Figure 5.6)

8 Bandwidth of a Rectangular Pulse (Figure 6.23)

9 Energy Spectral Density of a Rectangular Pulse

10 Time Truncation of a Power Signal (Figure 5.34)

11 Calculation of Power Spectral Denstiy

12 Power Spectral Density of Period Signal Magnitude frequency spectrum of a period signal Power spectra density Normalize Power within less than 1000 rad/s Weight of impulse function

13 Power Spectral Density

14 Spectral Reshaping

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