Lecturette 2: Universal Designs for Learning. www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Universal Designs.

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1 Lecturette 2: Universal Designs for Learning

2 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Universal Designs for Learning (UDL) UDL extends UD to the field of education. The term UDL was coined by the Center for Accessing Special Technology (CAST) in the 1990s, and defined as a method to minimize barriers that students may experience when learning new concepts.

3 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Teacher Background, Experience, & Inclusive MissionStudentOpportunities to Learn to Learn School & Grade Level Organization Student Access to Rigorous & Challenging Courses Culturally Responsive Instructional Materials Available & Used Culturally Responsive, Relevant, & Diverse Curriculum Culturally Responsive Instructional Strategies Learner- Informed Social Context for Learning

4 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Universal Designs for Learning UDL as a Lens Universally Designed Curriculum

5 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Universally Designed Curriculum accommodates a variety of ways in which culture influences and is constructed in the learning community, which in turn, impacts: The ways in which information is presented The ways in which students respond or demonstrate their knowledge The ways in which students are engaged

6 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Assessment Student- Centered Media, & Materials Media, Methods & Materials Outcomes Assessment UniversallyDesigned Curriculum Curriculum

7 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Understand and Set Outcomes Broadly Outcomes Broadly (Rose & Meyer, 2002) Outcomes Outcomes should reflect multiple pathways for producing the desired product or performance with consideration of diverse students’ backgrounds, experiences, skills and abilities. Every student will create an essay Every student will be able to write in cursive

8 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Media, Materials & Methods Media & Materials: Alternate and multiple representations, print alternatives, use of digital content. Methods: Presentation of concepts in multiple ways

9 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Assessment in an accurate and ongoing form provides teachers and learners with information that helps them adjust: InputsInputs ProcessesProcesses Student PracticeStudent Practice FeedbackFeedback

10 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Student-Centered Learning Environment Student centered learning environments are central to UDL curriculum.

11 www.urbanschools.org Great Urban Schools: Learning Together Builds Strong Communities Media & Materials: Alternate and multiple representations, print alternatives, use of digital content. Methods: Presentation of concepts in multiple ways that incorporate culturally responsive ways of knowing, interacting, and understanding. = Outcomes Outcomes should reflect multiple pathways for producing the desired product or performance with consideration of diverse students’ backgrounds, experiences, skills and abilities. Assessment in an accurate and ongoing form provides teachers and learners with information that helps them adjust: input, processes, student practice, feedback. Student Centered: Focus on students’ interest, backgrounds, and input to inform all of the above elements of UDL curriculum, in addition to the social interactions built into the curriculum.

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