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Leaders in the Library Using the “7 Habits” in the Library.

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1 Leaders in the Library Using the “7 Habits” in the Library

2 Habit #1 – Be proactive I am in control of my behavior. Enter the Library quietly in a line. Sit in the Story Area with your legs crossed and hands in your lap. Raise your hand to ask a question or make a comment. Use walking feet in the Library. Pick up after yourself. Respect all of the property of the Library especially the books. –How do you take of your Library books?

3 Habit #2 – Begin with the end in Mind Control your own destiny; Have a plan  Strive to be a life-long reader by checking out books and reading every day. Studies have shown that you will get better grades if you read every day. (Habit #3)  Use the library to achieve the goals you have made in all parts of your life.  Become a better reader  Improve at a sport.  Complete a research project and expand your knowledge  The Library can help you become a life-long learner too!

4 Habit #3 – Put first things first Do what is most important first. Stay in line when you come to the Story Area and form rows on the rug. Always use a shelf marker when looking for books. Always remember to checkout your books.

5 Habit #4 – Think win-win “What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other” George Eliot Be a responsible user of the Library. Bring your books back on time so other people can check them out. Pay fines for lost or damaged books so they can be replaced in the Library. Always use a shelf marker so books don’t get out of place. Pick up after yourself.

6 Habit #5 – Seek first to understand and then be understood You have two ears and one mouth. Listen, listen, listen….. Being a good listener can help you be a better student and learn more, be more compassionate to others, and less selfish. Remember to wait your turn to talk either by waiting for a pause or by raising your hand to ask a question or make a comment. One way I listen in the Library is by using the “Issue Bin”.

7 Habit #6 – Synergize “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. Helen Keller Help someone who needs help  Finding a book or reading a title  Logging out of their computer  Reaching for a book  Other ideas?? Pick up after yourself

8 Habit #7 – Sharpen the saw Balance is best! Reading is a great way to practice Habit #7. Sharpening the saw means taking care of your BODY, BRAIN, HEART, and SOUL –Body – lift weights with books! (Just kidding….) –Brain – reading helps you sharpen your mind and become smarter! Find a subject or a genre you like and immerse yourself in it. –Heart – reading stories help us learn how to be kind, think of others, say you’re sorry (be compassionate), and laugh! –Soul – reading inspiring books can help you learn about you and your inner self.

9 YOU CAN BE A LEADER IN THE LIBRARY! With the “7 Habits”……

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