Organization and Management of the Latin American University for Sustainable Development. An international vision 15 November, University of Veracruz Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization and Management of the Latin American University for Sustainable Development. An international vision 15 November, University of Veracruz Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization and Management of the Latin American University for Sustainable Development. An international vision 15 November, University of Veracruz Dr Andy Johnston Principal Sustainability Advisor Forum for the Future

2 Structure of presentation The OECD Higher Education for Sustainable Development Project & Forum for the Future General impressions Frameworks for Sustainable Development Visions Opportunities and Barriers Policy Recommendations


4 challenges

5 Project objectives Capture Good practice Describe a vision of higher education for sustainable development Identify barriers and opportunities Recommend policy

6 method






12 HE4SD Partners Tipperary Institute University of Copenhagen Turku University of Applied Sciences Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Chalmers University of Technology Hosei University University of the Sunshine Coast University of Veracruz, UASLP Portland State University University of Graz Plus University of Plymouth, ITSON, University of British Columbia, Oberlin College.

13 results

14 Frameworks for sustainable development and sustainability Economic/Social/Environmental plus Cultural Ethical Equality Equity Social responsibility Politics

15 Frameworks for sustainable development and sustainability Five Capitals The natural Step I = PCT Global Reporting Initiative

16 Frameworks for sustainable development and sustainability Nature, environment, culture, society, economy and politics The university will deliver by: Improve human health and safety Make UBC a model sustainable community Increase understanding of sustainability inside and outside the university Reduce pollution Conserve resources Protect biodiversity Maintain and maximise the utilisation of the physical infrastructure Maintain and enhance the asset base Ensure ongoing economic viability

17 visions

18 Visions Organisationally the HEI will: Gain the respect of future generations Be a tool for transformation Be a deliverer of change Have integrity on SD Be responsive to societal need Be a key reference for SD Contribute to regional SD Be a social entrepreneur Be a community leader Help society achieve SD

19 Visions Organisational visions will be delivered by: Peer review Rigorous evaluation processes The integration of sustainability into the management systems Playing to organisational strengths Having clear action plans Delivering concrete impacts

20 Visions Research will be: Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary Stakeholder partnerships Bring together the natural and social sciences Advisor on SD technology Leadership in less developed countries

21 Visions Students will: Be adaptable Provide sustainable solutions Influence change Understand SD and apply it internationally Engage in lifelong learning Value respect Have been recruited knowing the sustainability culture of the HEI

22 Visions Teaching will: Be transformative Have SD integrated into all courses

23 Visions Staff will: Act sustainably Be rewarded for green teaching, research or activism Be recruited knowing the HEI’s SD ambitions Be recognised SD academics

24 Visions The campus will: Be fully sustainable Achieve the highest SD standards Be a laboratory Be an inspiring place Help students and staff to understand SD

25 Visions The local community will: Have their capacity built Be empowered Receive locally relevant sustainable solutions Work in partnership with the HEI

26 opportunities

27 Opportunities Research Demand Zeitgeist Collaborations/partnerships Networks A proactive unit driving sustainable development internally

28 Opportunities New financial mechanisms Socially oriented strategies EMS/CSR or other recognition/standard Opening up the University Competition driving up standards/creating space for change Graduate quality Communication Applied teaching Legislation Public relations gains

29 barriers

30 Barriers Lack of strategic leadership Low demand Academic and professional silos Communication

31 Barriers Money Societal silos Low public awareness of sustainable development Time HE system constraints Lack of human resources Lack of campus examples Antagonism towards sustainable development Sustainable development is not recognised as a discipline

32 policy

33 Policy Recommendations for HEIs Engage in peer review Develop Sustainable development action plans Establish professional recognition for staff engaged in sustainable development research, teaching or managing Value interdisciplinary research

34 Policy Recommendations for HEIs Build the capacity of university leadership Build the capacity of staff and students Clear concept of sustainable development agreed Prioritise research in key sustainable development areas Senior management implement the sustainable development vision

35 Policy Recommendations for the executive Evaluate HEIs contribution to sustainable development Require HEIs to develop sustainable development implementation plans Provide national coordination and support networks Finance pilot projects

36 Policy recommendations for the legislators Endorse supra national initiatives such as the Decade, EU and UN sustainable development Integrate education for sustainable development in other related legislations such as ODA Put a commitment to support education for sustainable development in core strategic documents such as budgets. Amend Higher Education Acts to propose sustainable development be a purpose of higher education including the promotion of its integration into courses. Promote the local and regional role.

37 Thank you Dr Andy Johnston

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