Michelle Weller Valerie Rosenfield Renata Rivera.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelle Weller Valerie Rosenfield Renata Rivera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michelle Weller Valerie Rosenfield Renata Rivera

2  Mission: To eliminate homelessness among Nevada's youth  Vision: All homeless youth in Nevada share the same opportunities for a quality future enjoyed by others in our community.

3  Safeplace Locations Project Safe Place provides access to immediate help and supportive resources for young people in crisis through a network of sites sustained by qualified agencies, trained volunteers, and businesses. Through a partnership with Terrible Herbst Gaming, the program is available 24-hours a day to any youth in crisis at all Terrible Herbst convenience stores in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, Laughlin, Searchlight, and Pahrump, Nevada. Staff members at all of these locations have gone through training to work with youth in crisis. In addition, all Citizens Area Transit buses act as mobile Safe Place sites, transporting any youth in crisis to the nearest Terrible Herbst convenience store for free.

4  Street Outreach Programs The goal of the program is to establish and build trusting relationships between street youth and the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth Street Outreach Team through consistent contact over a two- to three-month period. Once this has occurred, youth are more open to accessing our drop-in center and speaking with Case Managers about longer-term services, such as education and employment assistance as well as transitional housing services.

5  Housing Program The Independent Living program is a 16-bed scattered-site transitional housing program for homeless youth – ages 16 to 18 – that work or attend school full-time and attend life skills classes. The main objective of the Independent Living program is to assist self-motivated youth in achieving self-sufficiency. Unaccompanied minors between the ages of 16 and 18 are eligible to live in one of our furnished condominium units if they are currently attending school and/or working full-time. Parental permission and cooperation is required. Random home visits are made daily. Boys in the program live in condos within walking distance of the Safe Place Drop-In Center, while the girls live in Henderson. All youth are required to make daily contact with their assigned case manager.

6 Services we provide or will pay for are:  Rental Assistance  Utility Assistance  Shelter Placement  Tickets to get home  Guaranteed Job Placement  Free Haircuts  Medical & Dental Expenses  Food Vouchers  Laundry Services  Snacks  Backpacks  Toiletries  Hygiene Products  Bus Passes  Faxing Services o Mailing Address o Personal Voicemail System o Notary o Birth Certificates o Social Security Cards o Weather Appropriate Clothing o Computer & Internet Access o Telephone Access o Calling Cards o TAM Cards o Health Cards o Nevada ID's o School Supplies o GED classes o Onsite Life Skills classes The Safe Place drop-in center is the only full service drop-in center in Nevada. The center has a small library, a shower, food pantry, clothing closet, respite room, classroom and personal business station for youth.

7  Feel Good Fridays  Life Skills  Small Group Activities  Bag Stuffing  Grandparents in the Audience

8  Perform background checks on all volunteers  Work in groups  When going into the neighborhoods you must be accompanied by a male  To protect the program and children all cases of abuse are dealt with by a social worker and must be reported

9  Close to campus  We like working with kids  Good program mission and opportunities to volunteer

10  Feel Good Fridays - Passed out food and candy to kids -Baked food for donation -Built relationships with the children -Help set up and tear down the station -Encouraged good manners -Basic tutoring -Activities such as drawing, games, etc.  Bag Stuffing - Put halloween candy in bags to be passed out at street outreach events

11  Organization  Uses a hands on approach to fighting homelessness in the area  Gives children many opportunities to improve their lives  Issue  The children are not actually homeless just underprivileged  Many households support more than the basic family unit in a chaotic environment

12  Necessity of cooperation  Being flexible with our Friday nights  Fulfilling our individual requirements for the benefit of a team  Overall, teamwork went smoothly

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