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People who change and adapt language to make them sound unique is pathetic: everyone should speak the same. To what exent do you agree with this statement?

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Presentation on theme: "People who change and adapt language to make them sound unique is pathetic: everyone should speak the same. To what exent do you agree with this statement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 People who change and adapt language to make them sound unique is pathetic: everyone should speak the same. To what exent do you agree with this statement? 1.Write a paragraph arguing your opinion and explain why using examples. 2.I expect 7 sentences minimum. Think about: Diversity Language changing over time Influences around you Learning Objectives: 1.To be able to comment on how our language is affected by our environment. 2.To be able to explain and apply the term: idiolect.

2 Recap What is idiolect? Learning Objectives: 1.To be able to comment on how our language is affected by our environment. 2.To be able to explain and apply the term: idiolect.

3 Date: Sociolect Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices. Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices.

4 Sociolect Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices. The language choices shared by a particular group of people. For example: your friends, a profession or class.

5 Sociolect The language choices shared by a particular group of people. For example: your friends, a profession or class. Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices.

6 Task Watch the clip and make notes on examples of Lauren’s idiolect and the friends’ sociolect. 1.In this situation, what comments can we make about the relationship between the characters based on their language choices? 2.What purpose does having a common language serve in a friendship group or work group? 3.What happens when Lauren reveals her idiolect? ANSWER IN FULL SENTENCES Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices.

7 Sociolects to which you belong Family – Name for certain objects in the house e.g. remote control. Friends – Words to describe certain things, emotions or reactions. Hobbies – Words that you know of from a hobby you do e.g. gaming, a sport. Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices. What is the point of having a sociolect?

8 My sociolect Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices. BlatesWhatevs My love Totes ridic GCSE AQA LOP AS/A2

9 My sociolect If you can’t think of one, choose a TV character. Learning Objectives: 1.To understand and apply the term sociolect. 2.To consider what the most significant influence is on our language choices. Challenge: What or who do you think has the most significant influence on your language choices? Why do you think this is?

10 Recap 1.What is sociolect? 2.How is it different to idiolect? 3.What purpose do they serve? Learning Objectives: 1.To be able to comment on how our language is affected by our environment. 2.To be able to explain and apply the term: idiolect.

11 Scenario You’ve arrived in a new school or work place. You don’t know anyone and no one knows you. You want to make friends and fit in. How could you subtly use your language choices to make people feel like you belong there? Learning Objectives: 1.To be able to comment on how our language is affected by our environment. 2.To be able to explain and apply the term: idiolect.

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