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“Why do we plan? It gives us control!”.  The optimal training program would be one that maximally stimulated positive adaptations, while minimizing the.

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Presentation on theme: "“Why do we plan? It gives us control!”.  The optimal training program would be one that maximally stimulated positive adaptations, while minimizing the."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Why do we plan? It gives us control!”

2  The optimal training program would be one that maximally stimulated positive adaptations, while minimizing the cellular and systemic stress that can cause overtraining and injury.

3  What are the fundamental basic concepts we need to know to design our own programme?

4  General athletic fitness  Sport- specific fitness  Sport- specific skills

5  History  Current Situation  Goals  Needs Analysis

6  What is the athletes age?  What is the athletes experience doing similar sports?  Ability?  Injuries?

7  Time/Energy to train  Commitments  Health  Current Level of Fitness

8  S.M.A.R.T.E.R  Performance ‘vs’ Outcome  Checkpoints (staircase)

9  Components of Fitness  Muscle Groups  Energy System

10  Endurance  Strength  Speed  Power  Flexibility  Balance/Agility  Body Composition

11 SportComponents of Fitness Tennis Netball- Centre Rugby- Winger

12  What do we need to develop?  What is the priority?  When do we need to develop them?  For how long?  In what order?

13  Knowledge of anatomy.  What are the muscle groups used in Triathlon?

14  3 ENERGY SYSTEMS - Immediate ( < 10 sec) ATP-CP - Short Term ( 10sec- 3min) Anaerobic lactate -Long Term (3min onwards) Aerobic Energy production with oxygen and carbo (glyco) + fat (lipo)

15  How often (when?) would you use each system in Triathlon? ATP- PC Anaerobic lactate Aerobic

16  Individual Differences  Adaptation  Overload  Progression  Reversibility  Specificity  Recovery Super-Compensation


18  There is a minimum threshold for intensity and duration of stress that must be exceeded for adaptations to be triggered.  The better adapted to training the harder it is to trigger adaptations  Elite athletes may train 3-4 hours a day in order to improve 1%

19  Frequency  Intensity  Time (Duration)  Type (Discipline)

20  Resistance  Continuous  Interval  Flexibility  Circuit

21  Planning for competition  Recognises that athletes can’t maintain the highest level of performance all year round- allows athlete to peak for certain events  Develops components of fitness at desired stage of season  Plans for Super-compensation to occur.

22 LOW HIGH TIME Recovery- Regeneration Period Build Up 1 Build Up 2

23  Traditional Phases - General - Specific Preparation - Pre-Competition - Priority Competition - Transition

24  General -Endurance (high volume) -Technique Focus  Specific Preparation -Sport Specific Technique Increases -More Variety -Intensity increases -Flexibility, mental skills, nutrition

25  Pre-competition -Specialised training -Emphasis on intensity -Speed & Power -Competition starts dictating training  Priority Competition -Maintain fitness through intensity -Taper -Tatitcal & mental focus

26  Transition -Active rest -Psychological regeneration -Attend to chronic medical problems -Analysis of past performances & planning for next training year.

27  Macrocycles  Mesocycles  Microcycle

28  Traditional Approach -Base (endurance) -Strength -Speed -Power -Taper In -Race -Taper Out


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