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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRONIC TEACHER AND PRINCIPAL EVALUATION SYSTEM eTPES Principal Session: Building Set-Up."— Presentation transcript:


2 Training Norms Be present. Actively participate in activities. Respect time boundaries. Recognize the need for quiet while working. Use electronics respectfully and appropriately when prompted. Return to large group attention when signaled. 2

3 Agenda 1. Superintendent Session: Introduction and District Set- Up of eTPES 2. Principal Session: Building Set-Up of eTPES 3. Teacher Session: Teacher/ Educator Set-Up of eTPES (online module) 4. SGM Session: Student Growth Measures and Final Reports 3

4 Intended Outcomes At the end of all sessions, users within the LEA should be able to: Complete rubric alignment for OTES and OPES Automate the OTES and OPES models for users Provide secure access for users Allow users to complete the management of the evaluation process with consistency across Ohio Automate the calculation of student growth measures for the purpose of evaluation Provide reports for individual educators, LEAs Provide summary information to LEAs and ODE 4

5 Training Format I do Trainers will demonstrate and model eTPES We do Participants will practice using eTPES You do Participants will work in eTPES using own district, school 5

6 All LEAs Will Use eTPES Superintendent/ Designee 1. Responsible for initial district set-up 2. Responsible for rubric alignment for teacher and principal evaluation 3. Responsible for set-up of buildings, principals, evaluators in the eTPES 4. Must be OPES credentialed in order to enter evaluation ratings Superintendent must be identified in OEDS-R as superintendent role Designee must be identified in OEDS-R as role of superintendent designee (there is no eTPES role) 6

7 All LEAs Will Use eTPES Principal(s) 1. Responsible for initial building set-up 2. Responsible for set-up of educators (teachers) in the eTPES 3. Must be OTES credentialed in order to enter evaluation information 4. If evaluating an assistant principal, the evaluator must be OPES credentialed The state principal evaluation system only applies to principals and assistant principals. At this time, no other evaluation instruments will be developed by ODE. 7

8 All LEAs Will Use eTPES Assistant Principals, Peer Evaluators 1. Must be OTES credentialed in order to enter evaluation information for teachers Peer Evaluators: Must be part of peer-evaluation program approved at the local level 8

9 All LEAs Will Use eTPES Teachers Must log onto eTPES to activate information Any person who is employed under a teaching license or under a professional or permanent teacher’s certificate and who spends at least 50 percent of his/her time employed providing student instruction. This does not apply to a teacher employed as a substitute. This usually excludes: Speech pathologists, occupational therapists Teachers on assignment Nurses, psychologists, guidance counselors 9

10 The eTPES- 10

11 September 30, 2013 Evaluation = Student Growth Measures 50% Performance on the Standards Continuous Improvement Instruction School Operations, Resources and Learning Environment Collaboration Parent and Community Engagement Accomplished Skilled Ineffective Developing

12 OTES Model 12

13 OTES Model- September 13

14 OPES Model- September 14

15 eTPES log in from Superintendent/ Designee Activation email from no- is sent by superintendent/ designee to principal(s)no- Principals will send activation e-mail from to teachers 15

16 eTPES log in – User Settings, Password 16 Log-In Screen at

17 Account Settings View PIN 17

18 PIN Form Completion 18

19 Staff Management 19

20 Staff Management Staff Assignments 20

21 Building Staff Set up and Building Dashboard 21

22 Building Staff Set up and Building Selection Building Dashboard Building Specific roles listed below 22

23 Staff Roster- User Dashboard Account Settings 23

24 Edit Returning Teacher Information 24

25 Activate Current Listing of Teachers (Educators) 25

26 User Search Staff Management Dashboard User Search Dashboard 26

27 Adding a Teacher Click on the Administration tab at the top of the screen. Click on the Staff Management button. Click on the Search button. Enter the last name or state identification number of the teacher and click on the Search button. Send the activation email. 27

28 Building Dashboard Add Staff Assignment Search 28

29 Building Dashboard Add Staff Assignment 29

30 Removing a Teacher (from eTPES) To remove a user from your roster, go to Administration, Staff Management, Current Roster. Note: When a user is removed from your roster, you will be removing them from their role, their workflow and all of their permissions. 30

31 Teachers in Multiple Building Assignments: 31 Go to Administration, Staff Management, Current Roster. Locate the educator you want to edit, click on the line with the educator’s name. Modify the Home and Secondary locations.

32 Staff Import The Staff Import option allows Superintendents or Designees to download an Excel user template with existing eTPES staff assignments. These can be modified and replaced by LEA as needed. 32

33 Issue Resolution Staff Management Dashboard Issue Resolution Dashboard 33

34 LEA Approved Evaluators 34

35 Evaluator Management Issue Resolution Issue Resolution Dashboard 35

36 Accessing Evaluations of Teachers 36 To view and manage your educators (teachers), click on the “Educators” button on the menu at the top of the screen. This will take you to the screen above which displays the educators assigned to you and the completion status of their Evaluation process.

37 View and Manage Evaluations 37

38 Retrieving Your Own Evaluation 38 To access your evaluation information, click on the “Evaluations” button on the menu at the top of the screen. See the screen below displaying a Principal’s menu bar.

39 Completing Your Evaluation 39

40 Selection of Forms/ Reporting Options Already Determined: 1. Web-based OTES/ OPES electronic forms along with student growth (SGM) information* 2. Combination of web-based OTES/ OPES electronic forms and locally developed forms (by uploading completed local form as a PDF) along with SGM information* 3. Manually enter performance ratings along with the SGM information* *all options will calculate the Final Summative Rating 40

41 Selection of Evaluation forms/reporting 41

42 Use of Evaluation Forms 42

43 Review of Forms/ Demo: 43 Collapse/ Expand Forms Status Completion and Re-Opening Forms Details Accessing a Form Templates Saving Required Answers Character limits Comments, Notes Print to PDF

44 Upload Documents 44

45 Student Growth Measures 45

46 The eTPES- 46

47 Student Growth For the purpose of use in Ohio’s evaluation systems, student growth is defined as the change in student achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time. 47

48 OTES Model 48

49 Decisions for SGM Session Percentages for Teachers in Category A1 A2 B C 49

50 Decisions for SGM Session Percentages for Principals in Category A B C 50

51 Student Growth Measures- Teachers Starting 2014-2015 51

52 A: Teacher-level Value-Added Data Available 52 2013-14 A1. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects Exclusively A2. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects, but Not Exclusively Teacher Value Added 26-50% LEA Measures 0-24% Teacher-Level Value Added Proportional to teaching schedule 10-50% 0-40% LEA Measures Proportional to teaching schedule

53 A: Teacher-level Value-Added Data Available 53 A1. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects Exclusively 2014-15 Teacher Value Added 50% A2. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects, but Not Exclusively Teacher-Level Value Added Proportional to teaching schedule 10-50% 0-40% LEA Measures Proportional to teaching schedule

54 A: Principal-level Value-Added Data Available 54

55 B: Approved Vendor Assessment Data Available 55

56 C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment Data Available 56

57 Shared Attribution Shared attribution is a collective measure. The LEA determines which measure of shared attribution it would like to use. Shared attribution could be: A building or district value-added score Recommended if available Building team composite value-added score (i.e. the 5 th grade VAM score or the middle school reading ELA team’s combined VAM score) Building-level or district-level SLOs 57

58 SGM Default Percentages for Principals Determined and Entered Second Semester by Superintendent 58

59 Student Growth Measures 1. The superintendent or superintendent designee sets up the default percentages per teacher and principal category. (to be completed second semester) 2. The teacher and building value-added data is loaded into eTPES. (will be uploaded second semester) 3. The superintendent, superintendent designee or principal MAY edit the categories and percentages per educator (if necessary) and adds ratings for each educator. 59

60 SGM- cont’d 4. The SLO and Vendor Assessment Data are entered. 5. The principal verifies teachers’ data and final SGM rating. (April) 6. The superintendent or superintendent designee verifies the principal’s data and final SGM rating. In addition, they verify and validate the data with their PIN. After this, the SGM rating and Performance Rating are combined to determine the Final Summative rating. (late April) 60

61 eTPES Implementation Timeline Early- to mid-August: Superintendent/ Designee will set-up initial use for LEA Mid- to late- August through September: Principal will set-up teacher roster Mid-September through October: Teacher sign-on and verification SLO approvals at this time February-March: Student growth measures system set-up April: SGM entry and verification; SLO scoring at this time May 1: Evaluations complete and entered into eTPES no later than May 10 May 31: eTPES closes 61

62 Reflection Discuss with an elbow partner your impressions of eTPES: Which component(s) of the eTPES will be most difficult to complete? Why? With which component(s) of the eTPES are you most comfortable? What resources are available to you to help? 62

63 Help 1. Help Screen 1. Policy questions- please e-mail 1. Technical questions- please e-mail or call (615) 467-6387 63

64 Next Steps: 64 Proper credentialing of evaluators before evaluations begin Determine Educator SGM Categories SLO approval procedure within the LEA no later than end of September SLO approval no later than end of October

65 Work Options: You Do Complete building work in eTPES as needed OR Return to your district to work in eTPES as needed 65

66 Principal Session This concludes: eTPES Principal Session: Building Set-Up eTPES Professional Development Dr. Kathy Harper (state trainer info here) 937-767-1303 Sandy Sammons Carol King 66


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