12 TH SEPTEMBER 2014 Developing Primary Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "12 TH SEPTEMBER 2014 Developing Primary Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 TH SEPTEMBER 2014 Developing Primary Assessment

2 Today we will…. Clarify the national messages given at recent briefing and recent national events including updates on materials from the Assessment Innovation Award schools Explore the approaches to assessment which have been developed by consultants alongside English and mathematics leaders Signpost the approaches to assessing foundation subjects promoted by the subject specific development groups Offer the opportunity to share the experience of new assessment approaches being trialled in schools.

3 National curriculum and assessment from September 2014: information for schools The test frameworks for the new tests for 2016 have been published KS1 and 2 test outcomes will be reported as a scaled score, where the expected score is 100. Pupil progress will be determined in relation to the average progress made by pupils with the same baseline (i.e. the same KS1 average point score). For example, if a pupil had an APS of 19 at KS1, we will calculate the average scaled score in the KS2 tests for all pupils with an APS of 19 and see whether the pupil in question achieved a higher or lower scaled score than that average The exact methodology of how this will be reported is still to be determined. New performance descriptors will be published (in draft) in autumn 2014 which will inform statutory teacher assessment at the end of key stage 1 and 2 in summer 2016. Final versions will be published by September 2015. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/347985/National_curriculum_and_assessment_from_September_2014.pdf

4 DFE Support for Schools model assessment systems through Assessment Innovation Fund award winning schools, example materials from these schools can be found on the TES website and are available free of charge, for schools to download and use, see assessment without levels. Materials will become available over the next few months and we will upload resources as we receive them http://community.tes.co.uk/national_curriculum_2014/b/assessment_without_levels/default.aspxhttp://community.tes.co.uk/national_curriculum_2014/b/assessment_without_levels/default.aspx.


6 Your questions… Do schools have the freedom to measure progress in their own way? – we anticipate schools with high mobility will find this awkward (E.g I have a new child starting that is below ARE – but how far below?) How do we swap over from one system to another? How does it work for year groups eg 3 and 4, how would you report expected, exceeding ? Do we need to teach history chronologically? Will we need to use EYFS profile this year?

7 Key questions to ask about the curriculum, assessment and accountability reforms Which year groups are being taught the new national curriculum? And in which subjects? What is available on the website for Governors and parents to see? How are you assessing attainment and progress in different year groups? What professional development opportunities have been made available to staff to support them in getting to grips with the new content and the raised expectations within the new national curriculum? What are your immediate priorities to ensure that the new national curriculum in embedded throughout the school? How will you ensure a smooth transition to new assessment and tracking systems? How do you intend to report to Governors and parents during this time of change? How are you liaising with other schools, or the LA, to ensure a consistency of expectation for each year group?

8 Life after levels – assessing and tracking using the Wandsworth materials Schools’ have the choice – the importance of the link to the NC The beginnings of a common language This is a process – over the year and beyond ‘Suck it and see’ Dual system for 2014 – 2015? The place of tests Wandsworth criteria – from the NC – in English, expanded English and maths  Commonalities in presentation and organisation  Emerging, securing, deepening  NOFAN


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