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BOOK OF GENESIS The beginning By: Daniel, Elisha, Georgia, Rebeka and Whitney.

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Presentation on theme: "BOOK OF GENESIS The beginning By: Daniel, Elisha, Georgia, Rebeka and Whitney."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOOK OF GENESIS The beginning By: Daniel, Elisha, Georgia, Rebeka and Whitney

2 The book of Genesis is the first book of the bible. With stories that include the creation of the world, Cain and Abel and Noah and the ark, Genesis plays a vital role in the understanding of God’s intensions and the way we are expected to live as Catholics. One of the main focuses in Genesis is the creation of the world. God’s actions towards creation are given in chronological order, along with his intensions. We are told that God created the world in 6 days, and on the 7 th day God rested. Human beings were created on the 6 th day, and were made to take care of all of Gods creations. In the following passage you will see that humans were created in the image of God, to follow his ways and be good people.

3 GENESIS 1:27-28 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground”

4 It is essential for people to understand that they have a purpose. God created man kind as the highest living beings, to care for the earth and the animals.

5 If humans do not fulfill their purpose, then the earth would succumb to unfavourable circumstances.

6 Man is believed to be created in the image of God. Man was the last of all the creatures to have been created; and this was both an honour and a favour to God. Even though humans are the favoured beings; we must not forget that humans were created on the same day as the beasts, are made from the same earth as them, and inhabit the earth just like them. This reinforces that we are all part of God’s creation and should treat each living thing equally. “Man made in the image of God” does not refer to man being created in the same biological form since God is a spirit and man is earthly. God regards man differently from the animals. The Bible account is primarily concerned with the relationship between God and man. Man was created by God, in his image, for God’s joy and glory, and exists only in the context of God.

7 Genesis is the most crucial book in the bible. Without it, we would not be able to understand the creation of the world. It gives us an understanding of our purpose, and God’s intentions of us being able to care for his creation. Without the beginning, how would the rest of the Bible be able to continue?

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