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Introduction »Paul Foster »President CEO – Pick Up And Play »Focus of information  Vote on level.

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2 Introduction »Paul Foster »President CEO – Pick Up And Play » »Focus of information  Vote on level of technical jargon  Open forum ask questions right away  Practical Examples

3 Topics »Why add social networking? »Social Application Components  Application components  Server components  Client components »Device/OS Specific capabilities »Examples  TAT Poker  Prize Play  MySpace  iTorque »Tips, Tricks and suggestions

4 Why Add Social Networking? »What are your goals?  Increase sales  Capture user data  Start a community  It’s just cool »Advantages of a phone vs PC  Always with the user  LBS and GPS information  Direct connection to your user  Contact lists built in »Dis-Advantages of a phone vs PC  Smaller screen  User input  Connection issues  Development issues

5 Application Components »What are your App’s pieces?  The more interaction the higher level of complexity of server/client code and error checking.

6 Server Components (first get a social networking server) »Database  Why use MySQL – Tip 1 »PHP, ASP, Sockets  What type of application are you planning? »http, https, ssl  What type of data? Sensitive or Not? »XML, SOAP, Text, Binary Wads  What does the client support?

7 Client Components »Connection type  http(s)  Sockets – Tip 2  TCP/IP  UDP »Data parsing  Xml – Tip 3 »Data Display  1:1 Mapping – Tip 4  MVC – (Data View Controller)  Images, text, movies, sound  Player location, scores, names, actions  Views within Views  Local state vs network state

8 Client Components cont. »Data Input  User feedback »Creating/Receiving packets  All the data is the same parse it that way – Tip 5 »Error handling/debugging  Big piece of the puzzle  More time spent here than thought

9 Server/Client Key Components DATA -API/SDK’s -Data Formats -Error handling -Security -Connection maintenance

10 Built in OS Components »J2me  »Brew  INetMgr  ISocket  IWeb »Android Java   javax.xml.parsers  MySql Lite  Bonjour »iPhone Objective C  NSURL  NSURLRequest  NSURLConnection  MySql Lite  Bonjour

11 Examples »TAT Poker  PHP High Score  Unique Login  Runs on j2me, Brew, iPhone »Prize Play  Turn based competition for prizes  Runs on Brew  Uses phone unique info »MySpace  Complete social app  Runs on iPhone and Android  Takes advantage of hi end phones »iTorque  Real time multiplayer app  Real time  Chat

12 Tips, Tricks and Suggestions »Tip 1 - MySQL  Common backend for PHP or ASP  Open source  MySQL lite available on iPhone and Android »Tip 2 - Sockets  All platforms support sockets  HTTP can go over sockets  Sockets can be used for most advanced transport  Sockets keep alive »Tip 3 - XML  Human readable  SOAP  Tools  Automatic parsers available (tinyXML others)

13 Tips, Tricks and Suggestions »Tip 4 - Let the server do the work  Server already knows what device you are talking to  let it format the data for you  Processing is there  Less network traffic  Less local/debugging »Tip 5 - Abstract Classes  Connect  GetData  PutData  ParseData  CreateData » Bonus Tip - Always program like all network calls are asynchronous  Multi-threaded nature of networking

14 Questions? »Open forum for questions.

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