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Dr Kate Hardy, Clin.Psych.D Post Doctoral Fellow Prodromal Assessment, Research and Treatment Team (PART), UCSF

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Kate Hardy, Clin.Psych.D Post Doctoral Fellow Prodromal Assessment, Research and Treatment Team (PART), UCSF"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Kate Hardy, Clin.Psych.D Post Doctoral Fellow Prodromal Assessment, Research and Treatment Team (PART), UCSF

2 Aims/objectives  Provide an introduction to the course  Course structure  Brief overview of CBT  Consideration of CBT techniques within current practice

3  What goals do we have as a group?  Rate selves in terms of knowledge of CBT  How will we know if we have reached goals and what will that look like?

4  How what you do (behavior) and what you think (cognition) effects how you feel.  Thinking includes how you think about yourself, the world and other people  Here and now focus though draw upon past experiences to explain schema formation

5 Environment Biology Thoughts behavior Mood

6  Anxiety, depression, OCD, phobias, PTSD and social phobia  Growing body of evidence for use in psychosis  NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence – UK) recommends that CBT should be the first line of treatment for depression and anxiety  Also a recommended treatment option for people diagnosed with Schizophrenia

7  Have basis in cognitive model to describe onset and maintenance of disorder being treated  Formulation driven  Structured  Shared problems and goals  Educational  Utilise guided discovery  Homework  Time limited (Beck, 1976)

8  Time limited  Here and now focus  Educational/didactic  Medicalised

9  In small groups discuss: ◦ What concerns (if any) do you have in working with this population and using CBT? ◦ What (if anything) are you looking forward to  Feedback to the group

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