CORDEX archiving: documentation, ToU, archives, ESGF Grigory Nikulin Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "CORDEX archiving: documentation, ToU, archives, ESGF Grigory Nikulin Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORDEX archiving: documentation, ToU, archives, ESGF Grigory Nikulin Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

2 CORDEX-ESGF team Martin Juckes and Stephen Pascoe (BADC, UK) Ole B. Christensen (DMI, Denmark) Stephanie Legutke and Stephan Kindermann (DKRZ, Germany) Sebastien Denvil (IPSL, France) Grigory Nikulin and Michael Kolax (SMHI, Sweden) Prashanth Dwarakanath and Torgny Faxén (NSC-LIU, Sweden) and many more …. publication of CORDEX simulations on ESGF is an joint effort of several European groups with coordination by the IS-ENES2 FP7 project

3 CORDEX archive specifications authors: Ole B. Christensen (DMI), Bill Gutowski (ISU), Grigory Nikulin (SMHI) and Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ) principal maintainer: Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ) 3 main versions during 2009-2014: original one (2009-2010), pre-ESGF (2010-2011) and with ESGF-related modifications (2012-2014) still not approved by SAT place: CORDEX Data Management Wiki (DKRZ): working area, earlier versions, both *doc, *pdf ENES CORDEX page, the latest version *pdf DMI CORDEX page, the latest version *pdf,

4 CORDEX Variable Requirement Table variable names, attributes, frequencies etc. authors: Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ), Ole B. Christensen (DMI) and Grigory Nikulin (SMHI) responsible: Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ) no ocean variables (coupled RCMs in Arctic- and MED-CORDEX) ? vegetation and biogeochemical variables (dynamical vegetation) ? more pressure levels for cross sections (now 850, 500 and 200 mb) place: CORDEX Data Management Wiki (DKRZ): working area, earlier versions, both *doc, *xsl ENES CORDEX page, the latest version *pdf DMI CORDEX page, the latest version *pdf,

5 CORDEX MIP Tables the same information as in the CORDEX VR table: variable names, attributes etc. text files used by Climate Model Output Rewriter (CMOR) author: Sebastien Denvil (IPSL, France), Jamie Kettleborough (MOHC, UK) place: PCMDI

6 CORDEX Terms of Use (1) author : Martin Juckes (BADC), Colin Jones(MOHC/SMHI), Ole B. Christensen (DMI), Michael Lautenschlage (DKRZ) based on the CMIP5 ToU approved by the CORDEX SAT (May 2013) place: DMI CORDEX page, (*pdf),

7 the CORDEX ToU are mainly based on the CMIP5 ToU both define two groups: “non-commercial research and educational purposes” and “unrestricted use“ (+ commercial) all users have to select one of two groups (ESGF) ToU are defined by individual CORDEX RCM groups (ESGF) and by the CORDEX domain archives (the same for all RCMs) the situation is more complex compared to CMIP5 (a combination of two ToU) an unrestricted RCM downscales a non-commercial AOGCM: RCM output is non-commercial by default but there are exemptions (not reflected in the CORDEX ToU ) Martin Juckes (BADC) has been contacting the non-commercial CMIP5 modelling groups (MIROC, MRI and NICAM (aqua planet) in May 2014): MIROC5 is non-commercial but dynamically downscaled data driven by MIROC5 does not inherit the restrictions - a derived product (not documented at moment) MRI are hoping that the removal of restrictions on the use of their data will be approved this summer. still not so clear with Empirical-Statistical Downscaling (ESD): many different methodologies of different complexity CORDEX Terms of Use (2)

8 CORDEX ESGF coordination issues (1) excel spreadsheet with information about modelling centres: institution names (short and long), RCM names, ToU, contacts etc. collected by sending requests to all known RCM groups author: Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ) + input: Grigory Nikulin (SMHI) responsible: Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ) place: IS-ENES: (*xlsx) CORDEX Data Management Wiki (DKRZ)

9 CORDEX ESGF coordination issues (2) a set of scripts have been developed (Stephan Kindermann, DKRZ) conversion of the COREDX ESGF issues excel spreadsheet to different formats: text lists, html html table with ToU for different modelling groups as example

10 RCM and GCM name lists (CVs) confirmed RCM names and all CMIP5 GCM names (technical docs for QC) authors: Ole B. Christensen (RCM) and Martin Juckes (GCM) contribution (RCM): Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ), Grigory Nikulin (SMHI) place: (text)

11 Quality Control The CEDA CORDEX Compliance Checker (Martin Juckes, BADC): file names, attributes etc. The DKRZ Quality Checker (Heinz-Dieter Hollweg, DKRZ): file names, attributes + missing time steps, wrong time, suspicious max/min values.. and a link from the DMI CORDEX page list below - what has to be checked before publication on ESGF authors: Stephanie Legutke (DKRZ) with input from other groups place: ENES CORDEX page DMI CORDEX page

12 IS-ENES2 Datanode Administrator’s Reference Manual clear instructions how to publish CORDEX simulations on ESGF (consistent across all IS-ENES2 ESGF datanodes) author: Prashanth Dwarakanath (NSC-LIU) place: IS-ENES GitHub

13 CORDEX archives (not ESGF) Med-CORDEX (MED): users should be approved ToU – “non-commercial only” for all simulations (web) East Asia (EAS) register and download ToU – “non-commercial only” for all simulations (pdf doc) South Asia (WAS) users should be approved ToU – “non-commercial only” for all simulations (web) CCCma (Canada) register and download ToU – “unrestricted” only CanRCM4: AFR, ARC, EUR, NAM, both 0.22 and 0.44deg

14 CORDEX-ESGF in operation CORDEX-ESGF is in operation since mid September 2013 now ESGF provides the same interface for both global (CMIP5) and regional (CORDEX) climate simulations 542 users in the CORDEX-ESGF group (12 May 2014)

15 CORDEX ESGF archive At moment (May 2014) full CORDEX support only on the European ESGF index nodes: (SMHI-NSC, Sweden) (DMI, Denmark) (DKRZ, Germany) (BADC, UK) (IPSL, France) It doesn’t matter from which of the index nodes CORDEX simulations can be accessed, a federative system, no central archive, links lead to the same files All CORDEX simulations are visible on almost all ESGF index nodes [ thanks to Prashanth Dwarakanath (NSC-LIU) ] Not all ESGF index nodes support the full CORDEX search: the CORDEX specific search facets “Domain”, “Driving model”, “Downscaling realisation”

16 CORDEX ESGF datanodes (12 May 2014) DatanodeNumber of Datasets Number of CORDEX domains SMHI, NCS-LIU, Sweden 27804AFR-44, ARC-44, EUR-11, EUR-44, MNA-44, MNA-22, NAM-44, SAM-44, WAS-44 DMI, Denmark 5394AFR-44, ANT-44, EUR-11, EUR-44, NAM-44 DKRZ, Germany 3324AFR-44, EUR-11, EUR-44, WAS-44 BADC, UK 1004AFR-44, AUS-44, EUR-44, EAS-44 Univ. Cantabria, Spain 228EUR-22, EUR-44 CEA, France 196EUR-11, EUR-44 NorStore, Norway -published EUR-44 and EAS-44 earlier, not available now DHMZ (Croatia), UQAM (Canada) and CNRM (France) are waiting at DMI (QC) one dataset: one variable, experiment, domain, frequency full CORDEX output for one simulation (Core+Tier1): 235 datasets

17 CORDEX Domains on ESGF (12 May 2014) 10 CORDEX domains are available (different number of simulations) a RCM group publishes simulations on its own datanode (if available) where to publish is decided within the CORDEX domains: ESGF non-ESGF EUR-11 to DKRZ and EUR-44 to DMI (Euro-CORDEX) CORDEX DomainNumber of DatasetsNumber of groups Europe (44, 22, 11)6091/113/38948/1/5 Africa (44)62344 North America (44)17522 Arctic (44)27181 MENA (44, 22)1551/7001/1 South Asia (44)8302 South America (44)5641 Antarctica (44)6041 Australia (44)1711 East Asia (44)1711

18 RCM groups on ESGF (12 May 2014) CORDEX DomainNumber of DatasetsNumber of modeling groups EUR-44, -22, -116091/113/38948/1/5 (7 RCMs) AFR-4462344 NAM-4417522 ARC-4427181 MNA-44, -221551/7001/1 WAS-448302 SAM-445641 ANT-446041 AUS-441711 EAS-441711 post-processing is more complex than expected (QC, a few iterations) not only for new RCM groups using WRF and RegCM WRF NetCDF Extract&Join – a common tool for WRF (still in development) RegCM - ?

19 What is actually available on ESGF ? an automatically generated list with all CORDEX simulations visible on ESGF (Stephan Kindermann, DKRZ) an example, can be adjusted

20 Euro-CORDEX downloads (EUR-44) Most popular variables: precipitation, mean, maximum, minimum temperature and wind

21 Euro-CORDEX downloads (EUR-11) Most popular variables: precipitation (favourite), mean, minimum, maximum temperature and specific humidity

22 Africa-CORDEX downloads (AFR-44) Most popular variables: precipitation, minimum, mean, maximum temperature and wind

23 MENA-CORDEX downloads (MNA-44) Most popular variables: minimum temperature, precipitation, mean, maximum temperature and wind User needs: minimum temperature is important for agriculture

24 Downloads per CORDEX domain EUR-11 – hi-res Euro-CORDEX is a clear favourite

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