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GCSE Sociology (2010) David Bown – Chair of Examiners Janis Griffiths – GCSE Chief Examiner Joanna Lewis – Subject Officer Andrew Bevan – Subject support.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Sociology (2010) David Bown – Chair of Examiners Janis Griffiths – GCSE Chief Examiner Joanna Lewis – Subject Officer Andrew Bevan – Subject support."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Sociology (2010) David Bown – Chair of Examiners Janis Griffiths – GCSE Chief Examiner Joanna Lewis – Subject Officer Andrew Bevan – Subject support Officer

2 Compulsory Study There are three core themes in the GCSE Sociology specification: –People and Society –Power and Control –Research Methods

3 Overview of the specification Understanding social processes 50% Compulsory core: assessing understanding of socialisation, culture and identity, social control, social interaction and social change One choice of Family, education, mass media, sport: Understanding social structures 50% Compulsory core: assessing understanding of social organisations and structures, power, authority, life chances One choice of: Work, power and participation, crime and deviance, global citizenship

4 Summary of Assessment There are two examinations of 1 ½ hours each. –Understanding social processes –Understanding social inequality They follow exactly the same format. Each is worth 50% of the marks for the full award. There is no tiering of entry and there is no coursework.

5 1. Understanding social processes Understanding social processes (socialisation, identity and inequality) (60 marks) Optional questions (40 marks each) –Family –Education –Mass Media –Sport

6 2. Understanding social processes Understanding social structures (inequality, organisations, power, socialisation) (60 marks) Optional questions (40 marks each) –Work –Power and Participation –Crime and Deviance –Global citizenship

7 Framework for the options Each option follows the basic framework of: –Key concepts, –Structures, processes, issues in contemporary society –Evidence and theories used to discuss and explain society Additional detail has been added to the specification to clarify areas that may be questioned.

8 AO1 - Recall, selection and communication of social structures, processes and issues AO2 - Application of knowledge and understanding in a variety of contexts AO3 - Selection, analysis and evaluation of information Assessment Objectives

9 Compulsory question framework There will be a variety of stimulus materials including images and writing. Each stimulus will have a range of questions with a variety of mark ranges. Many questions will require one word answers, but there will be questions that require extended writing. Research methods will be tested in this section. All questions will be compulsory.

10 Optional question framework (a) Describe and explain *** (10 marks) (b) Explain *** (10 marks) (c) Using sociological knowledge, discuss ***(20 marks)

11 Leading to questions That test extended writing skills Part (a) questions will tend to look at patterns and trends typical of our society (15 marks) Part (b) questions focus on explaining social phenomena (30 marks) Weightings on both questions tend towards AO1

12 For teachers … Note that there has been little change in the thematic style of the examination There are more options. The specification offers more detail in terms of topic and content The style of the optional questions have changed to encourage extended writing. Markschemes have been extended and updated In addition, full support is available on the NGfL Cymru website and on the WJEC website

13 Sources of support and help The subject officer: NGfL Cymru WJEC

14 For further information, please contact the subject officer at the WJEC Joanna Lewis 245 Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YX

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